Targeted Patent:

Patent: US8456365B2
Filed: 2002-12-22
Issued: 2013-06-04
Patent Holder: (Original Assignee) Fractus SA     (Current Assignee) Fractus SA
Inventor(s): Jaume Anguera Pros, Carles Puente Baliarda

Title: Multi-band monopole antennas for mobile communications devices

Cross Reference / Shared Meaning between the Lines
Charted Against:

Patent: US20020190904A1
Filed: 1997-11-22
Issued: 2002-12-19
Patent Holder: (Original Assignee) Nathan Cohen     (Current Assignee) Fractal Antenna Systems Inc
Inventor(s): Nathan Cohen

Title: Cylindrical conformable antenna on a planar substrate

[TRANSITIVE ID: 1] comprisingincludes, containing, with, defining, comprises, involving, of[TRANSITIVE ID: 1] comprising, having, exhibits, including
[FEATURE ID: 2] ground plane layersurface, plane, structure, base, first, body, region[FEATURE ID: 2] substrate, second surface, geometric figure
[TRANSITIVE ID: 3] mounteddefined, configured, provided, arranged, established, created, situated[TRANSITIVE ID: 3] formed, alterable
[FEATURE ID: 4] multi-band antennaantenna, apparatus, array, aerial, device, system, element[FEATURE ID: 4] antenna system, antenna systems
[TRANSITIVE ID: 5] includingcomprising, providing, having, containing, being, forming[TRANSITIVE ID: 5] defining
[FEATURE ID: 6] feeding port, segmentslot, node, element, portion, terminal, coupling, connection[FEATURE ID: 6] point
[FEATURE ID: 7] portion, pairplurality, first, region, set, surface, combination, group[FEATURE ID: 7] portion
[FEATURE ID: 8] leastlea, less, lease, lest, most, last, minus[FEATURE ID: 8] least
[FEATURE ID: 9] dimension curveshape, grid, geometry, lattice, graph, matrix, square[FEATURE ID: 9] orientation, size, deterministic fractal, non-deterministic fractal, first order fractal, fractal
[FEATURE ID: 10] claimembodiment, aspect, para claim, paragraph, statement, figure, previous claim[FEATURE ID: 10] claim
[FEATURE ID: 11] lowest operating freemid, null, frequency, zero[FEATURE ID: 11] feedline feed
[FEATURE ID: 12] adjacent segments, adjacentadjoining, opposite, contiguous, parallel, attached, above, connected[FEATURE ID: 12] adjacent
[FEATURE ID: 13] corner, closed loopdiagonal, rectangle, quadrangle, point, triangle, notch, circle[FEATURE ID: 13] location, second order fractal
[FEATURE ID: 14] grid dimensionfrequency, factor, bandwidth, value, wavelength[FEATURE ID: 14] characteristic
1 . A mobile communication device , comprising [TRANSITIVE ID: 1]

: a device housing ; a printed circuit board , the printed circuit board comprising : a ground plane layer [FEATURE ID: 2]

; a feeding point ; a communication circuitry , the communication circuitry being mounted [TRANSITIVE ID: 3]

on the printed circuit board ; wherein the communication circuitry is coupled to the feeding point and to the ground plane layer ; a multi-band antenna capable of operating at multiple frequency bands , the multi-band antenna [FEATURE ID: 4]

including [TRANSITIVE ID: 5]

an antenna element ; wherein the antenna element operates in cooperation with the ground plane layer ; the antenna element comprising : a common conductor ; a first radiating arm connected to the common conductor ; a second radiating arm connected to the common conductor ; wherein the common conductor includes a feeding port [FEATURE ID: 6]

, the feeding port being coupled to the feeding point ; wherein at least a portion [FEATURE ID: 7]

of the first radiating arm and at least a portion of the second radiating arm are arranged on different planes ; wherein the first radiating arm is at least [FEATURE ID: 8]

partially shaped according to a grid - dimension curve [FEATURE ID: 9]

; and wherein the printed circuit board , the communication circuitry , and the multi-band antenna are arranged inside the device housing . 2 . The mobile communication device according to claim [FEATURE ID: 10]

1 , wherein the first radiating arm comprises a first plurality of segments ; wherein each segment [FEATURE ID: 6]

of the first plurality of segments is smaller than 1/10 of a lowest operating free [FEATURE ID: 11]

- space wavelength of the multi-band antenna ; wherein the segments are spatially arranged such that each pair [FEATURE ID: 7]

of adjacent segments [FEATURE ID: 12]

forms a corner [FEATURE ID: 13]

; and wherein no two adjacent [FEATURE ID: 12]

and connected segments form another longer straight segment ; and wherein none of said segments intersect with another segment other than to form a closed loop [FEATURE ID: 13]

. 3 . The mobile communication device according to claim 2 , wherein the first plurality of segments comprises at least one curved segment . 4 . The mobile communication device according to claim 2 , wherein the first plurality of segments comprises at least ten segments . 5 . The mobile communication device according to claim 2 , wherein the second radiating arm comprises a second plurality of segments ; wherein each segment of the second plurality of segments is smaller than 1/10 of a lowest operating free - space wavelength of the multi-band antenna ; wherein the segments are spatially arranged such that each pair of adjacent segments forms a corner ; and wherein no two adjacent and connected segments form another longer straight segment ; and wherein none of said segments intersect with another segment other than to form a closed loop . 6 . The mobile communication device according to claim 5 , wherein the first plurality of segments comprises more segments than the second plurality of segments . 7 . The mobile communication device according to claim 1 , wherein the grid - dimension curve has a grid dimension [FEATURE ID: 14]

1 . An antenna system [FEATURE ID: 4]

, comprising [TRANSITIVE ID: 1]

: a substrate [FEATURE ID: 2]

having [TRANSITIVE ID: 1]

first and second surfaces ; and a complex pattern of electrically conductive material formed [TRANSITIVE ID: 3]

on said first surface , a location [FEATURE ID: 13]

on said complex pattern defining [TRANSITIVE ID: 5]

a feedline feed [FEATURE ID: 11]

- point [FEATURE ID: 6]

; wherein said complex pattern contributes an inductive loading effect to said antenna system , and said antenna systems [FEATURE ID: 4]

exhibits [TRANSITIVE ID: 1]

multiple frequency resonant bands that are alterable [FEATURE ID: 3]

by varying said complex pattern . 2 . The system of claim [FEATURE ID: 10]

1 , further including [TRANSITIVE ID: 1]

: a patch adjacent said second surface [FEATURE ID: 2]

and spaced - apart from said complex pattern , said patch formed from electrically conductive material and floating electrically ; wherein said patch contributes a capacitive loading effect to said antenna system ; wherein at least one characteristic [FEATURE ID: 14]

of said antenna system is varied by at least one of orientation [FEATURE ID: 9]

and size [FEATURE ID: 9]

of said patch relative to said complex pattern . 3 . The system of claim 2 , wherein said patch has a characteristic selected from a group consisting of ( a ) said patch is formed on said second surface , and ( b ) said patch is formed on a first surface of a second substrate , said first surface of said second substrate being adjacent [FEATURE ID: 12]

said second surface of said substrate . 4 . The system of claim 2 , wherein said complex pattern has at least one characteristic selected from a group consisting of ( a ) said complex pattern defines a deterministic fractal [FEATURE ID: 9]

, ( b ) said complex pattern defines a non-deterministic fractal [FEATURE ID: 9]

, ( c ) said complex pattern defines a first order fractal [FEATURE ID: 9]

, ( d ) said complex pattern defines at least [FEATURE ID: 8]

a second order fractal [FEATURE ID: 13]

, and ( e ) said complex pattern does not define a fractal [FEATURE ID: 9]

. 5 . The system of claim 2 , wherein said complex pattern defines at least a second order fractal and includes a portion [FEATURE ID: 7]

having at least a first motif and a first replication of said first motif and a second replication of said first motif such that a point chosen on a geometric figure [FEATURE ID: 2]

Targeted Patent:

Patent: US8456365B2
Filed: 2002-12-22
Issued: 2013-06-04
Patent Holder: (Original Assignee) Fractus SA     (Current Assignee) Fractus SA
Inventor(s): Jaume Anguera Pros, Carles Puente Baliarda

Title: Multi-band monopole antennas for mobile communications devices

Cross Reference / Shared Meaning between the Lines
Charted Against:

Patent: EP0795926B1
Filed: 1996-03-13
Issued: 2002-12-11
Patent Holder: (Original Assignee) Ascom Systec AG     (Current Assignee) Ascom Systec AG
Inventor(s): Matthias Liebendörfer, Ulrich Dr. Dersch

Title: Flat, three-dimensional antenna

[TRANSITIVE ID: 1] comprising, includingcomprises, includes, having, with, has, involving, containing[TRANSITIVE ID: 1] forms
[TRANSITIVE ID: 2] printed, coupled, connected, connected segmentsmounted, fed, linked, fixed, wired, attached, joined[TRANSITIVE ID: 2] circuited, routed
[FEATURE ID: 3] ground plane layer, radiatingconductor, ground, plane, surface, dielectric, waveguide, substrate[FEATURE ID: 3] base plate, first plane, dielectric substrate, first, conductor track layer, feed
[TRANSITIVE ID: 4] mounted, adjacentarranged, formed, configured, provided, located, situated, attached[TRANSITIVE ID: 4] disposed, bent
[FEATURE ID: 5] multi-band antenna capable, multi-band antennaantenna, device, first antenna, way, radio, frequency, mode[FEATURE ID: 5] dimensional antenna, Antenna
[FEATURE ID: 6] cooperationparallel, relation, line, series[FEATURE ID: 6] order
[FEATURE ID: 7] feeding porttap, terminal, via, line, feed, contact, metallization[FEATURE ID: 7] stripline, slot
[FEATURE ID: 8] different planessubstrates, levels, lines, edges[FEATURE ID: 8] side faces
[FEATURE ID: 9] dimension curvegeometry, configuration, structure, type, design, style, height[FEATURE ID: 9] shape, impedance, width
[FEATURE ID: 10] claimitem, preceding claim, paragraph, figure, requirement[FEATURE ID: 10] Claim
[FEATURE ID: 11] segmentsextensions, contacts, metallization, conductors, openings, regions, strips[FEATURE ID: 11] flank elements, conductor tracks
[FEATURE ID: 12] space wavelengthwavelength, frequency, distance, space[FEATURE ID: 12] length
[FEATURE ID: 13] closed loopplane, slit, cavity, capacitance, spacing, space, distance[FEATURE ID: 13] first antenna slot, second antenna slot
[FEATURE ID: 14] grid dimensionsize, height, pitch, thickness, diameter, depth, width[FEATURE ID: 14] spacing
1 . A mobile communication device , comprising [TRANSITIVE ID: 1]

: a device housing ; a printed [TRANSITIVE ID: 2]

circuit board , the printed circuit board comprising : a ground plane layer [FEATURE ID: 3]

; a feeding point ; a communication circuitry , the communication circuitry being mounted [TRANSITIVE ID: 4]

on the printed circuit board ; wherein the communication circuitry is coupled [TRANSITIVE ID: 2]

to the feeding point and to the ground plane layer ; a multi-band antenna capable [FEATURE ID: 5]

of operating at multiple frequency bands , the multi-band antenna [FEATURE ID: 5]

including [TRANSITIVE ID: 1]

an antenna element ; wherein the antenna element operates in cooperation [FEATURE ID: 6]

with the ground plane layer ; the antenna element comprising : a common conductor ; a first radiating [TRANSITIVE ID: 3]

arm connected [TRANSITIVE ID: 2]

to the common conductor ; a second radiating arm connected to the common conductor ; wherein the common conductor includes a feeding port [FEATURE ID: 7]

, the feeding port being coupled to the feeding point ; wherein at least a portion of the first radiating arm and at least a portion of the second radiating arm are arranged on different planes [FEATURE ID: 8]

; wherein the first radiating arm is at least partially shaped according to a grid - dimension curve [FEATURE ID: 9]

; and wherein the printed circuit board , the communication circuitry , and the multi-band antenna are arranged inside the device housing . 2 . The mobile communication device according to claim [FEATURE ID: 10]

1 , wherein the first radiating arm comprises a first plurality of segments [FEATURE ID: 11]

; wherein each segment of the first plurality of segments is smaller than 1/10 of a lowest operating free - space wavelength [FEATURE ID: 12]

of the multi-band antenna ; wherein the segments are spatially arranged such that each pair of adjacent segments forms a corner ; and wherein no two adjacent [FEATURE ID: 4]

and connected segments [FEATURE ID: 2]

form another longer straight segment ; and wherein none of said segments intersect with another segment other than to form a closed loop [FEATURE ID: 13]

. 3 . The mobile communication device according to claim 2 , wherein the first plurality of segments comprises at least one curved segment . 4 . The mobile communication device according to claim 2 , wherein the first plurality of segments comprises at least ten segments . 5 . The mobile communication device according to claim 2 , wherein the second radiating arm comprises a second plurality of segments ; wherein each segment of the second plurality of segments is smaller than 1/10 of a lowest operating free - space wavelength of the multi-band antenna ; wherein the segments are spatially arranged such that each pair of adjacent segments forms a corner ; and wherein no two adjacent and connected segments form another longer straight segment ; and wherein none of said segments intersect with another segment other than to form a closed loop . 6 . The mobile communication device according to claim 5 , wherein the first plurality of segments comprises more segments than the second plurality of segments . 7 . The mobile communication device according to claim 1 , wherein the grid - dimension curve has a grid dimension [FEATURE ID: 14]

1 Flat , three - dimensional antenna [FEATURE ID: 5]

, in which a base plate [FEATURE ID: 3]

( 1 ) is disposed [TRANSITIVE ID: 4]

in a first plane [FEATURE ID: 3]

, a slot divider which is short - circuited [TRANSITIVE ID: 2]

to the base plate ( 1 ) is disposed in a second plane and a resonant structure ( 9 , 10 ) is disposed above the slot divider in a third plane , characterised in that the slot divider is bent [FEATURE ID: 4]

in the shape [FEATURE ID: 9]

of a U and therefore forms [TRANSITIVE ID: 1]

a centre part ( 2 ) and two limbs ( 3 , 4 ) , wherein the limbs ( 3 , 4 ) of the slot divider are short - circuited to the base plate ( 1 ) and therefore define a first antenna slot [FEATURE ID: 13]

between the base plate ( 1 ) and the slot divider , and that the resonant structure ( 9 , 10 ) is short - circuited by flank elements [FEATURE ID: 11]

( 12 , 13 ) to the limbs ( 3 , 4 ) of the slot divider , which thus define a second antenna slot [FEATURE ID: 13]

between the slot divider and the resonant structure ( 9 , 10 ) . 2 Antenna [FEATURE ID: 5]

according to Claim [FEATURE ID: 10]

1 , characterised in that the slot divider is fed by a stripline [FEATURE ID: 7]

( 7 ) , which is routed [TRANSITIVE ID: 2]

in the second plane between the two limbs ( 3 , 4 ) , in order [FEATURE ID: 6]

to contact the centre part ( 2 ) . 3 Antenna according to Claim 1 or 2 , characterised in that the resonant structure ( 9 , 10 ) is divided ( 11 ) in the centre . 4 Antenna according to any one of Claims 1 to 3 , characterised in that a spacing [FEATURE ID: 14]

between the base plate ( 1 ) and the slot divider ( 2 , 3 , 4 ) is greater than a spacing between the slot divider ( 2 , 3 , 4 ) and the resonant structure ( 9 , 10 ) , so that the first antenna slot is larger than the second antenna slot . 5 Antenna according to any one of Claims 1 to 4 , characterised in that a dielectric substrate [FEATURE ID: 3]

is provided between the first [FEATURE ID: 3]

and the second plane . 6 Antenna according to Claim 5 , characterised in that the slot divider ( 2 , 3 , 4 ) is applied as a conductor track layer [FEATURE ID: 3]

to the substrate , that the base plate ( 1 ) is formed by metallization on the back of the substrate , and that the resonant structure is built up on the conductor track layer . 7 Antenna according to Claim 5 , characterised in that it is constructed on a ceramic block ( 16 ) , wherein the slot divider is formed by conductor tracks [FEATURE ID: 11]

( 24 , 25 , 26 ) on side faces [FEATURE ID: 8]

( 19 , 20 , 21 ) , that the resonant structure is constructed on an upper face ( 17 ) of the ceramic block , and that a slot [FEATURE ID: 7]

( 23 ) for the feed [FEATURE ID: 3]

is provided in the second plane . 8 Antenna according to Claim 7 , characterised in that an inductor is integrated into the feed . 9 Antenna according to any one of Claims 1 to 8 , characterised in that it can be adapted in terms of impedance [FEATURE ID: 9]

by varying a width [FEATURE ID: 9]

and a length [FEATURE ID: 12]

Targeted Patent:

Patent: US8456365B2
Filed: 2002-12-22
Issued: 2013-06-04
Patent Holder: (Original Assignee) Fractus SA     (Current Assignee) Fractus SA
Inventor(s): Jaume Anguera Pros, Carles Puente Baliarda

Title: Multi-band monopole antennas for mobile communications devices

Cross Reference / Shared Meaning between the Lines
Charted Against:

Patent: US20020175866A1
Filed: 2001-05-25
Issued: 2002-11-28
Patent Holder: (Original Assignee) Nokia Oyj     (Current Assignee) Nokia Technologies Oy
Inventor(s): Hans Gram

Title: Antenna

[FEATURE ID: 1] mobile communication devicecommunicator, terminal, portable, receiver, module, product, handset[FEATURE ID: 1] mobile phone
[TRANSITIVE ID: 2] comprising, being, includinghaving, involving, containing, comprises, includes, with, incorporating[TRANSITIVE ID: 2] comprising, encompassing, including
[FEATURE ID: 3] device housingchassis, battery, frame, display, shell, body, case[FEATURE ID: 3] casing
[FEATURE ID: 4] ground plane layer, dimension curve, segmentportion, surface, layer, formation, line, structure, conductor[FEATURE ID: 4] major face, foil pattern, conductive pattern
[TRANSITIVE ID: 5] coupled, connected, adjacent, connected segmentsrelated, linked, attached, joined, tied, associated, parallel[TRANSITIVE ID: 5] such, connected
[TRANSITIVE ID: 6] operatingoscillating, operational, working, resonance[TRANSITIVE ID: 6] resonant
[FEATURE ID: 7] multiple frequency bandswavelengths, resonance, bands, signals, harmonics, least, values[FEATURE ID: 7] usable frequencies, frequencies
[FEATURE ID: 8] multi-band antennaelement, apparatus, array, aerial, electrode, interface, external[FEATURE ID: 8] antenna, external ground, external signal feed
[FEATURE ID: 9] cooperationcommon, coupling, line, contact[FEATURE ID: 9] single feed terminal
[FEATURE ID: 10] secondfirst, two, third, last, further, corresponding second, different second[FEATURE ID: 10] second elements, second
[FEATURE ID: 11] feeding portfeeding, terminal, supply, coupling[FEATURE ID: 11] connection
[FEATURE ID: 12] portionsurface, section, location, region[FEATURE ID: 12] portion
[FEATURE ID: 13] grid, grid dimensionlow, wavelength, second, first, third, frequency, value[FEATURE ID: 13] second different frequency, third frequency
[FEATURE ID: 14] claimitem, claimed, paragraph, figure, requirement, previous claim, aspect[FEATURE ID: 14] claim
[FEATURE ID: 15] segments, adjacent segmentsmembers, sides, contacts, nodes, portions, legs, ends[FEATURE ID: 15] elements, terminals
[FEATURE ID: 16] suchof, the, and, so[FEATURE ID: 16] according
1 . A mobile communication device [FEATURE ID: 1]

, comprising [TRANSITIVE ID: 2]

: a device housing [FEATURE ID: 3]

; a printed circuit board , the printed circuit board comprising : a ground plane layer [FEATURE ID: 4]

; a feeding point ; a communication circuitry , the communication circuitry being [TRANSITIVE ID: 2]

mounted on the printed circuit board ; wherein the communication circuitry is coupled [TRANSITIVE ID: 5]

to the feeding point and to the ground plane layer ; a multi-band antenna capable of operating [TRANSITIVE ID: 6]

at multiple frequency bands [FEATURE ID: 7]

, the multi-band antenna [FEATURE ID: 8]

including [TRANSITIVE ID: 2]

an antenna element ; wherein the antenna element operates in cooperation [FEATURE ID: 9]

with the ground plane layer ; the antenna element comprising : a common conductor ; a first radiating arm connected [TRANSITIVE ID: 5]

to the common conductor ; a second [FEATURE ID: 10]

radiating arm connected to the common conductor ; wherein the common conductor includes a feeding port [FEATURE ID: 11]

, the feeding port being coupled to the feeding point ; wherein at least a portion [FEATURE ID: 12]

of the first radiating arm and at least a portion of the second radiating arm are arranged on different planes ; wherein the first radiating arm is at least partially shaped according to a grid [FEATURE ID: 13]

- dimension curve [FEATURE ID: 4]

; and wherein the printed circuit board , the communication circuitry , and the multi-band antenna are arranged inside the device housing . 2 . The mobile communication device according to claim [FEATURE ID: 14]

1 , wherein the first radiating arm comprises a first plurality of segments [FEATURE ID: 15]

; wherein each segment [FEATURE ID: 4]

of the first plurality of segments is smaller than 1/10 of a lowest operating free - space wavelength of the multi-band antenna ; wherein the segments are spatially arranged such [FEATURE ID: 16]

that each pair of adjacent segments [FEATURE ID: 15]

forms a corner ; and wherein no two adjacent [FEATURE ID: 5]

and connected segments [FEATURE ID: 5]

form another longer straight segment ; and wherein none of said segments intersect with another segment other than to form a closed loop . 3 . The mobile communication device according to claim 2 , wherein the first plurality of segments comprises at least one curved segment . 4 . The mobile communication device according to claim 2 , wherein the first plurality of segments comprises at least ten segments . 5 . The mobile communication device according to claim 2 , wherein the second radiating arm comprises a second plurality of segments ; wherein each segment of the second plurality of segments is smaller than 1/10 of a lowest operating free - space wavelength of the multi-band antenna ; wherein the segments are spatially arranged such that each pair of adjacent segments forms a corner ; and wherein no two adjacent and connected segments form another longer straight segment ; and wherein none of said segments intersect with another segment other than to form a closed loop . 6 . The mobile communication device according to claim 5 , wherein the first plurality of segments comprises more segments than the second plurality of segments . 7 . The mobile communication device according to claim 1 , wherein the grid - dimension curve has a grid dimension [FEATURE ID: 13]

1 . An antenna [FEATURE ID: 8]

comprising [TRANSITIVE ID: 2]

a driven element , resonant [FEATURE ID: 6]

at a first frequency and a parasitic element , wherein the parasitic element is resonant at a second different frequency [FEATURE ID: 13]

and said resonant frequencies are such [FEATURE ID: 5]

that the antenna has an operational band of usable frequencies [FEATURE ID: 7]

encompassing [TRANSITIVE ID: 2]

said first and second frequencies . 2 . An antenna according [TRANSITIVE ID: 16]

to claim [FEATURE ID: 14]

1 , wherein both of the elements [FEATURE ID: 15]

are connected [TRANSITIVE ID: 5]

to ground at one end . 3 . An antenna according to claim 1 or 2 , including [TRANSITIVE ID: 2]

a further element , wherein the further element is resonant at a third frequency [FEATURE ID: 13]

, substantially lower than said first and second frequencies [FEATURE ID: 7]

, and has an operational band that does not overlap that of the combination of the first and second elements [FEATURE ID: 10]

. 4 . An antenna according to claim 3 , wherein the further element meanders and is connected to ground at one end . 5 . An antenna according to claim 4 , including a substantially planar substrate , wherein the driven element and said further element comprise foil patterns on a major face [FEATURE ID: 4]

of said substrate and the parasitic element comprises a foil pattern [FEATURE ID: 4]

along an edge of said substrate . 6 . An antenna according to claim 5 , including a common ground terminal for connecting the elements to an external ground [FEATURE ID: 8]

and a single feed terminal [FEATURE ID: 9]

for connection [FEATURE ID: 11]

to an external signal feed [FEATURE ID: 8]

. 7 . An antenna according to claim 6 , wherein the substrate includes a peripherally located stepped portion [FEATURE ID: 12]

and said terminals [FEATURE ID: 15]

are located at the floor of the stepped portion . 8 . An antenna comprising a substantially planar substrate , a first driven element , resonant at a first frequency , a second [FEATURE ID: 10]

driven element , resonant at a second , lower frequency , a parasitic element associated with the first driven element , a common ground terminal for connecting all of the elements to an external ground and a single feed terminal for connection to an external signal feed , wherein said elements and terminals comprise a conductive pattern [FEATURE ID: 4]

on the substrate . 9 . An antenna according to claim 8 , wherein the second driven element meanders . 10 . An antenna according to claim 8 or 9 , wherein the driven elements comprise foil patterns on a major face of said substrate and the parasitic element comprises a foil pattern along an edge of said substrate . 11 . An antenna according to claim 8 , 9 or 10 , wherein the substrate includes a peripherally located stepped portion and said terminals are located at the floor of the stepped portion . 12 . A mobile phone [FEATURE ID: 1]

including a casing [FEATURE ID: 3]

Targeted Patent:

Patent: US8456365B2
Filed: 2002-12-22
Issued: 2013-06-04
Patent Holder: (Original Assignee) Fractus SA     (Current Assignee) Fractus SA
Inventor(s): Jaume Anguera Pros, Carles Puente Baliarda

Title: Multi-band monopole antennas for mobile communications devices

Cross Reference / Shared Meaning between the Lines
Charted Against:

Patent: US6483462B2
Filed: 1999-01-26
Issued: 2002-11-19
Patent Holder: (Original Assignee) Siemens AG     (Current Assignee) Gigaset Communications GmbH
Inventor(s): Martin Weinberger

Title: Antenna for radio-operated communication terminal equipment

[FEATURE ID: 1] mobile communication device, printed, circuit boardhandset, device, transceiver, radio, board, apparatus, circuit[FEATURE ID: 1] communication terminal device, communication terminal devices, housing wall
[TRANSITIVE ID: 2] comprising, includingcontaining, involving, with, has, incorporating, comprises, includes[TRANSITIVE ID: 2] comprising, having, including
[FEATURE ID: 3] device housingchassis, casing, case, cover, frame, substrate, radome[FEATURE ID: 3] single antenna feed point, horizontal direction
[FEATURE ID: 4] ground plane layersubstrate, ground, surface, slot, shield[FEATURE ID: 4] separate ground plate
[FEATURE ID: 5] feeding pointfeeding, source, supply, point, supply point[FEATURE ID: 5] antenna feed point
[TRANSITIVE ID: 6] mountedarranged, formed, embodied, configured, provided, implemented[TRANSITIVE ID: 6] designed
[TRANSITIVE ID: 7] coupled, connected, adjacent, connected segmentsrelated, attached, joined, linked, associated, corresponding, bonded[TRANSITIVE ID: 7] connected
[TRANSITIVE ID: 8] operatesextends, exists, lies, runs[TRANSITIVE ID: 8] derives
[FEATURE ID: 9] cooperationconjunction, contact, series, association, concert, parallel, coordination[FEATURE ID: 9] longitudinal direction
[FEATURE ID: 10] feeding portcoupling, terminal, mouth, connection[FEATURE ID: 10] further corner point
[FEATURE ID: 11] portion, segmentsection, region, fraction, feature, part, surface, component[FEATURE ID: 11] further point, course
[FEATURE ID: 12] different planes, segmentssides, curves, surfaces, extensions, planes, angles, levels[FEATURE ID: 12] radiator elements, different heights, slopes
[FEATURE ID: 13] gridsecond, higher, first, single[FEATURE ID: 13] predetermined
[FEATURE ID: 14] dimension curveconfiguration, geometry, structure, design, depth, form, length[FEATURE ID: 14] size, variable size, shape, position
[FEATURE ID: 15] claimclam, figure, of claim, item, preceding claim, clair, claimed[FEATURE ID: 15] claim
[FEATURE ID: 16] adjacent segmentscorners, regions, ends, sections[FEATURE ID: 16] individual parts
[FEATURE ID: 17] corner, straight segment, closed loopbend, rectangle, diagonal, vertex, point, slot, plane[FEATURE ID: 17] non-planar cross-sectional shape, comer point, feed point
[FEATURE ID: 18] grid dimensioncurvature, wavelength, size, value, height, circumference, diameter[FEATURE ID: 18] frequency, transverse direction
1 . A mobile communication device [FEATURE ID: 1]

, comprising [TRANSITIVE ID: 2]

: a device housing [FEATURE ID: 3]

; a printed [TRANSITIVE ID: 1]

circuit board [FEATURE ID: 1]

, the printed circuit board comprising : a ground plane layer [FEATURE ID: 4]

; a feeding point [FEATURE ID: 5]

; a communication circuitry , the communication circuitry being mounted [TRANSITIVE ID: 6]

on the printed circuit board ; wherein the communication circuitry is coupled [TRANSITIVE ID: 7]

to the feeding point and to the ground plane layer ; a multi-band antenna capable of operating at multiple frequency bands , the multi-band antenna including [TRANSITIVE ID: 2]

an antenna element ; wherein the antenna element operates [TRANSITIVE ID: 8]

in cooperation [FEATURE ID: 9]

with the ground plane layer ; the antenna element comprising : a common conductor ; a first radiating arm connected [TRANSITIVE ID: 7]

to the common conductor ; a second radiating arm connected to the common conductor ; wherein the common conductor includes a feeding port [FEATURE ID: 10]

, the feeding port being coupled to the feeding point ; wherein at least a portion [FEATURE ID: 11]

of the first radiating arm and at least a portion of the second radiating arm are arranged on different planes [FEATURE ID: 12]

; wherein the first radiating arm is at least partially shaped according to a grid [FEATURE ID: 13]

- dimension curve [FEATURE ID: 14]

; and wherein the printed circuit board , the communication circuitry , and the multi-band antenna are arranged inside the device housing . 2 . The mobile communication device according to claim [FEATURE ID: 15]

1 , wherein the first radiating arm comprises a first plurality of segments [FEATURE ID: 12]

; wherein each segment [FEATURE ID: 11]

of the first plurality of segments is smaller than 1/10 of a lowest operating free - space wavelength of the multi-band antenna ; wherein the segments are spatially arranged such that each pair of adjacent segments [FEATURE ID: 16]

forms a corner [FEATURE ID: 17]

; and wherein no two adjacent [FEATURE ID: 7]

and connected segments [FEATURE ID: 7]

form another longer straight segment [FEATURE ID: 17]

; and wherein none of said segments intersect with another segment other than to form a closed loop [FEATURE ID: 17]

. 3 . The mobile communication device according to claim 2 , wherein the first plurality of segments comprises at least one curved segment . 4 . The mobile communication device according to claim 2 , wherein the first plurality of segments comprises at least ten segments . 5 . The mobile communication device according to claim 2 , wherein the second radiating arm comprises a second plurality of segments ; wherein each segment of the second plurality of segments is smaller than 1/10 of a lowest operating free - space wavelength of the multi-band antenna ; wherein the segments are spatially arranged such that each pair of adjacent segments forms a corner ; and wherein no two adjacent and connected segments form another longer straight segment ; and wherein none of said segments intersect with another segment other than to form a closed loop . 6 . The mobile communication device according to claim 5 , wherein the first plurality of segments comprises more segments than the second plurality of segments . 7 . The mobile communication device according to claim 1 , wherein the grid - dimension curve has a grid dimension [FEATURE ID: 18]

1 . An antenna for radio - operated communication terminal device [FEATURE ID: 1]

, comprising [TRANSITIVE ID: 2]

: a single antenna feed point [FEATURE ID: 3]

; at least one ground connection ; and a single inverted - F antenna designed [TRANSITIVE ID: 6]

for a predetermined [TRANSITIVE ID: 13]

, lower emission frequency and connected [TRANSITIVE ID: 7]

to both the antenna feed point [FEATURE ID: 5]

and the at least one ground connection , wherein a size [FEATURE ID: 14]

of the inverted - F antenna determines an overall dimension of the antenna , the inverted - F antenna having [TRANSITIVE ID: 2]

a non-planar cross-sectional shape [FEATURE ID: 17]

and including [TRANSITIVE ID: 2]

at least one notching in longitudinal direction [FEATURE ID: 9]

with which at least one geometrical path derives [TRANSITIVE ID: 8]

which proceeds from a comer point [FEATURE ID: 17]

created by the notchings to a further point [FEATURE ID: 11]

selected from the group consisting of the feed point [FEATURE ID: 17]

, a further corner point [FEATURE ID: 10]

and an end point of the inverted - F antenna , wherein over a course [FEATURE ID: 11]

of the at least one geometrical path emittable waves form with a higher frequency [FEATURE ID: 18]

than the predetermined , lower emission frequency . 2 . An antenna for radio - operated communication terminal devices [FEATURE ID: 1]

as claimed in claim [FEATURE ID: 15]

1 , wherein a separate ground plate [FEATURE ID: 4]

is allocated to the antenna having a variable size [FEATURE ID: 14]

and shape [FEATURE ID: 14]

. 3 . An antenna for radio - operated communication terminal devices as claimed in claim 1 , wherein individual parts [FEATURE ID: 16]

of radiator elements [FEATURE ID: 12]

of the antenna exhibit different heights [FEATURE ID: 12]

and slopes [FEATURE ID: 12]

. 4 . An antenna for radio - operated communication terminal devices as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the antenna is upset in at least one of its longitudinal direction and its transverse direction [FEATURE ID: 18]

by suitable vertical structuring in a horizontal direction [FEATURE ID: 3]

. 5 . An antenna for radio - operated communication terminal devices as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the antenna is integrated in a housing wall [FEATURE ID: 1]

. 6 . An antenna for radio - operated communication terminal devices as claimed in claim 1 , wherein a position [FEATURE ID: 14]

Targeted Patent:

Patent: US8456365B2
Filed: 2002-12-22
Issued: 2013-06-04
Patent Holder: (Original Assignee) Fractus SA     (Current Assignee) Fractus SA
Inventor(s): Jaume Anguera Pros, Carles Puente Baliarda

Title: Multi-band monopole antennas for mobile communications devices

Cross Reference / Shared Meaning between the Lines
Charted Against:

Patent: US6476769B1
Filed: 2001-09-19
Issued: 2002-11-05
Patent Holder: (Original Assignee) Nokia Oyj     (Current Assignee) Nokia Technologies Oy
Inventor(s): Antero Lehtola

Title: Internal multi-band antenna

[FEATURE ID: 1] mobile communication device, multi-band antenna capable, multi-band antennaradio, antenna, device, system, transceiver, wireless, terminal[FEATURE ID: 1] multi-band radio antenna structure, hand, telecommunication device, multi-band radio antenna
[TRANSITIVE ID: 2] comprisingincluding, containing, of, with, compromising, has, involving[TRANSITIVE ID: 2] comprising, having
[FEATURE ID: 3] device housing, ground plane layersubstrate, chassis, ground, casing, body, surface, floor[FEATURE ID: 3] ground plane
[TRANSITIVE ID: 4] mountedarranged, provided, configured, being, situated, fabricated, defined[TRANSITIVE ID: 4] formed, located
[TRANSITIVE ID: 5] coupled, connected, adjacent segments, adjacent, connected segmentsparallel, corresponding, attached, related, according, joined, linked[TRANSITIVE ID: 5] connected, adjacent, area disposed adjacent, area adjacent, equal
[TRANSITIVE ID: 6] operatingtransmitting, feeding, emitting, resonating, receiving[TRANSITIVE ID: 6] radiating
[FEATURE ID: 7] multiple frequency bandsmhz, rf, megahertz, ghz[FEATURE ID: 7] MHz
[TRANSITIVE ID: 8] includingbeing, employing, integrating, using, incorporating[TRANSITIVE ID: 8] use
[FEATURE ID: 9] firstth, flexible first, primary, parallel first, hollow first, grounded first, rectangular first[FEATURE ID: 9] first
[TRANSITIVE ID: 10] radiatingtransmitting, distributing, playing, reflecting, coupling, feeding[TRANSITIVE ID: 10] conducting
[FEATURE ID: 11] secondground, third, two, first, flexible second, different second, grounded second[FEATURE ID: 11] second, second feed
[FEATURE ID: 12] different planesvertices, angles, lines, top, edges[FEATURE ID: 12] sides
[FEATURE ID: 13] gridsecond, first, three, single[FEATURE ID: 13] third
[FEATURE ID: 14] claimitem, embodiment, paragraph, figure, claimed[FEATURE ID: 14] claim
[FEATURE ID: 15] corner, closed loop, curved segmentbend, curve, slot, side, center, branch, node[FEATURE ID: 15] first resonance frequency, second end
[FEATURE ID: 16] grid dimensionperiodicity, height, width, wavelength, bandwidth, value, size[FEATURE ID: 16] fifth resonance frequency
1 . A mobile communication device [FEATURE ID: 1]

, comprising [TRANSITIVE ID: 2]

: a device housing [FEATURE ID: 3]

; a printed circuit board , the printed circuit board comprising : a ground plane layer [FEATURE ID: 3]

; a feeding point ; a communication circuitry , the communication circuitry being mounted [TRANSITIVE ID: 4]

on the printed circuit board ; wherein the communication circuitry is coupled [TRANSITIVE ID: 5]

to the feeding point and to the ground plane layer ; a multi-band antenna capable [FEATURE ID: 1]

of operating [TRANSITIVE ID: 6]

at multiple frequency bands [FEATURE ID: 7]

, the multi-band antenna [FEATURE ID: 1]

including [TRANSITIVE ID: 8]

an antenna element ; wherein the antenna element operates in cooperation with the ground plane layer ; the antenna element comprising : a common conductor ; a first [FEATURE ID: 9]

radiating [TRANSITIVE ID: 10]

arm connected [TRANSITIVE ID: 5]

to the common conductor ; a second [FEATURE ID: 11]

radiating arm connected to the common conductor ; wherein the common conductor includes a feeding port , the feeding port being coupled to the feeding point ; wherein at least a portion of the first radiating arm and at least a portion of the second radiating arm are arranged on different planes [FEATURE ID: 12]

; wherein the first radiating arm is at least partially shaped according to a grid [FEATURE ID: 13]

- dimension curve ; and wherein the printed circuit board , the communication circuitry , and the multi-band antenna are arranged inside the device housing . 2 . The mobile communication device according to claim [FEATURE ID: 14]

1 , wherein the first radiating arm comprises a first plurality of segments ; wherein each segment of the first plurality of segments is smaller than 1/10 of a lowest operating free - space wavelength of the multi-band antenna ; wherein the segments are spatially arranged such that each pair of adjacent segments [FEATURE ID: 5]

forms a corner [FEATURE ID: 15]

; and wherein no two adjacent [FEATURE ID: 5]

and connected segments [FEATURE ID: 5]

form another longer straight segment ; and wherein none of said segments intersect with another segment other than to form a closed loop [FEATURE ID: 15]

. 3 . The mobile communication device according to claim 2 , wherein the first plurality of segments comprises at least one curved segment [FEATURE ID: 15]

. 4 . The mobile communication device according to claim 2 , wherein the first plurality of segments comprises at least ten segments . 5 . The mobile communication device according to claim 2 , wherein the second radiating arm comprises a second plurality of segments ; wherein each segment of the second plurality of segments is smaller than 1/10 of a lowest operating free - space wavelength of the multi-band antenna ; wherein the segments are spatially arranged such that each pair of adjacent segments forms a corner ; and wherein no two adjacent and connected segments form another longer straight segment ; and wherein none of said segments intersect with another segment other than to form a closed loop . 6 . The mobile communication device according to claim 5 , wherein the first plurality of segments comprises more segments than the second plurality of segments . 7 . The mobile communication device according to claim 1 , wherein the grid - dimension curve has a grid dimension [FEATURE ID: 16]

1 . A multi-band radio antenna structure [FEATURE ID: 1]

for use [FEATURE ID: 8]

in a hand [FEATURE ID: 1]

- held telecommunication device [FEATURE ID: 1]

comprising [TRANSITIVE ID: 2]

: a ground plane [FEATURE ID: 3]

; a sub-antenna structure comprising : a first [FEATURE ID: 9]

radiating [TRANSITIVE ID: 6]

element formed [TRANSITIVE ID: 4]

of a first electrically conducting [TRANSITIVE ID: 10]

area having [TRANSITIVE ID: 2]

a first resonance frequency [FEATURE ID: 15]

, wherein the first electrically conducting area has a first end connected [TRANSITIVE ID: 5]

to the ground plane for grounding the first radiating element , and wherein the first radiating element has a first feed - point for feeding located [TRANSITIVE ID: 4]

adjacent [FEATURE ID: 5]

to the first end ; and a second [FEATURE ID: 11]

radiating element formed of a second electrically conducting area disposed adjacent [FEATURE ID: 5]

to the first electrically conducting area , wherein the second electrically conducting area has a second end [FEATURE ID: 15]

electrically connected to the first end of the first electrically conducting area for grounding the second radiating element and for sharing the first feed - point for feeding ; a third [FEATURE ID: 13]

radiating element formed of a third electrically conducting area adjacent [FEATURE ID: 5]

to the sub-antenna structure , wherein the third electrically conducting area has a third end connected to the ground plane for grounding the third radiating element , and wherein the third radiating element has a second feed [FEATURE ID: 11]

- point for feeding located adjacent to the third end ; a first switching device , operable between an open position and a closed position , connecting between the first feed - point and the ground plane ; and a second switching device , operable between an open position and a closed position , connecting between the second feed - point and the ground plane , wherein when the second switching device is operated in the closed position , thereby grounding the second feed - point and the first switching device is operated in the open position for enabling the first feed - point feeding , the second radiating element has a second resonance frequency substantially lower than the first resonance frequency and the third radiating element has a third resonance frequency generally higher than the first resonance frequency , and when the first switching device is operated in the closed position , thereby grounding the first feed - point , and the second switching device is operated in the open position for enabling the second feed - point feeding , the third radiating element has a fourth resonance frequency generally higher than the third resonance frequency . 2 . The multi-band radio antenna [FEATURE ID: 1]

of claim [FEATURE ID: 14]

1 , wherein when the first switching device is operated in the closed position and second switching device is operated in the open position , the first radiating element has a fifth resonance frequency [FEATURE ID: 16]

substantially equal [FEATURE ID: 5]

to the third resonance frequency . 3 . The multi-band radio antenna structure of claim 1 , wherein the first resonance frequency is substantially in a frequency range of 1710 MHz [FEATURE ID: 7]

to 1880 MHz . 4 . The multi-band radio antenna structure of claim 1 , wherein the second resonance frequency is substantially in a frequency range of 880 MHz to 960 MHz . 5 . The multi-band radio antenna structure of claim 1 , wherein the third resonance frequency is substantially in a frequency range of 1850 MHz to 1990 MHz . 6 . The multi-band radio antenna structure of claim 1 , wherein the fourth resonance frequency is substantially in a frequency range of 1920 MHz to 2170 MHz . 7 . The multi-band radio antenna structure of claim 1 , wherein the third electrically conducting area is adjacent to the first electrically conducting area . 8 . The multi-band radio antenna structure of claim 1 , wherein the third electrically conducting area is adjacent to the second electrically conducting area . 9 . The multi-band radio antenna structure of claim 1 , wherein the second electrically conducting area is adjacent to at least two sides [FEATURE ID: 12]

Targeted Patent:

Patent: US8456365B2
Filed: 2002-12-22
Issued: 2013-06-04
Patent Holder: (Original Assignee) Fractus SA     (Current Assignee) Fractus SA
Inventor(s): Jaume Anguera Pros, Carles Puente Baliarda

Title: Multi-band monopole antennas for mobile communications devices

Cross Reference / Shared Meaning between the Lines
Charted Against:

Patent: US6473038B2
Filed: 2001-01-05
Issued: 2002-10-29
Patent Holder: (Original Assignee) Motorola Inc     (Current Assignee) Motorola Solutions Inc
Inventor(s): Neal K. Patwari, Robert J. O'Dea, Vernon A. Allen, Matthew R. Perkins, Monique J. Bourgeois

Title: Method and apparatus for location estimation

[FEATURE ID: 1] mobile communication deviceapparatus, transmitter, first, user, wireless, network, second[FEATURE ID: 1] wireless devices, first wireless device, first device, second device
[TRANSITIVE ID: 2] comprising, suchcontaining, of, with, at, by, using, and[TRANSITIVE ID: 2] including, having
[FEATURE ID: 3] multi-band antenna capablesystem, way, device, mode[FEATURE ID: 3] method
[TRANSITIVE ID: 4] includingproviding, implementing, forming, using[TRANSITIVE ID: 4] optimizing
[TRANSITIVE ID: 5] operatesexists, lies, works, is, acts, runs[TRANSITIVE ID: 5] depends
[FEATURE ID: 6] cooperationproximity, parallel, accordance, correspondence[FEATURE ID: 6] response
[FEATURE ID: 7] portion, grid dimensionsubset, plurality, range, proportion, first, density, value[FEATURE ID: 7] set, number
[FEATURE ID: 8] claimitem, requirement, preceding claim, clam, embodiment, paragraph, statement[FEATURE ID: 8] claim
1 . A mobile communication device [FEATURE ID: 1]

, comprising [TRANSITIVE ID: 2]

: a device housing ; a printed circuit board , the printed circuit board comprising : a ground plane layer ; a feeding point ; a communication circuitry , the communication circuitry being mounted on the printed circuit board ; wherein the communication circuitry is coupled to the feeding point and to the ground plane layer ; a multi-band antenna capable [FEATURE ID: 3]

of operating at multiple frequency bands , the multi-band antenna including [TRANSITIVE ID: 4]

an antenna element ; wherein the antenna element operates [TRANSITIVE ID: 5]

in cooperation [FEATURE ID: 6]

with the ground plane layer ; the antenna element comprising : a common conductor ; a first radiating arm connected to the common conductor ; a second radiating arm connected to the common conductor ; wherein the common conductor includes a feeding port , the feeding port being coupled to the feeding point ; wherein at least a portion [FEATURE ID: 7]

of the first radiating arm and at least a portion of the second radiating arm are arranged on different planes ; wherein the first radiating arm is at least partially shaped according to a grid - dimension curve ; and wherein the printed circuit board , the communication circuitry , and the multi-band antenna are arranged inside the device housing . 2 . The mobile communication device according to claim [FEATURE ID: 8]

1 , wherein the first radiating arm comprises a first plurality of segments ; wherein each segment of the first plurality of segments is smaller than 1/10 of a lowest operating free - space wavelength of the multi-band antenna ; wherein the segments are spatially arranged such [FEATURE ID: 2]

that each pair of adjacent segments forms a corner ; and wherein no two adjacent and connected segments form another longer straight segment ; and wherein none of said segments intersect with another segment other than to form a closed loop . 3 . The mobile communication device according to claim 2 , wherein the first plurality of segments comprises at least one curved segment . 4 . The mobile communication device according to claim 2 , wherein the first plurality of segments comprises at least ten segments . 5 . The mobile communication device according to claim 2 , wherein the second radiating arm comprises a second plurality of segments ; wherein each segment of the second plurality of segments is smaller than 1/10 of a lowest operating free - space wavelength of the multi-band antenna ; wherein the segments are spatially arranged such that each pair of adjacent segments forms a corner ; and wherein no two adjacent and connected segments form another longer straight segment ; and wherein none of said segments intersect with another segment other than to form a closed loop . 6 . The mobile communication device according to claim 5 , wherein the first plurality of segments comprises more segments than the second plurality of segments . 7 . The mobile communication device according to claim 1 , wherein the grid - dimension curve has a grid dimension [FEATURE ID: 7]

1 . A method [FEATURE ID: 3]

of estimating unknown locations of wireless devices [FEATURE ID: 1]

, the method including [TRANSITIVE ID: 2]

the steps of : receiving a measurement of a first signal transmitted between the first and the second wireless devices having [TRANSITIVE ID: 2]

unknown locations to obtain a signal measurement ; optimizing [TRANSITIVE ID: 4]

a function that depends [TRANSITIVE ID: 5]

on the signal measurement , a set [FEATURE ID: 7]

of postulated coordinates for the first wireless device [FEATURE ID: 1]

, and a set of postulated coordinates for the second wireless devices ; and estimating locations for the first and second wireless devices based at least in part on the optimized function . 2 . The method according to claim [FEATURE ID: 8]

1 wherein the step of receiving a measurement of a signal includes the sub-step of : receiving a measurement of an offset time that depends on a difference between a first time at which a second signal was sent from the first device [FEATURE ID: 1]

to a second device [FEATURE ID: 1]

and a second time at which the first signal was received at the first device after being sent by the second device in response [FEATURE ID: 6]

to the second signal . 3 . A method of estimating unknown locations of wireless devices , the method including the steps of : receiving a measurement of a first signal transmitted between the first and the second wireless devices to obtain a signal measurement , and optimizing a function that depends on the signal measurement , a set of postulated coordinates for the first wireless device , and a set of postulated coordinates for the second wireless devices ; wherein the step of optimizing the function comprises the sub-step of optimizing a function that includes a sub-expression of the form : Sub Exp 9 = ∏ i = 1 N ∏ j ∉ H i , j ≠ i ∫ p i , j - p thresh ∞ exp [ - 1 2 ( S σ db ) 2 ] S where i is a first index that denotes an ith wireless devices involved in a location estimation calculation , j is a second index that denotes a jth wireless devices involved in a location estimation calculation , N is a number [FEATURE ID: 7]

Targeted Patent:

Patent: US8456365B2
Filed: 2002-12-22
Issued: 2013-06-04
Patent Holder: (Original Assignee) Fractus SA     (Current Assignee) Fractus SA
Inventor(s): Jaume Anguera Pros, Carles Puente Baliarda

Title: Multi-band monopole antennas for mobile communications devices

Cross Reference / Shared Meaning between the Lines
Charted Against:

Patent: US20020155838A1
Filed: 2000-06-19
Issued: 2002-10-24
Patent Holder: (Original Assignee) Durrant Randolph L.; Logan Scott; Reece John K.     (Current Assignee) Apple Inc
Inventor(s): Randolph Durrant, Logan Scott, John Reece

Title: RF signal repeater, mobile unit position determination system using the RF signal repeater, and method of communication therefor

[FEATURE ID: 1] mobile communication device, device housingtransceiver, radio, device, server, station, circuit, unit[FEATURE ID: 1] base station, mobile unit, wireless network, apparatus, frequency discriminator, transmitter, receiver, location center, mobile location center, repeater, system
[TRANSITIVE ID: 2] comprisingincluding, of, comprises, includes, having, involving, containing[TRANSITIVE ID: 2] comprising
[TRANSITIVE ID: 3] mounted, operatesarranged, configured, deployed, included, operate, installed, being[TRANSITIVE ID: 3] located
[FEATURE ID: 4] multi-band antenna capablesystem, way, mode, means[FEATURE ID: 4] method
[TRANSITIVE ID: 5] operating, radiatingemitting, broadcasting, communicating, directing, sensing, storing, resonating[TRANSITIVE ID: 5] receiving, transmitting
[TRANSITIVE ID: 6] includinghaving, defining, forming, using[TRANSITIVE ID: 6] providing
[FEATURE ID: 7] portionsection, component, range, location, segment[FEATURE ID: 7] cell
[FEATURE ID: 8] claimembodiment, item, clair, claimed, preceding claim, the claim, figure[FEATURE ID: 8] claim
[FEATURE ID: 9] suchat, to, of, within[FEATURE ID: 9] identifying
1 . A mobile communication device [FEATURE ID: 1]

, comprising [TRANSITIVE ID: 2]

: a device housing [FEATURE ID: 1]

; a printed circuit board , the printed circuit board comprising : a ground plane layer ; a feeding point ; a communication circuitry , the communication circuitry being mounted [TRANSITIVE ID: 3]

on the printed circuit board ; wherein the communication circuitry is coupled to the feeding point and to the ground plane layer ; a multi-band antenna capable [FEATURE ID: 4]

of operating [TRANSITIVE ID: 5]

at multiple frequency bands , the multi-band antenna including [TRANSITIVE ID: 6]

an antenna element ; wherein the antenna element operates [TRANSITIVE ID: 3]

in cooperation with the ground plane layer ; the antenna element comprising : a common conductor ; a first radiating [TRANSITIVE ID: 5]

arm connected to the common conductor ; a second radiating arm connected to the common conductor ; wherein the common conductor includes a feeding port , the feeding port being coupled to the feeding point ; wherein at least a portion [FEATURE ID: 7]

of the first radiating arm and at least a portion of the second radiating arm are arranged on different planes ; wherein the first radiating arm is at least partially shaped according to a grid - dimension curve ; and wherein the printed circuit board , the communication circuitry , and the multi-band antenna are arranged inside the device housing . 2 . The mobile communication device according to claim [FEATURE ID: 8]

1 , wherein the first radiating arm comprises a first plurality of segments ; wherein each segment of the first plurality of segments is smaller than 1/10 of a lowest operating free - space wavelength of the multi-band antenna ; wherein the segments are spatially arranged such [FEATURE ID: 9]

1 . A method [FEATURE ID: 4]

of communication , comprising [TRANSITIVE ID: 2]

: providing [TRANSITIVE ID: 6]

a base station [FEATURE ID: 1]

, a mobile unit [FEATURE ID: 1]

, and a signal repeater all located [TRANSITIVE ID: 3]

in a cell [FEATURE ID: 7]

of a wireless network [FEATURE ID: 1]

; receiving [TRANSITIVE ID: 5]

at the signal repeater a signal from at least one of the base station and the mobile unit ; tagging the received signal with an electronic signature identifying [TRANSITIVE ID: 9]

the signal repeater ; and transmitting [TRANSITIVE ID: 5]

the tagged signal from the signal repeater . 2 . The method of claim [FEATURE ID: 8]

1 , wherein the receiving at the signal repeater comprises receiving a downlink signal from the base station and the transmitting the tagged signal comprises transmitting a tagged downlink signal to the mobile unit . 3 . The method of claim 1 , wherein the receiving at the signal repeater steps comprises receiving an uplink signal from the mobile unit and the transmitting the tagged signal step comprises transmitting a tagged uplink to the base station . 4 . The method of claim 1 , further comprising generating the electronic signature at the signal repeater . 5 . An apparatus [FEATURE ID: 1]

comprising : a frequency discriminator [FEATURE ID: 1]

to detect unique signal tags in a signal sent from a transmitter [FEATURE ID: 1]

, the unique signal tags generated by a signal repeater , to demodulate signal tag , and to generate a repeater tag ID from the signal tag ; and a TOA ( time of arrival ) receiver [FEATURE ID: 1]

to measure a propagation time delay from the transmitter ; the frequency discriminator and TOA receiver coupled to a location center [FEATURE ID: 1]

( LC ) to determine the position of the mobile unit based on the TOA receiver measurements and the repeater tag ID . 6 . The apparatus of claim 5 , wherein the transmitter comprises a mobile unit , and the location center comprises a mobile location center [FEATURE ID: 1]

( MLC ) . 7 . The apparatus of claim 6 , wherein the MLC determines the position of the transmitter based on the TOA receiver measurements and the repeater tag ID by looking up the TOA receiver measurements and the repeater tag ID in a database that includes geographical coordinates of the repeater [FEATURE ID: 1]

corresponding to the repeater tag ID and a number of corresponding base stations . 8 . A system [FEATURE ID: 1]

Targeted Patent:

Patent: US8456365B2
Filed: 2002-12-22
Issued: 2013-06-04
Patent Holder: (Original Assignee) Fractus SA     (Current Assignee) Fractus SA
Inventor(s): Jaume Anguera Pros, Carles Puente Baliarda

Title: Multi-band monopole antennas for mobile communications devices

Cross Reference / Shared Meaning between the Lines
Charted Against:

Patent: US20020149527A1
Filed: 2001-04-12
Issued: 2002-10-17
Patent Holder: (Original Assignee) Research in Motion Ltd     (Current Assignee) BlackBerry Ltd
Inventor(s): Geyi Wen, Yihong Qi, Krystyna Bandurska, Perry Jarmuszewski

Title: Multiple-element antenna

[FEATURE ID: 1] mobile communication device, device housing, multi-band antenna capabletransceiver, handset, mobile, device, terminal, antenna, smartphone[FEATURE ID: 1] mobile communication device, mobile communications device, band mobile communication device
[TRANSITIVE ID: 2] comprisingincluding, with, comprises, includes, of, containing, featuring[TRANSITIVE ID: 2] comprising, having
[TRANSITIVE ID: 3] printed, circuit boardcircuit, board, substrate, dielectric, integrated, conductor, sheet[TRANSITIVE ID: 3] fabricated, single substrate, flexible dielectric substrate
[FEATURE ID: 4] ground plane layer, feeding pointport, slot, ground, pad, node, feeding, conductor[FEATURE ID: 4] monopole feeding port
[TRANSITIVE ID: 5] mounteddisposed, provided, formed, arranged, located, enclosed, contained[TRANSITIVE ID: 5] configured, positioned, defined
[FEATURE ID: 6] multiple frequency bandsresonance, bandwidth, mhz, rf, broadband, frequencies, duplex[FEATURE ID: 6] second operating frequency, operating frequency
[FEATURE ID: 7] multi-band antennaelement, array, radiator, aerial[FEATURE ID: 7] dipole antenna
[TRANSITIVE ID: 8] includingcomprises, defining, has, comprising, provides, incorporates, surrounds[TRANSITIVE ID: 8] defines, includes
[FEATURE ID: 9] cooperationproximity, operation, series, parallel, alignment, proportion, resonance[FEATURE ID: 9] order, close proximity, gain
[FEATURE ID: 10] feeding portprobe, feeding, coupling, tap, slot[FEATURE ID: 10] dipole feeding port
[FEATURE ID: 11] gridsingle, two, one, three, four, multi, six[FEATURE ID: 11] multiple, dual, first operating frequency
[FEATURE ID: 12] dimension curve, grid dimensiontopology, structure, bandwidth, thickness, curvature, radius, wavelength[FEATURE ID: 12] conductor length
[FEATURE ID: 13] claimparagraph, the claim, clam, embodiment, statement, figure, requirement[FEATURE ID: 13] claim
[FEATURE ID: 14] segmentelement, strip, portion, section[FEATURE ID: 14] line
[FEATURE ID: 15] closed loopnotch, slit, cavity, slot, discontinuity, step, bend[FEATURE ID: 15] recess, meandering line, top load
1 . A mobile communication device [FEATURE ID: 1]

, comprising [TRANSITIVE ID: 2]

: a device housing [FEATURE ID: 1]

; a printed [TRANSITIVE ID: 3]

circuit board [FEATURE ID: 3]

, the printed circuit board comprising : a ground plane layer [FEATURE ID: 4]

; a feeding point [FEATURE ID: 4]

; a communication circuitry , the communication circuitry being mounted [TRANSITIVE ID: 5]

on the printed circuit board ; wherein the communication circuitry is coupled to the feeding point and to the ground plane layer ; a multi-band antenna capable [FEATURE ID: 1]

of operating at multiple frequency bands [FEATURE ID: 6]

, the multi-band antenna [FEATURE ID: 7]

including [TRANSITIVE ID: 8]

an antenna element ; wherein the antenna element operates in cooperation [FEATURE ID: 9]

with the ground plane layer ; the antenna element comprising : a common conductor ; a first radiating arm connected to the common conductor ; a second radiating arm connected to the common conductor ; wherein the common conductor includes a feeding port [FEATURE ID: 10]

, the feeding port being coupled to the feeding point ; wherein at least a portion of the first radiating arm and at least a portion of the second radiating arm are arranged on different planes ; wherein the first radiating arm is at least partially shaped according to a grid [FEATURE ID: 11]

- dimension curve [FEATURE ID: 12]

; and wherein the printed circuit board , the communication circuitry , and the multi-band antenna are arranged inside the device housing . 2 . The mobile communication device according to claim [FEATURE ID: 13]

1 , wherein the first radiating arm comprises a first plurality of segments ; wherein each segment [FEATURE ID: 14]

of the first plurality of segments is smaller than 1/10 of a lowest operating free - space wavelength of the multi-band antenna ; wherein the segments are spatially arranged such that each pair of adjacent segments forms a corner ; and wherein no two adjacent and connected segments form another longer straight segment ; and wherein none of said segments intersect with another segment other than to form a closed loop [FEATURE ID: 15]

. 3 . The mobile communication device according to claim 2 , wherein the first plurality of segments comprises at least one curved segment . 4 . The mobile communication device according to claim 2 , wherein the first plurality of segments comprises at least ten segments . 5 . The mobile communication device according to claim 2 , wherein the second radiating arm comprises a second plurality of segments ; wherein each segment of the second plurality of segments is smaller than 1/10 of a lowest operating free - space wavelength of the multi-band antenna ; wherein the segments are spatially arranged such that each pair of adjacent segments forms a corner ; and wherein no two adjacent and connected segments form another longer straight segment ; and wherein none of said segments intersect with another segment other than to form a closed loop . 6 . The mobile communication device according to claim 5 , wherein the first plurality of segments comprises more segments than the second plurality of segments . 7 . The mobile communication device according to claim 1 , wherein the grid - dimension curve has a grid dimension [FEATURE ID: 12]

1 . A multiple [FEATURE ID: 11]

- element antenna for a mobile communication device [FEATURE ID: 1]

, comprising [TRANSITIVE ID: 2]

: a monopole portion having [TRANSITIVE ID: 2]

a top section , a middle section and a bottom section , wherein the middle section defines [TRANSITIVE ID: 8]

a recess [FEATURE ID: 15]

between the top and bottom sections , and wherein the bottom section includes [TRANSITIVE ID: 8]

a monopole feeding port [FEATURE ID: 4]

configured [TRANSITIVE ID: 5]

to couple the monopole portion of the multiple - element antenna to communications circuitry in the mobile communication device ; and a dipole portion having at least one dipole feeding port [FEATURE ID: 10]

configured to couple the dipole portion of the multiple - element antenna to communications circuitry in the mobile communications device [FEATURE ID: 1]

; wherein the dipole portion of the multiple - element antenna is positioned [TRANSITIVE ID: 5]

within the recess defined [TRANSITIVE ID: 5]

by the monopole portion of the multiple - element antenna in order [FEATURE ID: 9]

to electromagnetically couple the monopole portion with the dipole portion . 2 . The multiple - element antenna of claim [FEATURE ID: 13]

1 , wherein the monopole portion and the dipole portion are fabricated [TRANSITIVE ID: 3]

on a single substrate [FEATURE ID: 3]

. 3 . The multiple - element antenna of claim 2 , wherein the substrate is a flexible dielectric substrate [FEATURE ID: 3]

. 4 . The multiple - element antenna of claim 1 , wherein the mobile communication device is a dual [FEATURE ID: 11]

- band mobile communication device [FEATURE ID: 1]

, and wherein the monopole portion is tuned to a first operating frequency [FEATURE ID: 11]

and the dipole portion is tuned to a second operating frequency [FEATURE ID: 6]

. 5 . The multiple - element antenna of claim 1 , wherein the top section of the monopole portion includes a meandering line [FEATURE ID: 15]

. 6 . The multiple - element antenna of claim 5 , wherein the conductor length [FEATURE ID: 12]

of the meandering line [FEATURE ID: 14]

is pre-selected to tune the monopole portion to an operating frequency [FEATURE ID: 6]

. 7 . The multiple - element antenna of claim 1 , wherein the bottom section of the monopole portion includes a gain patch and the dipole portion includes a load patch , and wherein the gain patch is positioned in close proximity [FEATURE ID: 9]

to the load patch in order to increase the gain [FEATURE ID: 9]

of the monopole and dipole portions . 8 . The multiple - element antenna of claim 1 , wherein the dipole portion is an open folded dipole antenna [FEATURE ID: 7]

. 9 . The multiple - element antenna of claim 1 , wherein the dipole portion is an offset feed , open folded dipole antenna . 10 . The multiple - element antenna of claim 1 , wherein the dipole portion includes a top load [FEATURE ID: 15]

Targeted Patent:

Patent: US8456365B2
Filed: 2002-12-22
Issued: 2013-06-04
Patent Holder: (Original Assignee) Fractus SA     (Current Assignee) Fractus SA
Inventor(s): Jaume Anguera Pros, Carles Puente Baliarda

Title: Multi-band monopole antennas for mobile communications devices

Cross Reference / Shared Meaning between the Lines
Charted Against:

Patent: US20020140615A1
Filed: 1999-09-20
Issued: 2002-10-03
Patent Holder: (Original Assignee) Fractus SA     (Current Assignee) Fractus SA
Inventor(s): Puente Carles, Romeu Jordi, Borj Carmen, Anguera Jaume, Soler Castany

Title: Multilevel antennae

[TRANSITIVE ID: 1] comprising, includingcontaining, with, incorporating, using, forming, defining, has[TRANSITIVE ID: 1] having
[FEATURE ID: 2] ground plane layersubstrate, conductor, layer, surface[FEATURE ID: 2] multilevel structure
[TRANSITIVE ID: 3] beingis, not, substantially, physically, are, also, partially[TRANSITIVE ID: 3] being
[TRANSITIVE ID: 4] coupled, connected, connected segmentslinked, adjacent, joined, bonded, associated, parallel, bound[TRANSITIVE ID: 4] coupled
[FEATURE ID: 5] multi-band antennaapparatus, array, aerial, device, element, wireless antenna, broadband antenna[FEATURE ID: 5] Multilevel antenna
[FEATURE ID: 6] portionmajority, proportion, quarter, fraction, surface, region[FEATURE ID: 6] major part
[FEATURE ID: 7] different planesvertices, surfaces, edges, layers, dimensions, shapes, different[FEATURE ID: 7] sides, polygons, different geometry
[FEATURE ID: 8] leastless, lease, feast, lest, most, last, minus[FEATURE ID: 8] least
[FEATURE ID: 9] gridtwo, three, one, four[FEATURE ID: 9] most
[FEATURE ID: 10] dimension curve, pairarrangement, form, configuration, structure, shape, topology, kind[FEATURE ID: 10] same type, same number, majority
[FEATURE ID: 11] claimclair, item, claimed, figure[FEATURE ID: 11] claim
[FEATURE ID: 12] adjacent segments, adjacentconsecutive, adjoining, two, individual, contiguous, corresponding, connected[FEATURE ID: 12] said
[FEATURE ID: 13] noneeach, both, all, those[FEATURE ID: 13] elements
[FEATURE ID: 14] grid dimensionperimeter, number, surface, plane, side, circumference, thickness[FEATURE ID: 14] faces, single type
1 . A mobile communication device , comprising [TRANSITIVE ID: 1]

: a device housing ; a printed circuit board , the printed circuit board comprising : a ground plane layer [FEATURE ID: 2]

; a feeding point ; a communication circuitry , the communication circuitry being [TRANSITIVE ID: 3]

mounted on the printed circuit board ; wherein the communication circuitry is coupled [TRANSITIVE ID: 4]

to the feeding point and to the ground plane layer ; a multi-band antenna capable of operating at multiple frequency bands , the multi-band antenna [FEATURE ID: 5]

including [TRANSITIVE ID: 1]

an antenna element ; wherein the antenna element operates in cooperation with the ground plane layer ; the antenna element comprising : a common conductor ; a first radiating arm connected [TRANSITIVE ID: 4]

to the common conductor ; a second radiating arm connected to the common conductor ; wherein the common conductor includes a feeding port , the feeding port being coupled to the feeding point ; wherein at least a portion [FEATURE ID: 6]

of the first radiating arm and at least a portion of the second radiating arm are arranged on different planes [FEATURE ID: 7]

; wherein the first radiating arm is at least [FEATURE ID: 8]

partially shaped according to a grid [FEATURE ID: 9]

- dimension curve [FEATURE ID: 10]

; and wherein the printed circuit board , the communication circuitry , and the multi-band antenna are arranged inside the device housing . 2 . The mobile communication device according to claim [FEATURE ID: 11]

1 , wherein the first radiating arm comprises a first plurality of segments ; wherein each segment of the first plurality of segments is smaller than 1/10 of a lowest operating free - space wavelength of the multi-band antenna ; wherein the segments are spatially arranged such that each pair [FEATURE ID: 10]

of adjacent segments [FEATURE ID: 12]

forms a corner ; and wherein no two adjacent [FEATURE ID: 12]

and connected segments [FEATURE ID: 4]

form another longer straight segment ; and wherein none [FEATURE ID: 13]

of said segments intersect with another segment other than to form a closed loop . 3 . The mobile communication device according to claim 2 , wherein the first plurality of segments comprises at least one curved segment . 4 . The mobile communication device according to claim 2 , wherein the first plurality of segments comprises at least ten segments . 5 . The mobile communication device according to claim 2 , wherein the second radiating arm comprises a second plurality of segments ; wherein each segment of the second plurality of segments is smaller than 1/10 of a lowest operating free - space wavelength of the multi-band antenna ; wherein the segments are spatially arranged such that each pair of adjacent segments forms a corner ; and wherein no two adjacent and connected segments form another longer straight segment ; and wherein none of said segments intersect with another segment other than to form a closed loop . 6 . The mobile communication device according to claim 5 , wherein the first plurality of segments comprises more segments than the second plurality of segments . 7 . The mobile communication device according to claim 1 , wherein the grid - dimension curve has a grid dimension [FEATURE ID: 14]

1 . Multilevel antenna [FEATURE ID: 5]

characterised in that it includes at least [FEATURE ID: 8]

one multilevel structure [FEATURE ID: 2]

which is a set of polygonal or polyhedral elements of the same type [FEATURE ID: 10]

( same number [FEATURE ID: 10]

of sides [FEATURE ID: 7]

or faces [FEATURE ID: 14]

) although not necessarily of the same size , the multilevel structure and the polygons [FEATURE ID: 7]

or polyhedrons which form it having [TRANSITIVE ID: 1]

different geometry [FEATURE ID: 7]

, said [TRANSITIVE ID: 12]

polygons or polyhedrons being [TRANSITIVE ID: 3]

electromagnetically coupled [TRANSITIVE ID: 4]

to each other so that the area of contact between elements [FEATURE ID: 13]

does not cover a major part [FEATURE ID: 6]

of the perimeter or area at least in most [FEATURE ID: 9]

of the polygons or polyhedrons , so that the area of contact between elements is under 50 % of the perimeter or area in at least 75 % of the polygons or polyhedrons , thereby allowing to geometrically distinguish in the multilevel structure the majority [FEATURE ID: 10]

of the polygons or polyhedrons which form it . 2 . Multilevel antenna , as claimed in claim [FEATURE ID: 11]

1 , characterised in that the multilevel structure is formed exclusively be triangles . 3 . Multilevel antenna , as claimed in claim 1 , characterised in that the multilevel structure is formed exclusively by polygons of a single type [FEATURE ID: 14]

Targeted Patent:

Patent: US8456365B2
Filed: 2002-12-22
Issued: 2013-06-04
Patent Holder: (Original Assignee) Fractus SA     (Current Assignee) Fractus SA
Inventor(s): Jaume Anguera Pros, Carles Puente Baliarda

Title: Multi-band monopole antennas for mobile communications devices

Cross Reference / Shared Meaning between the Lines
Charted Against:

Patent: US6459413B1
Filed: 2001-01-10
Issued: 2002-10-01
Patent Holder: (Original Assignee) Industrial Technology Research Institute ITRI     (Current Assignee) Industrial Technology Research Institute ITRI
Inventor(s): Wen-Jen Tseng, Jyh-Wen Sheen

Title: Multi-frequency band antenna

[FEATURE ID: 1] mobile communication device, multi-band antenna capablemethod, radio, system, transceiver, terminal, antenna, device[FEATURE ID: 1] multi-frequency band antenna
[TRANSITIVE ID: 2] comprising, includingcontaining, comprises, with, has, of, includes, involving[TRANSITIVE ID: 2] comprising, having, forming
[FEATURE ID: 3] ground plane layersubstrate, floor, layer, surface, plane[FEATURE ID: 3] top surface
[FEATURE ID: 4] feeding pointfeeding, connecting point, node, port, source, supply, point[FEATURE ID: 4] signal feed point
[TRANSITIVE ID: 5] beingis, integrally, and, having, substantially[TRANSITIVE ID: 5] being
[TRANSITIVE ID: 6] mounted, operatesarranged, configured, disposed, provided, formed, set, utilized[TRANSITIVE ID: 6] shaped, used
[TRANSITIVE ID: 7] coupled, connectedfed, joined, linked, attached, grounded, adjacent, conducted[TRANSITIVE ID: 7] connecting
[TRANSITIVE ID: 8] operating, radiatingfeeding, receiving, radiation, antenna, emitting, running, working[TRANSITIVE ID: 8] radiating, functioning, signals
[FEATURE ID: 9] cooperationassociation, correspondence, common, alignment, line, communication, accordance[FEATURE ID: 9] parallel
[FEATURE ID: 10] firstth, curved first, straight first, rectangular first, bendable first, first elongated, linear first[FEATURE ID: 10] first
[FEATURE ID: 11] seconddifferent second, two, seconds, first, secondary, third, flexible second[FEATURE ID: 11] second
[FEATURE ID: 12] feeding portfeeding, connection, supply, fed, feeds[FEATURE ID: 12] feed
[FEATURE ID: 13] claimitem, figure, fig, invention, clair, embodiment, paragraph[FEATURE ID: 13] claim
[FEATURE ID: 14] segmentsportions, slots, openings, sides, substrates, regions, members[FEATURE ID: 14] metal conductors, interior layers
[FEATURE ID: 15] cornerside, bend, junction, branch, vertex, plane, triangle[FEATURE ID: 15] second end, top loaded structure, surface, curved surface
[FEATURE ID: 16] closed loopline, slit, rectangle, branch, slot[FEATURE ID: 16] metal conductor
[FEATURE ID: 17] grid dimensionspan, number, size, value, magnitude, width, scale[FEATURE ID: 17] range
1 . A mobile communication device [FEATURE ID: 1]

, comprising [TRANSITIVE ID: 2]

: a device housing ; a printed circuit board , the printed circuit board comprising : a ground plane layer [FEATURE ID: 3]

; a feeding point [FEATURE ID: 4]

; a communication circuitry , the communication circuitry being [TRANSITIVE ID: 5]

mounted [TRANSITIVE ID: 6]

on the printed circuit board ; wherein the communication circuitry is coupled [TRANSITIVE ID: 7]

to the feeding point and to the ground plane layer ; a multi-band antenna capable [FEATURE ID: 1]

of operating [TRANSITIVE ID: 8]

at multiple frequency bands , the multi-band antenna including [TRANSITIVE ID: 2]

an antenna element ; wherein the antenna element operates [TRANSITIVE ID: 6]

in cooperation [FEATURE ID: 9]

with the ground plane layer ; the antenna element comprising : a common conductor ; a first [FEATURE ID: 10]

radiating [TRANSITIVE ID: 8]

arm connected [TRANSITIVE ID: 7]

to the common conductor ; a second [FEATURE ID: 11]

radiating arm connected to the common conductor ; wherein the common conductor includes a feeding port [FEATURE ID: 12]

, the feeding port being coupled to the feeding point ; wherein at least a portion of the first radiating arm and at least a portion of the second radiating arm are arranged on different planes ; wherein the first radiating arm is at least partially shaped according to a grid - dimension curve ; and wherein the printed circuit board , the communication circuitry , and the multi-band antenna are arranged inside the device housing . 2 . The mobile communication device according to claim [FEATURE ID: 13]

1 , wherein the first radiating arm comprises a first plurality of segments [FEATURE ID: 14]

; wherein each segment of the first plurality of segments is smaller than 1/10 of a lowest operating free - space wavelength of the multi-band antenna ; wherein the segments are spatially arranged such that each pair of adjacent segments forms a corner [FEATURE ID: 15]

; and wherein no two adjacent and connected segments form another longer straight segment ; and wherein none of said segments intersect with another segment other than to form a closed loop [FEATURE ID: 16]

. 3 . The mobile communication device according to claim 2 , wherein the first plurality of segments comprises at least one curved segment . 4 . The mobile communication device according to claim 2 , wherein the first plurality of segments comprises at least ten segments . 5 . The mobile communication device according to claim 2 , wherein the second radiating arm comprises a second plurality of segments ; wherein each segment of the second plurality of segments is smaller than 1/10 of a lowest operating free - space wavelength of the multi-band antenna ; wherein the segments are spatially arranged such that each pair of adjacent segments forms a corner ; and wherein no two adjacent and connected segments form another longer straight segment ; and wherein none of said segments intersect with another segment other than to form a closed loop . 6 . The mobile communication device according to claim 5 , wherein the first plurality of segments comprises more segments than the second plurality of segments . 7 . The mobile communication device according to claim 1 , wherein the grid - dimension curve has a grid dimension [FEATURE ID: 17]

1 . A multi-frequency band antenna [FEATURE ID: 1]

comprising [TRANSITIVE ID: 2]

; a first [FEATURE ID: 10]

radiating [TRANSITIVE ID: 8]

clement being [TRANSITIVE ID: 5]

shaped [TRANSITIVE ID: 6]

as an extended bent wire for functioning [TRANSITIVE ID: 8]

as an antenna element of a first frequency band , said first radiating element comprising a conductive material ; a second [FEATURE ID: 11]

radiating element for functioning as an antenna element of a second frequency band , said second frequency band being different from said first frequency band , said second radiating element comprising a conductive material ; and a feed [FEATURE ID: 12]

radiating element having [TRANSITIVE ID: 2]

a first end being used [TRANSITIVE ID: 6]

as a signal feed point [FEATURE ID: 4]

for signals [FEATURE ID: 8]

of said first and second frequency bands , and a second end [FEATURE ID: 15]

being electrically connecting [TRANSITIVE ID: 7]

said first radiating element to said second radiating element and forming [TRANSITIVE ID: 2]

a top loaded structure [FEATURE ID: 15]

; wherein said feed radiating element is disposed on a plane neither containing nor in parallel [FEATURE ID: 9]

with said first and second radiating elements , and said feed radiating element forms an angle in a range [FEATURE ID: 17]

between 70 ° to 180 ° with a surface [FEATURE ID: 15]

containing said first or second radiating element . 2 . The multi-frequency band antenna as claimed in claim [FEATURE ID: 13]

1 , said feed radiating element being a metal conductor [FEATURE ID: 16]

. 3 . The multi-frequency band antenna as claimed in claim 1 , said feed radiating element being formed by a metal conductor and a base of a dielectric material . 4 . The multi-frequency band antenna as claimed in claim 3 , said metal conductor being placed on a top surface [FEATURE ID: 3]

of said base . 5 . The multi-frequency band antenna as claimed in claim 3 , said metal conductor being placed on an interior layer of said base . 6 . The multi-frequency band antenna as claimed in claim 1 , said first and second radiating elements being formed by two metal conductors [FEATURE ID: 14]

and a base of a dielectric material . 7 . The multi-frequency band antenna as claimed in claim 6 , said metal conductors being placed on a top surface of said base . 8 . The multi-frequency band antenna as claimed in claim 6 , said metal conductors being placed in an interior area of said base . 9 . The multi-frequency band antenna as claimed in claim 6 , said base having at least two interior layers [FEATURE ID: 14]

and said metal conductors being placed in different interior layers . 10 . The multi-frequency band antenna as claimed in claim 1 , said first and said second radiating elements being coplanar and forming an angle with said feed radiating element . 11 . The multi-frequency band antenna as claimed in claim 1 , said first and said second radiating , elements being placed on a curved surface [FEATURE ID: 15]

Targeted Patent:

Patent: US8456365B2
Filed: 2002-12-22
Issued: 2013-06-04
Patent Holder: (Original Assignee) Fractus SA     (Current Assignee) Fractus SA
Inventor(s): Jaume Anguera Pros, Carles Puente Baliarda

Title: Multi-band monopole antennas for mobile communications devices

Cross Reference / Shared Meaning between the Lines
Charted Against:

Patent: EP0749176B1
Filed: 1995-06-15
Issued: 2002-09-18
Patent Holder: (Original Assignee) Nokia Oyj     (Current Assignee) Nokia Oyj
Inventor(s): Mohamed Sanad

Title: Planar and non-planar double C-patch antennas having different aperture shapes

[TRANSITIVE ID: 1] comprising, includingcomprises, includes, containing, with, defining, involving, of[TRANSITIVE ID: 1] comprising, having
[FEATURE ID: 2] circuit boardcable, plate, antenna, substrate[FEATURE ID: 2] structure
[FEATURE ID: 3] ground plane layerlayer, ground, plane, substrate, surface, dielectric layer, conductive[FEATURE ID: 3] ground plane, conductive layer, continuous short circuit means
[TRANSITIVE ID: 4] mountedarranged, disposed, extending, situated, defined, located, positioned[TRANSITIVE ID: 4] being, formed, disposed second edge, disposed edges
[TRANSITIVE ID: 5] coupled, connectedadjacent, parallel, related, connecting, according, close, tied[TRANSITIVE ID: 5] equal
[FEATURE ID: 6] multi-band antenna capablesystem, device, means, antenna[FEATURE ID: 6] coupling means
[FEATURE ID: 7] multi-band antennaantenna, apparatus, array, radiator, aerial, device, element[FEATURE ID: 7] antenna structure
[TRANSITIVE ID: 8] radiatingconducting, coupling, grounding, radiation, extending, resonating, feeding[TRANSITIVE ID: 8] coupling radio frequency energy
[FEATURE ID: 9] portion, space wavelength, straight segment, segment other, curved segmentsection, region, surface, corner, arc, segment, plane[FEATURE ID: 9] layer, first edge, point, axis
[FEATURE ID: 10] dimension curve, closed loopline, geometry, grid, structure, pattern, triangle, square[FEATURE ID: 10] shape, parallelogram, non-rectangular shape
[FEATURE ID: 11] claimitem, figure, paragraph, the claim, clair, claimed, of claim[FEATURE ID: 11] claim
[FEATURE ID: 12] segmentsregions, members, openings, features, shapes, gaps, aperture[FEATURE ID: 12] apertures, apertures
[FEATURE ID: 13] adjacent segmentsadjacent, contiguous, adjoining, opposite[FEATURE ID: 13] overlying
[FEATURE ID: 14] cornercorners, diagonal, side, bight, point, tip, boundary[FEATURE ID: 14] third edge
[FEATURE ID: 15] adjacentopposite, upper, exposed, associated, open, located, adjoining[FEATURE ID: 15] opposing, second, nearer
[FEATURE ID: 16] grid dimensiondepth, height, dimension, diameter, size, radius, thickness[FEATURE ID: 16] potential plane disposed therebetween, length, width, value, distance
1 . A mobile communication device , comprising [TRANSITIVE ID: 1]

: a device housing ; a printed circuit board [FEATURE ID: 2]

, the printed circuit board comprising : a ground plane layer [FEATURE ID: 3]

; a feeding point ; a communication circuitry , the communication circuitry being mounted [TRANSITIVE ID: 4]

on the printed circuit board ; wherein the communication circuitry is coupled [TRANSITIVE ID: 5]

to the feeding point and to the ground plane layer ; a multi-band antenna capable [FEATURE ID: 6]

of operating at multiple frequency bands , the multi-band antenna [FEATURE ID: 7]

including [TRANSITIVE ID: 1]

an antenna element ; wherein the antenna element operates in cooperation with the ground plane layer ; the antenna element comprising : a common conductor ; a first radiating [TRANSITIVE ID: 8]

arm connected [TRANSITIVE ID: 5]

to the common conductor ; a second radiating arm connected to the common conductor ; wherein the common conductor includes a feeding port , the feeding port being coupled to the feeding point ; wherein at least a portion [FEATURE ID: 9]

of the first radiating arm and at least a portion of the second radiating arm are arranged on different planes ; wherein the first radiating arm is at least partially shaped according to a grid - dimension curve [FEATURE ID: 10]

; and wherein the printed circuit board , the communication circuitry , and the multi-band antenna are arranged inside the device housing . 2 . The mobile communication device according to claim [FEATURE ID: 11]

1 , wherein the first radiating arm comprises a first plurality of segments [FEATURE ID: 12]

; wherein each segment of the first plurality of segments is smaller than 1/10 of a lowest operating free - space wavelength [FEATURE ID: 9]

of the multi-band antenna ; wherein the segments are spatially arranged such that each pair of adjacent segments [FEATURE ID: 13]

forms a corner [FEATURE ID: 14]

; and wherein no two adjacent [FEATURE ID: 15]

and connected segments form another longer straight segment [FEATURE ID: 9]

; and wherein none of said segments intersect with another segment other [FEATURE ID: 9]

than to form a closed loop [FEATURE ID: 10]

. 3 . The mobile communication device according to claim 2 , wherein the first plurality of segments comprises at least one curved segment [FEATURE ID: 9]

. 4 . The mobile communication device according to claim 2 , wherein the first plurality of segments comprises at least ten segments . 5 . The mobile communication device according to claim 2 , wherein the second radiating arm comprises a second plurality of segments ; wherein each segment of the second plurality of segments is smaller than 1/10 of a lowest operating free - space wavelength of the multi-band antenna ; wherein the segments are spatially arranged such that each pair of adjacent segments forms a corner ; and wherein no two adjacent and connected segments form another longer straight segment ; and wherein none of said segments intersect with another segment other than to form a closed loop . 6 . The mobile communication device according to claim 5 , wherein the first plurality of segments comprises more segments than the second plurality of segments . 7 . The mobile communication device according to claim 1 , wherein the grid - dimension curve has a grid dimension [FEATURE ID: 16]

1 An antenna structure [FEATURE ID: 7]

comprising [TRANSITIVE ID: 1]

: a ground plane [FEATURE ID: 3]

; a layer [FEATURE ID: 9]

( 16 ) of dielectric material having [TRANSITIVE ID: 1]

a first surface overlying [TRANSITIVE ID: 13]

said ground plane and an opposing [TRANSITIVE ID: 15]

second surface ; an electrically conductive layer [FEATURE ID: 3]

( 18 ) overlying the second [FEATURE ID: 15]

opposing surface of said dielectric layer , said electrically conductive layer being [TRANSITIVE ID: 4]

in the shape [FEATURE ID: 10]

of a parallelogram [FEATURE ID: 10]

and having first and second apertures formed [TRANSITIVE ID: 4]

therein with a zero potential plane disposed therebetween [FEATURE ID: 16]

; and means ( 14 ) for coupling radio frequency energy [FEATURE ID: 8]

into and out of said electrically conductive layer ; characterised in that each of said first and second apertures [TRANSITIVE ID: 12]

is of a non-rectangular shape [FEATURE ID: 10]

with a length [FEATURE ID: 16]

that extends along a first edge [FEATURE ID: 9]

of said electrically conductive layer and a width [FEATURE ID: 16]

that extends towards an oppositely disposed second edge [FEATURE ID: 4]

of said conductive layer . 2 An antenna structure as set forth in claim [FEATURE ID: 11]

1 wherein said length has a value [FEATURE ID: 16]

that is equal [FEATURE ID: 5]

to approximately 20 % to approximately 35 % of the length of said first edge . 3 An antenna structure as set forth in claim 1 or 2 wherein said width of each of said first and second non-rectangularly shaped apertures [FEATURE ID: 12]

has a value that is equal to approximately 15 % to approximately 40 % less than a width of said electrically conductive layer . 4 An antenna structure as set forth in claim 1 wherein said coupling means [FEATURE ID: 6]

comprises means for connecting a coaxial cable to said electrically conductive layer at a point [FEATURE ID: 9]

between said first and second apertures that is nearer [FEATURE ID: 15]

to one of said apertures than the other . 5 An antenna structure as set forth in claim 1 , wherein said structure [FEATURE ID: 2]

is curved about at least one axis [FEATURE ID: 9]

. 6 An antenna structure comprising : a ground plane ; a layer ( 16 ) of dielectric material having a first surface overlying said ground plane and an opposing second surface ; an electrically conductive layer ( 18 ) overlying the second opposing surface of said dielectric layer , said electrically conductive layer being in the shape of a parallelogram with first and second oppositely disposed edges [FEATURE ID: 4]

, and having an aperture ( 5 ) formed therein ; means ( 24 ) for shorting the electrically conductive layer to the ground plane at a region adjacent to a third edge [FEATURE ID: 14]

of the conductive layer ; and means ( 34 ) for coupling radio frequency energy into and out of said electrically conductive layer ; characterised in that the aperture is of a non-rectangular shape with a length that extends along the first edge of said electrically conductive layer and a width that extends towards the oppositely disposed second edge of said conductive layer . 7 An antenna structure as set forth in claim 6 , wherein said width of said aperture has a value that is equal to approximately 15 % to approximately 40 % less than a width of said electrically conductive layer , and wherein said aperture is located from said third edge at distance [FEATURE ID: 16]

that is approximately equal to said length of said aperture . 8 An antenna structure as set forth in claim 6 , wherein said shorting means is comprised of one of a continuous short circuit means [FEATURE ID: 3]

Targeted Patent:

Patent: US8456365B2
Filed: 2002-12-22
Issued: 2013-06-04
Patent Holder: (Original Assignee) Fractus SA     (Current Assignee) Fractus SA
Inventor(s): Jaume Anguera Pros, Carles Puente Baliarda

Title: Multi-band monopole antennas for mobile communications devices

Cross Reference / Shared Meaning between the Lines
Charted Against:

Patent: US6452556B1
Filed: 2000-09-20
Issued: 2002-09-17
Patent Holder: (Original Assignee) Samsung Electronics Co Ltd     (Current Assignee) Samsung Electronics Co Ltd
Inventor(s): Dong-In Ha, Wan-Jin Choi, Dong-Hwan Kim, Jun-Kyu Kang

Title: Built-in dual band antenna device and operating method thereof in a mobile terminal

[FEATURE ID: 1] mobile communication device, communication circuitry, multi-band antenna capabletransceiver, module, radio, terminal, receiver, system, device[FEATURE ID: 1] dual band antenna device, mobile terminal, dual band antenna, controller
[TRANSITIVE ID: 2] comprising, includingcontaining, comprises, includes, with, of, using, wherein[TRANSITIVE ID: 2] comprising, having
[FEATURE ID: 3] device housingsubstrate, chassis, casing, case, body, cover, device[FEATURE ID: 3] main PCB
[TRANSITIVE ID: 4] printedintegrated, pc, communication, print[TRANSITIVE ID: 4] printed
[FEATURE ID: 5] circuit boardcircuit, cable, plate, card, wiring, substrate, wiring board[FEATURE ID: 5] circuit board
[FEATURE ID: 6] ground plane layer, closed loopslot, slit, conductor, plane, bend, ring, ground[FEATURE ID: 6] first conductive antenna pattern, zigzag type pattern
[TRANSITIVE ID: 7] mountedarranged, provided, built, fabricated, separated, configured, installed[TRANSITIVE ID: 7] formed, extending
[FEATURE ID: 8] multiple frequency bandswideband, broadband, rf, microwave, ghz, mhz, frequency[FEATURE ID: 8] radio frequency, high frequency band
[FEATURE ID: 9] multi-band antennaantenna, first antenna, radiator, broadband antenna, ground pattern, second antenna, high frequency[FEATURE ID: 9] high frequency band antenna pattern, low frequency antenna pattern
[FEATURE ID: 10] cooperationoperation, coupling, resonance, communication[FEATURE ID: 10] central feeding
[FEATURE ID: 11] firstth, parallel first, fir, frist, main, second, primary[FEATURE ID: 11] first
[TRANSITIVE ID: 12] radiatingcoupling, reflecting, receiving, distributing, feeding, transmitting, directing[TRANSITIVE ID: 12] processing
[FEATURE ID: 13] different planes, segmentssides, substrates, regions, surfaces, top, plane, different[FEATURE ID: 13] boards, side
[FEATURE ID: 14] gridtwo, first, third, second[FEATURE ID: 14] second antennas
[FEATURE ID: 15] dimension curveshape, grid, line, lattice[FEATURE ID: 15] central feeding top load monopole type pattern
[FEATURE ID: 16] claimparagraph, item, preceding claim, clair, claimed, aspect, figure[FEATURE ID: 16] claim
[FEATURE ID: 17] adjacent segmentselements, pairs, sections, them[FEATURE ID: 17] different conductive patterns
[FEATURE ID: 18] corner, grid dimensionslope, side, point, radius, pitch, gap, branch[FEATURE ID: 18] right angle, central feeding line
1 . A mobile communication device [FEATURE ID: 1]

, comprising [TRANSITIVE ID: 2]

: a device housing [FEATURE ID: 3]

; a printed [TRANSITIVE ID: 4]

circuit board [FEATURE ID: 5]

, the printed circuit board comprising : a ground plane layer [FEATURE ID: 6]

; a feeding point ; a communication circuitry [FEATURE ID: 1]

, the communication circuitry being mounted [TRANSITIVE ID: 7]

on the printed circuit board ; wherein the communication circuitry is coupled to the feeding point and to the ground plane layer ; a multi-band antenna capable [FEATURE ID: 1]

of operating at multiple frequency bands [FEATURE ID: 8]

, the multi-band antenna [FEATURE ID: 9]

including [TRANSITIVE ID: 2]

an antenna element ; wherein the antenna element operates in cooperation [FEATURE ID: 10]

with the ground plane layer ; the antenna element comprising : a common conductor ; a first [FEATURE ID: 11]

radiating [TRANSITIVE ID: 12]

arm connected to the common conductor ; a second radiating arm connected to the common conductor ; wherein the common conductor includes a feeding port , the feeding port being coupled to the feeding point ; wherein at least a portion of the first radiating arm and at least a portion of the second radiating arm are arranged on different planes [FEATURE ID: 13]

; wherein the first radiating arm is at least partially shaped according to a grid [FEATURE ID: 14]

- dimension curve [FEATURE ID: 15]

; and wherein the printed circuit board , the communication circuitry , and the multi-band antenna are arranged inside the device housing . 2 . The mobile communication device according to claim [FEATURE ID: 16]

1 , wherein the first radiating arm comprises a first plurality of segments [FEATURE ID: 13]

; wherein each segment of the first plurality of segments is smaller than 1/10 of a lowest operating free - space wavelength of the multi-band antenna ; wherein the segments are spatially arranged such that each pair of adjacent segments [FEATURE ID: 17]

forms a corner [FEATURE ID: 18]

; and wherein no two adjacent and connected segments form another longer straight segment ; and wherein none of said segments intersect with another segment other than to form a closed loop [FEATURE ID: 6]

. 3 . The mobile communication device according to claim 2 , wherein the first plurality of segments comprises at least one curved segment . 4 . The mobile communication device according to claim 2 , wherein the first plurality of segments comprises at least ten segments . 5 . The mobile communication device according to claim 2 , wherein the second radiating arm comprises a second plurality of segments ; wherein each segment of the second plurality of segments is smaller than 1/10 of a lowest operating free - space wavelength of the multi-band antenna ; wherein the segments are spatially arranged such that each pair of adjacent segments forms a corner ; and wherein no two adjacent and connected segments form another longer straight segment ; and wherein none of said segments intersect with another segment other than to form a closed loop . 6 . The mobile communication device according to claim 5 , wherein the first plurality of segments comprises more segments than the second plurality of segments . 7 . The mobile communication device according to claim 1 , wherein the grid - dimension curve has a grid dimension [FEATURE ID: 18]

1 . A built - in dual band antenna device [FEATURE ID: 1]

in a mobile terminal [FEATURE ID: 1]

, comprising [TRANSITIVE ID: 2]

: a built - in dual band antenna [FEATURE ID: 1]

having [TRANSITIVE ID: 2]

first [FEATURE ID: 11]

and second antennas [FEATURE ID: 14]

for two frequency bands formed [TRANSITIVE ID: 7]

into different conductive patterns [FEATURE ID: 17]

on boards [FEATURE ID: 13]

extending [TRANSITIVE ID: 7]

from a side [FEATURE ID: 13]

of a main printed [TRANSITIVE ID: 4]

circuit board [FEATURE ID: 5]

( PCB ) ; a duplexer for separating a radio frequency [FEATURE ID: 8]

( RF ) signal received from the built - in dual band antenna from an RF signal to be transmitted to the built - in dual band antenna ; and a controller [FEATURE ID: 1]

for processing [TRANSITIVE ID: 12]

the RF signal directed from the built - in dual band antenna to the duplexer . 2 . The built - in dual band antenna device of claim [FEATURE ID: 16]

1 , wherein the first antenna of the built - in dual band antenna is formed into a first conductive antenna pattern [FEATURE ID: 6]

on a board extended from an upper side of the main PCB [FEATURE ID: 3]

and the second antenna is formed into a second conductive antenna pattern on a board extended at an angle from the main PCB . 3 . The built - in dual band antenna device of claim 2 , wherein the first conductive antenna pattern is a high frequency band antenna pattern [FEATURE ID: 9]

for transmitting and receiving a high frequency signal and the second conductive antenna pattern is a low frequency band antenna pattern for transmitting and receiving a low frequency signal . 4 . The built - in dual band antenna device of claim 3 , wherein the high frequency antenna pattern is formed into a central feeding top load monopole type pattern [FEATURE ID: 15]

on the board extended from the upper side of the main PCB . 5 . The built - in dual band antenna device of claim 3 , wherein the low frequency antenna pattern [FEATURE ID: 9]

is formed into a zigzag type pattern [FEATURE ID: 6]

on the board extended at a right angle [FEATURE ID: 18]

from the upper side of the main PCB . 6 . The built - in dual band antenna device of claim 5 , wherein the low frequency antenna pattern is connected to a central feeding line [FEATURE ID: 18]

of the high frequency band antenna pattern , for central feeding [FEATURE ID: 10]

. 7 . The built - in dual band antenna device of claim 3 , wherein the high frequency band antenna pattern transmits and receives a PCS signal and a DCS signal in a high frequency band [FEATURE ID: 8]