Apex Standards Claim Construction

Patent: US6374229B1
Filed: 1999-10-20
Issued: 2002-04-16
Patent Holder: (Original Assignee) Billingnetwork com Inc     (Current Assignee) Bnp Holdings LLC
Inventor(s): Susan Lowrey, Richard A. Krumholz

Title: Integrated internet facilitated billing, data processing and communication system

Abstract: A database server and a Citrix®-type direct access server electronically interconnected between said database server and a plurality of subscribers, each of which gain secure access into a server via a modem and an internet service provider (ISP). Thin client access provides for electronic transfer of billing and data entry to each direct access subscriber upon request. Browser based subscribers use forms processing to transfer data into the database server which utilizes an appropriate application software therein to produce billing invoices and statements to clients and customers of each corresponding subscriber. Thin client access also provides real time electronic viewing and query access regarding data and billings stored in the database server by each corresponding direct access subscriber. A home page of a website of the system provides access via an ISP to the database server by a plurality of browser-based subscribers. The home page provides secure access by each browser-based subscriber to each of a plurality of subscriber areas within the system. The database server includes open database compliant software (ODBC) for seamless integration with other software applications. Data entered on the forms is then sent electronically to be entered into said database server to produce billing invoices and statements from applications software to clients and customers of each corresponding browser-based subscriber.

The First Claim: 1. An integrated internet facilitated billing, data processing, and communication system comprising: a database server and a home page of a website which provides access via an internet service provider (ISP) to said database server by a plurality of browser-based subscribers each of which have electronic access to said home page via a modem and the ISP; said home page providing only secure access by each browser-based subscriber to one of a plurality of subscriber areas within said system; means for providing electronic transfer of substantially only billing and data entry forms to the browser-based subscriber upon request, data entered on said forms, when electronically returned to a corresponding said subscriber area, then entered into said database server, said database server then, utilizing an appropriate application software thereon, producing billing invoices and statements to clients and customers for each corresponding browser-based subscriber; means for providing real time electronic viewing and query access of data and billings stored in said database server by each corresponding browser-based subscriber; a PC type computer electronically connected to said database server for controlling said forms as required and responding to queries entered by each browser-based subscriber.

Disclaimer: The promise of Apex Standards Claim Construction (CC) is that it will conduct the Broadest Reasonable, Ordinary, or Customary Interpretation for the claim elements of a target patent or the technical specification languages of an industrial standard. Therefore, a top-down, apriori evaluation is enabled, allowing stakeholders to swiftly and effectively analyze the relevance and scope of terms and phrases under consideration prior to making complex, high-value judgments. CC is intended to alleviate the initial burden of evidence by providing an exhaustive list of contextual semantic understandings that can be used as building blocks in the development of a prosecution-ready, licensing-ready, or litigation-ready work product. Stakeholders can then utilize the CC to revise the original claim or technical languages, as well as to find more relevant arts in order to build strategy and accomplish additional goals.

Reference Claim Element / Subject Matter Feature Meaning Claim Construction & Interpretation
[1] 1 .

An integrated internet [1]
internet [1] [Meaning 1] network
[Meaning 2] network based
[Meaning 3] browser based
[Meaning 4] internet based
[Meaning 5] web site
[Meaning 6] electronic web site
[Interpretation 1] web based billing and data processing and communication system for use in an electronic billing system wherein said integrated web
[Interpretation 2] network system for providing electronic billing and data processing and communication services to subscribers of an
[Interpretation 3] network system for providing an electronic web based subscriber access to an
[Interpretation 4] billing and data processing and communication system for electronic commerce transactions said
[Interpretation 5] network system for providing an integrated and secure web site
[2] facilitated (based, telephone, access, electronic, browser based) billing [2] billing [2] [Meaning 1] information
[Meaning 2] accounting
[Meaning 3] communication
[Meaning 4] telephone billing
[Meaning 5] electronic billing
[Meaning 6] based billing
[Interpretation 1] telephone billing and data processing and communication system for providing an integrated internet facilitated telephone billing
[Interpretation 2] data processing and communication system for billing and data entry of customers of said integrated internet
[Interpretation 3] billing and data entry system for use in an integrated electronic billing
[3] , data processing [3] data processing [3] [Meaning 1] information
[Meaning 2] management
[Meaning 3] data
[Meaning 4] accounting
[Meaning 5] data entry
[Meaning 6] database management
[Interpretation 1] data entry and reporting system for use in an integrated billing system and billing data entry
[Interpretation 2] accounting and data entry and management system for an information processing system
[4] , and communication system [4] communication system [4] [Meaning 1] display
[Meaning 2] system
[Meaning 3] database
[Meaning 4] reporting
[Meaning 5] viewing system
[Meaning 6] reporting system
[Interpretation 1] billing system for providing billing and data entry services to clients and customers of the internet service of the system
[Interpretation 2] reporting system for billing and processing data entered by one or more client and customer telephone sets of the type
[Interpretation 3] data entry system for use by one or more clients and customers of the system and
[Interpretation 4] information management system for use by client and customer and the system
[Interpretation 5] information management system for billing and data entry of clients
[Interpretation 6] data entry system for billing and data entry of customers
[5] comprising (comprises, includes, having, including, characterized by) : a database server [5] database server [5] [Meaning 1] server
[Meaning 2] database
[Meaning 3] server database
[Meaning 4] computer database
[Meaning 5] data server
[Meaning 6] database server means
[Interpretation 1] web server for providing electronic access to billing and data entry forms via an appropriate web browser on the internet
[Interpretation 2] computer network including at least one server for storing billing and data processing and communication information
[Interpretation 3] web server having an electronic connection to an internet network for electronically connecting to database server
[Interpretation 4] database server electronically connected to an internet network for storing billing and data entry forms thereon
[Interpretation 5] web server having an electronic connection to at least one database server
[Interpretation 6] database server having an electronic connection to an internet data network system
[Interpretation 7] network connected to an internet type computer for providing database server access
[6] and a home page [6] home page [6] [Meaning 1] portion
[Meaning 2] home
[Meaning 3] host
[Meaning 4] page
[Meaning 5] homes page
[Meaning 6] web page
[Interpretation 1] network interface card for providing electronic access to and processing data and billing information stored therein via the home page
[Interpretation 2] plurality of subscriber areas within said system for storing billing and data entry forms and data including the home page
[Interpretation 3] home page electronically connected to said database server for providing access to said database server by the client and customer
[Interpretation 4] plurality of subscriber areas within said database server each of which corresponds to the home page
[Interpretation 5] home page electronically connected to said database server and which is in the form of part
[Interpretation 6] plurality of subscriber areas within said system including an electronic home page
[Interpretation 7] web server interconnected to each other by the home page
[7] of a website [7] website [7] [Meaning 1] server
[Meaning 2] type
[Meaning 3] computer
[Meaning 4] network server
[Meaning 5] server computer
[Meaning 6] web server
[Interpretation 1] predetermined format which is electronically connected to said database server via an internet protocol network and an internet access server
[Interpretation 2] plurality of browser type subscribers to said database server wherein said database server is electronically connected to an internet network
[Interpretation 3] subscriber area within said system each of which is electronically connected to an internet access server
[Interpretation 4] computer network connected to said database server via an internet access server
[Interpretation 5] network of internet servers and web sites interconnected by an internet backbone
[Interpretation 6] plurality of browser based subscribers for said database server including an internet
[Interpretation 7] plurality of subscriber areas within said system including an internet
[8] which provides (allows, manages, controls, provide, enables) access [8] access [8] [Meaning 1] communication
[Meaning 2] connection
[Meaning 3] connectivity
[Meaning 4] electronic access
[Meaning 5] internet access
[Meaning 6] secure access
[Interpretation 1] for electronic access to the database server via an internet protocol network and which provides for real time electronic access
[Interpretation 2] access to billing and data entry forms to subscribers of said system via the internet and which is electronically connected
[Interpretation 3] secure access to said database server via the internet and which is capable of electronic access
[Interpretation 4] secure access to said database server and which is electronically connected only
[Interpretation 5] billing and data entry forms for electronic transfer upon request
[Interpretation 6] for electronic access of data and billing information electronically transferred
[9] via an internet service provider [9] internet service provider [9] [Meaning 1] internet
[Meaning 2] exchange
[Meaning 3] information provider
[Meaning 4] internet provider
[Meaning 5] is provider
[Meaning 6] intermediate server
[Interpretation 1] integrated services provider network to said database server and to an internet network for providing access via internet service provider
[Interpretation 2] electronic mail server and an internet protocol network via an internet protocol inter
[Interpretation 3] appropriate internet protocol network and an appropriate internet protocol service provider network
[Interpretation 4] electronic data transfer protocol of the type of the internet service provider
[Interpretation 5] integrated network of telephone and data lines and an internet service provider
[Interpretation 6] internet protocol network and an internet service provider type computer
[Interpretation 7] electronic data communication network and an internet service provider network
[10] ( ISP ) to said database server [5] by a plurality of browser [10] browser [10] [Meaning 1] individual browser
[Meaning 2] internet browser
[Meaning 3] electronic browser
[Meaning 4] substantially only browser
[Meaning 5] clients and browser
[Meaning 6] internet enabled substantially only browser
[Interpretation 1] subscriber areas within said system and which is electronically connected to said database server by browser
[Interpretation 2] web sites and web pages on the internet for billing and data entry by corresponding browser
[Interpretation 3] client and customer computers and telephone lines to one or more browser
[Interpretation 4] subscriber areas within said system and to said home page by browser
[Interpretation 5] clients and customers of said system and which includes browser
[Interpretation 6] web sites and web pages of one or more browser
[11] - based subscribers [11] subscribers [11] [Meaning 1] users
[Meaning 2] subscriber
[Meaning 3] customers
[Meaning 4] subscriber computers
[Meaning 5] subscription subscribers
[Meaning 6] users subscribers
[Interpretation 1] subscribe to said system and to said database server by the is provided by the browser based subscriber and clients
[Interpretation 2] subscribers of said system and which is electronically connected to said database server by means of internet access servers and
[Interpretation 3] subscriber computers and client computers of the same or different types and
[Interpretation 4] users of said system including clients and customers of said system and
[Interpretation 5] customers and clients of said system including the clients and customers of
[Interpretation 6] subscriber computers and client computers of customers and clients respectively
[Interpretation 7] customers and clients of the internet via the is and
[12] each of which have electronic access [8] to said home page [6] via a modem and the ISP ; said home page [6] providing (facilitating, requiring, restricting, substantially, enabling) only secure access [8] by each browser [10] - based subscriber [12] subscriber [12] [Meaning 1] subscribers
[Meaning 2] user
[Meaning 3] participant
[Meaning 4] subscriber corresponding
[Meaning 5] electronic subscriber
[Meaning 6] subscribe upon request
[Interpretation 1] subscribers to said database server for billing and data entry forms and electronic return of data entered on said forms
[Interpretation 2] user to said database server and means for providing electronic transfer of each said secure access
[13] to one of a plurality of subscriber areas [13] subscriber areas [13] [Meaning 1] servers
[Meaning 2] databases
[Meaning 3] areas
[Meaning 4] locations
[Meaning 5] areas defined
[Meaning 6] secure areas
[Interpretation 1] predetermined areas of said database server and said database server providing electronic access to billing and data entry forms stored
[Interpretation 2] subscribers areas within said system and providing only secure access by each browser based subscriber to one of said areas
[Interpretation 3] different billing and data entry forms for each said browser based subscriber and each said browser based subscriber area contained
[Interpretation 4] different billing and data entry forms for each of said plurality of browser based subscribers contained
[Interpretation 5] predetermined areas of said home page for electronic transfer of billing and data entry forms utilized
[Interpretation 6] billing and data entry forms for each said browser based subscriber in an area thereof defined
[Interpretation 7] different billing and data entry forms which are stored in secure locations
[14] within said system [14] system [14] [Meaning 1] site
[Meaning 2] page
[Meaning 3] website
[Meaning 4] home page
[Meaning 5] data server
[Meaning 6] internet service provider
[Interpretation 1] database server and said database server providing only secure access by each browser based subscriber to said corresponding subscriber area
[Interpretation 2] web site and providing electronic return of data entered in said subscriber area to the corresponding browser based subscriber area
[Interpretation 3] website and providing electronic transfer of substantially only billing and data entry forms to the corresponding browser based upon request
[Interpretation 4] home page and providing only secure access by each browser based subscriber to the internet service provider via the internet
[Interpretation 5] website and providing only secure access to said database server as required
[Interpretation 6] web site and to one of said plurality of said database servers
[Interpretation 7] internet service provider and to the database server via the is provider
[15] ; means for providing electronic transfer [15] transfer [15] [Meaning 1] distribution
[Meaning 2] return
[Meaning 3] transmission
[Meaning 4] delivery
[Meaning 5] secure return
[Meaning 6] download access
[Interpretation 1] viewing and query access of data and billings stored in said database server by each corresponding subscriber area by presentation
[Interpretation 2] return of data and billing information to each corresponding said subscriber area via said home page and for providing display
[Interpretation 3] billing and data entry access to each said subscriber area via the is provided by the is provided electronic return
[Interpretation 4] access to billing and data entry forms to each said browser based subscriber via said home page for electronic return
[Interpretation 5] access to said database server by each corresponding said browser based subscriber and for electronic return
[Interpretation 6] billing and data entry access to each said subscriber area via said home page by presentation
[Interpretation 7] viewing and query access to said database server and providing electronic return
[16] of substantially only billing [2] and data entry [16] data entry [16] [Meaning 1] communication
[Meaning 2] information
[Meaning 3] data
[Meaning 4] customer service
[Meaning 5] other required
[Meaning 6] other data entry
[Interpretation 1] other data to each said subscriber area via the is provided by the is provider and for providing electronic billing
[Interpretation 2] communication forms to each corresponding said subscriber area and for providing electronic return of substantially only
[Interpretation 3] information to each corresponding said subscriber area from said database server and for providing electronic billing
[Interpretation 4] communication forms to each said subscriber area and for electronically returning said
[Interpretation 5] information to each corresponding said subscriber area including means for electronically returning
[Interpretation 6] other data to said database server and for providing electronic transfer of
[Interpretation 7] data information from said database server via one or more
[17] forms to the browser [10] - based subscriber [12] upon request [17] request [17] [Meaning 1] demand
[Meaning 2] authentication
[Meaning 3] access
[Meaning 4] said access
[Meaning 5] request therefor
[Meaning 6] access thereof
[Interpretation 1] request by the corresponding browser and upon receipt of electronic return of said forms to the corresponding said subscriber area
[Interpretation 2] request by the corresponding said subscriber area to provide electronic access to said database server therefrom
[Interpretation 3] receipt of an electronic request from the corresponding browser based subscriber area
[Interpretation 4] access to said home page by the corresponding subscriber area
[Interpretation 5] the completion of the electronic access to said home page
[18] , data entered (entries, provided, written, entry, contained) on said forms , when electronically returned (transferred, directed, transported, connected, sent) to a corresponding (respective, given, first, specific, particular) said subscriber area [18] subscriber area [18] [Meaning 1] subscriber
[Meaning 2] forms
[Meaning 3] home page
[Meaning 4] database server
[Meaning 5] is provider
[Meaning 6] pc type computer
[Interpretation 1] browser of the corresponding browser type subscriber and electronically transmitted to said database server via the internet and is provided
[Interpretation 2] subscriber area by the browser of the corresponding browser type subscriber and electronically transferred to said database server upon request
[Interpretation 3] subscriber area by the corresponding said browser based subscriber via said modem
[Interpretation 4] browser based subscriber via said modem and said is provider
[19] , then entered into said database server [5] , said database server [5] then , utilizing (using, having, running, executing, with) an appropriate application software thereon [19] application software thereon [19] [Meaning 1] program
[Meaning 2] algorithm
[Meaning 3] computer
[Meaning 4] software
[Meaning 5] accounting system
[Meaning 6] data processor
[Interpretation 1] computer program and data processing system to process the data entered into said database server by each said subscriber area
[Interpretation 2] database program and data processing program to process the data entered on said forms as required
[Interpretation 3] computer program and data stored in said database server and electronically entered into said database server
[20] , producing (providing, sending, generates, preparing, provides) billing invoices [20] billing invoices [20] [Meaning 1] bills
[Meaning 2] reports
[Meaning 3] billing
[Meaning 4] data
[Meaning 5] electronic bills
[Meaning 6] billing records
[Interpretation 1] an electronic bill and statement and providing electronic distribution of said bills
[21] and statements [21] statements [21] [Meaning 1] messages
[Meaning 2] reports
[Meaning 3] payments
[Meaning 4] communications
[Meaning 5] providing information
[Meaning 6] sending them
[Interpretation 1] data for each corresponding said browser based subscriber and providing electronic communication of said billing invoice and data for delivery
[Interpretation 2] electronic mail messages for each corresponding said subscriber area for electronic delivery
[Interpretation 3] data for each corresponding said subscriber area and providing data and billings
[Interpretation 4] other data and billing information for each corresponding subscriber area for distribution
[Interpretation 5] other data and providing electronic communication of said produced data
[Interpretation 6] electronic mail messages to be sent via the is provider
[22] to clients [22] clients [22] [Meaning 1] merchants
[Meaning 2] agents
[Meaning 3] suppliers
[Meaning 4] utilities
[Meaning 5] bill agents
[Meaning 6] billing agencies
[Interpretation 1] each corresponding said browser based subscriber and providing electronic communication between each corresponding said browser based subscriber and billing agents
[Interpretation 2] each corresponding said browser based subscriber and producing electronic communication links to other systems and vendors
[Interpretation 3] be transmitted to the is provided for billing and billing of employees
[Interpretation 4] each corresponding said subscriber area and data relating to products
[23] and customers [23] customers [23] [Meaning 1] services
[Meaning 2] vendors
[Meaning 3] suppliers
[Meaning 4] billing agencies
[Meaning 5] service providers
[Meaning 6] other entities
[Interpretation 1] billing and data entry forms to the browser based subscriber upon request and storing said forms in said database server
[Interpretation 2] other users of said browser based subscriber and providing real time electronic data and billing storage
[Interpretation 3] billing statements to billing agencies for each corresponding said subscriber area and producing electronic communication bills
[Interpretation 4] servers of the internet service provider via the is provided and providing real time electronic communication
[Interpretation 5] vendors of said system and providing real time electronic access to said invoice and statement forms
[Interpretation 6] customers of said subscriber area and storing said data and billing statements
[Interpretation 7] billing and data entry forms for each corresponding subscriber area and also
[24] for each corresponding browser [10] - based subscriber [12] ; means for providing real time electronic viewing [24] viewing [24] [Meaning 1] display
[Meaning 2] retrieval
[Meaning 3] access
[Meaning 4] communication with
[Meaning 5] data entry
[Meaning 6] transfer of forms
[Interpretation 1] transfer of data and billings stored in said database server to the browser based subscriber upon request for data entry
[Interpretation 2] communication between each said browser type subscriber and said database server via the is provided for providing real time display
[Interpretation 3] access to said database server by each corresponding browser based subscriber via the is provided and for providing electronic display
[25] and query access [25] query access [25] [Meaning 1] editing
[Meaning 2] communication
[Meaning 3] updating
[Meaning 4] retrieval
[Meaning 5] que querying
[Meaning 6] access control
[Interpretation 1] upload of data and billings stored in said database server by each corresponding browser based subscriber and for providing download
[Interpretation 2] retrieval of data stored in said database server and means for providing real time electronic updating
[Interpretation 3] upload of data stored in said database server by each corresponding subscriber area and electronic viewing
[Interpretation 4] access to said database server by each of said subscribers for review
[Interpretation 5] transmission of data and billings and for providing electronic retrieval
[Interpretation 6] access to said database server for the entry and modification
[Interpretation 7] communication of the billing invoice and statement and electronic retrieval
[26] of data and billings [26] billings [26] [Meaning 1] forms
[Meaning 2] records
[Meaning 3] information
[Meaning 4] reports
[Meaning 5] data records
[Meaning 6] information electronically
[Interpretation 1] information stored in said database server by each corresponding browser based subscriber and means for providing electronic communication of information
[Interpretation 2] data entry forms stored in said database server and for providing electronic access to said forms
[Interpretation 3] information stored in said database server and for updating data and information
[Interpretation 4] services to the internet service provider via said home page
[Interpretation 5] information stored in said database server and of application software
[Interpretation 6] data fields of said billing invoice and statement produced and
[27] stored (entered, records, data, produced, information) in said database server [5] by each corresponding browser [10] - based subscriber [12] ; a PC type computer [27] PC type computer [27] [Meaning 1] processor
[Meaning 2] controller
[Meaning 3] computer
[Meaning 4] server
[Meaning 5] system controller
[Meaning 6] database manager
[Interpretation 1] plurality of web pages which provide access to said database server by each corresponding browser based subscriber and which are
[Interpretation 2] web server electronically connected to said database server for providing web access to said forms and
[Interpretation 3] database server electronically connected to said database server and said means for providing electronic transfer and
[Interpretation 4] control server electronically connected to said is provider and said modem and
[Interpretation 5] computer system for controlling said database server and said forms which is
[Interpretation 6] computer system for managing said billing and data entry forms
[28] electronically connected (connectable, responsive, communicating, accessible, coupled) to said database server [5] for controlling (displaying, reviewing, editing, generating, printing) said forms as required (displayed, needed, desired, well, necessary) and responding (responsive, according, relating, corresponding, pursuant) to queries [28] queries [28] [Meaning 1] data
[Meaning 2] information
[Meaning 3] requests
[Meaning 4] commands
[Meaning 5] data electronically
[Meaning 6] the data
[Interpretation 1] said que que as required by each corresponding browser based subscriber and for controlling said billing invoice and statement as
[Interpretation 2] the form control commands from each corresponding browser based subscriber to provide real time electronic viewing and query of data
[Interpretation 3] que and viewing requests from each corresponding browser type subscriber and for controlling said database server to process data electronically
[Interpretation 4] the form control by each corresponding browser based subscriber for displaying the billing data and forms
[Interpretation 5] requests from each browser based subscriber for displaying billing data and information
[Interpretation 6] the form control commands to provide real time electronic viewing of data
[Interpretation 7] and displaying said billing invoice and statement based on data
[29] entered by each browser [10] - based subscriber [12] .