Targeted Patent:

Patent: US8674887B2
Filed: 2002-12-22
Issued: 2014-03-18
Patent Holder: (Original Assignee) Fractus SA     (Current Assignee) Fractus SA
Inventor(s): Alfonso Sanz, Carles Puente Baliarda

Title: Multi-band monopole antenna for a mobile communications device

Cross Reference / Shared Meaning between the Lines
Charted Against:

Patent: US20020190904A1
Filed: 1997-11-22
Issued: 2002-12-19
Patent Holder: (Original Assignee) Nathan Cohen     (Current Assignee) Fractal Antenna Systems Inc
Inventor(s): Nathan Cohen

Title: Cylindrical conformable antenna on a planar substrate

[TRANSITIVE ID: 1] comprisingincludes, with, containing, featuring, defining, comprises, incorporating[TRANSITIVE ID: 1] comprising, having, exhibits, including
[FEATURE ID: 2] circuit board, ground plane, multi-band antennaconductor, chassis, plate, radome, reflector, base, panel[FEATURE ID: 2] substrate
[FEATURE ID: 3] structuresystem, device, apparatus, integrated system, communication system, location, array[FEATURE ID: 3] antenna system, antenna systems
[TRANSITIVE ID: 4] positioned, extending, secured, offsetarranged, mounted, located, situated, provided, supported, disposed[TRANSITIVE ID: 4] formed
[FEATURE ID: 5] section, part, space operating wavelength, straight directionportion, length, surface, region, perimeter, width, segment[FEATURE ID: 5] geometric figure
[FEATURE ID: 6] least15 least, lest, less than, 20 least, east, less, one of[FEATURE ID: 6] least
[FEATURE ID: 7] segmentsfeatures, components, elements, strips, lines[FEATURE ID: 7] conductive material
[FEATURE ID: 8] freemid, zero, short, null, frequency[FEATURE ID: 8] feedline feed
[FEATURE ID: 9] pairseries, group, set, sequence, plurality, combination[FEATURE ID: 9] portion
[FEATURE ID: 10] periodicity, period, non-periodic curve, antenna feeding point, position, cornersection, boundary, node, perimeter, notch, structure, geometry[FEATURE ID: 10] location, size
[FEATURE ID: 11] periodic structurecycle, polygon, periodicity, line, shape, polynomial, sequence[FEATURE ID: 11] point, deterministic fractal, second order fractal, fractal
[FEATURE ID: 12] claimembodiment, claim of, feature, aspect, clair, statement, figure[FEATURE ID: 12] claim
[FEATURE ID: 13] total lengthreactance, wavelength, frequency, bandwidth, dimension[FEATURE ID: 13] characteristic
1 . A mobile communication device comprising [TRANSITIVE ID: 1]

: communications circuitry ; a circuit board [FEATURE ID: 2]

comprising a ground plane [FEATURE ID: 2]

and a feeding point , the feeding point being coupled to the communications circuitry ; a mounting structure [FEATURE ID: 3]

positioned [TRANSITIVE ID: 4]

within the mobile communication device , a section [FEATURE ID: 5]

of the mounting structure extending [TRANSITIVE ID: 4]

over the circuit board ; and a multi-band antenna [FEATURE ID: 2]

secured [TRANSITIVE ID: 4]

to the mounting structure and laterally offset [TRANSITIVE ID: 4]

from an edge of the ground plane , the multi-band antenna comprising : a common conductor coupled to the feeding point ; first and second radiating arms coupled to and extending from the common conductor ; and a space - filling curve constituting at least a part [FEATURE ID: 5]

of the first radiating arm , wherein the space - filling curve comprises at least [FEATURE ID: 6]

ten segments [FEATURE ID: 7]

that are shorter than a tenth of a free [FEATURE ID: 8]

- space operating wavelength [FEATURE ID: 5]

of the multi-band antenna , each of the segments being connected to its neighboring segments at an angle such that no pair [FEATURE ID: 9]

of adjacent segments defines a longer straight segment , wherein any periodicity [FEATURE ID: 10]

of the space - filling curve along a fixed straight direction [FEATURE ID: 5]

of space involves a periodic structure [FEATURE ID: 11]

having a period [FEATURE ID: 10]

defined by a non-periodic curve [FEATURE ID: 10]

comprising at least ten connected segments in which no pair of adjacent ones of the connected segments defines a longer straight segment . 2 . The mobile communication device of claim [FEATURE ID: 12]

1 , wherein the antenna feeding point [FEATURE ID: 10]

is located at a position [FEATURE ID: 10]

on the circuit board corresponding to a corner [FEATURE ID: 10]

of the ground plane . 3 . The mobile communication device of claim 1 , wherein a total length [FEATURE ID: 13]

1 . An antenna system [FEATURE ID: 3]

, comprising [TRANSITIVE ID: 1]

: a substrate [FEATURE ID: 2]

having [TRANSITIVE ID: 1]

first and second surfaces ; and a complex pattern of electrically conductive material [FEATURE ID: 7]

formed [TRANSITIVE ID: 4]

on said first surface , a location [FEATURE ID: 10]

on said complex pattern defining a feedline feed [FEATURE ID: 8]

- point [FEATURE ID: 11]

; wherein said complex pattern contributes an inductive loading effect to said antenna system , and said antenna systems [FEATURE ID: 3]

exhibits [TRANSITIVE ID: 1]

multiple frequency resonant bands that are alterable by varying said complex pattern . 2 . The system of claim [FEATURE ID: 12]

1 , further including [TRANSITIVE ID: 1]

: a patch adjacent said second surface and spaced - apart from said complex pattern , said patch formed from electrically conductive material and floating electrically ; wherein said patch contributes a capacitive loading effect to said antenna system ; wherein at least one characteristic [FEATURE ID: 13]

of said antenna system is varied by at least one of orientation and size [FEATURE ID: 10]

of said patch relative to said complex pattern . 3 . The system of claim 2 , wherein said patch has a characteristic selected from a group consisting of ( a ) said patch is formed on said second surface , and ( b ) said patch is formed on a first surface of a second substrate , said first surface of said second substrate being adjacent said second surface of said substrate . 4 . The system of claim 2 , wherein said complex pattern has at least one characteristic selected from a group consisting of ( a ) said complex pattern defines a deterministic fractal [FEATURE ID: 11]

, ( b ) said complex pattern defines a non-deterministic fractal , ( c ) said complex pattern defines a first order fractal , ( d ) said complex pattern defines at least [FEATURE ID: 6]

a second order fractal [FEATURE ID: 11]

, and ( e ) said complex pattern does not define a fractal [FEATURE ID: 11]

. 5 . The system of claim 2 , wherein said complex pattern defines at least a second order fractal and includes a portion [FEATURE ID: 9]

having at least a first motif and a first replication of said first motif and a second replication of said first motif such that a point chosen on a geometric figure [FEATURE ID: 5]

Targeted Patent:

Patent: US8674887B2
Filed: 2002-12-22
Issued: 2014-03-18
Patent Holder: (Original Assignee) Fractus SA     (Current Assignee) Fractus SA
Inventor(s): Alfonso Sanz, Carles Puente Baliarda

Title: Multi-band monopole antenna for a mobile communications device

Cross Reference / Shared Meaning between the Lines
Charted Against:

Patent: EP0795926B1
Filed: 1996-03-13
Issued: 2002-12-11
Patent Holder: (Original Assignee) Ascom Systec AG     (Current Assignee) Ascom Systec AG
Inventor(s): Matthias Liebendörfer, Ulrich Dr. Dersch

Title: Flat, three-dimensional antenna

[TRANSITIVE ID: 1] comprisingcomprises, having, includes, with, of[TRANSITIVE ID: 1] forms
[FEATURE ID: 2] circuit boardsubstrate, chassis, plate, housing[FEATURE ID: 2] first plane
[FEATURE ID: 3] ground plane, feeding point, multi-band antenna, radiating, non-periodic curve, antenna feeding pointconductor, slot, dielectric, waveguide, radiator, reflector, ground[FEATURE ID: 3] dimensional antenna, base plate, slot divider, resonant structure, dielectric substrate, first, conductor track layer, feed
[TRANSITIVE ID: 4] positioned, extending, offsetarranged, located, situated, formed, mounted, provided, extended[TRANSITIVE ID: 4] disposed, bent, routed
[FEATURE ID: 5] section, part, straight direction, cornerregion, body, base, portion, bottom, periphery, length[FEATURE ID: 5] third plane, centre part, centre, back, ceramic block
[TRANSITIVE ID: 6] securedcoupled, mounted, fitted, connected, fixed[TRANSITIVE ID: 6] circuited
[FEATURE ID: 7] edgeopening, extension, interface, antenna, insulator, outline, element[FEATURE ID: 7] upper face, inductor
[FEATURE ID: 8] common conductor, straight segment, periodic structure, linear section adjacentline, connection, path, waveguide, portion, coupling, section[FEATURE ID: 8] second antenna slot, stripline
[FEATURE ID: 9] arms, segmentslines, legs, extensions, conductors, slots, sections, metallization[FEATURE ID: 9] limbs, flank elements, conductor tracks, side faces
[FEATURE ID: 10] spacefrequency, ground, distance, gap[FEATURE ID: 10] length
[FEATURE ID: 11] tenth, total lengthdistance, size, dimension, thickness, duration, height, first[FEATURE ID: 11] spacing
[FEATURE ID: 12] freesub, close, ground, long, low[FEATURE ID: 12] short
[FEATURE ID: 13] space operating wavelengthheight, frequency, size, profile, length, geometry, form[FEATURE ID: 13] impedance, width
[FEATURE ID: 14] periodgeometry, base, profile, section[FEATURE ID: 14] shape
[FEATURE ID: 15] claimitem, requirement, figure, clause, paragraph, preceding claim[FEATURE ID: 15] Claim
[FEATURE ID: 16] positiondistance, gap, slot, space[FEATURE ID: 16] first antenna slot
1 . A mobile communication device comprising [TRANSITIVE ID: 1]

: communications circuitry ; a circuit board [FEATURE ID: 2]

comprising a ground plane [FEATURE ID: 3]

and a feeding point [FEATURE ID: 3]

, the feeding point being coupled to the communications circuitry ; a mounting structure positioned [TRANSITIVE ID: 4]

within the mobile communication device , a section [FEATURE ID: 5]

of the mounting structure extending [TRANSITIVE ID: 4]

over the circuit board ; and a multi-band antenna [FEATURE ID: 3]

secured [TRANSITIVE ID: 6]

to the mounting structure and laterally offset [TRANSITIVE ID: 4]

from an edge [FEATURE ID: 7]

of the ground plane , the multi-band antenna comprising : a common conductor [FEATURE ID: 8]

coupled to the feeding point ; first and second radiating [TRANSITIVE ID: 3]

arms [FEATURE ID: 9]

coupled to and extending from the common conductor ; and a space [FEATURE ID: 10]

- filling curve constituting at least a part [FEATURE ID: 5]

of the first radiating arm , wherein the space - filling curve comprises at least ten segments [FEATURE ID: 9]

that are shorter than a tenth [FEATURE ID: 11]

of a free [FEATURE ID: 12]

- space operating wavelength [FEATURE ID: 13]

of the multi-band antenna , each of the segments being connected to its neighboring segments at an angle such that no pair of adjacent segments defines a longer straight segment [FEATURE ID: 8]

, wherein any periodicity of the space - filling curve along a fixed straight direction [FEATURE ID: 5]

of space involves a periodic structure [FEATURE ID: 8]

having a period [FEATURE ID: 14]

defined by a non-periodic curve [FEATURE ID: 3]

comprising at least ten connected segments in which no pair of adjacent ones of the connected segments defines a longer straight segment . 2 . The mobile communication device of claim [FEATURE ID: 15]

1 , wherein the antenna feeding point [FEATURE ID: 3]

is located at a position [FEATURE ID: 16]

on the circuit board corresponding to a corner [FEATURE ID: 5]

of the ground plane . 3 . The mobile communication device of claim 1 , wherein a total length [FEATURE ID: 11]

of the first radiating arm is greater than a total length of the second radiating arm . 4 . The mobile communication device of claim 3 , wherein the second radiating arm of the multi-band antenna includes a linear section adjacent [FEATURE ID: 8]

1 Flat , three - dimensional antenna [FEATURE ID: 3]

, in which a base plate [FEATURE ID: 3]

( 1 ) is disposed [TRANSITIVE ID: 4]

in a first plane [FEATURE ID: 2]

, a slot divider [FEATURE ID: 3]

which is short [FEATURE ID: 12]

- circuited [TRANSITIVE ID: 6]

to the base plate ( 1 ) is disposed in a second plane and a resonant structure [FEATURE ID: 3]

( 9 , 10 ) is disposed above the slot divider in a third plane [FEATURE ID: 5]

, characterised in that the slot divider is bent [FEATURE ID: 4]

in the shape [FEATURE ID: 14]

of a U and therefore forms [TRANSITIVE ID: 1]

a centre part [FEATURE ID: 5]

( 2 ) and two limbs [FEATURE ID: 9]

( 3 , 4 ) , wherein the limbs ( 3 , 4 ) of the slot divider are short - circuited to the base plate ( 1 ) and therefore define a first antenna slot [FEATURE ID: 16]

between the base plate ( 1 ) and the slot divider , and that the resonant structure ( 9 , 10 ) is short - circuited by flank elements [FEATURE ID: 9]

( 12 , 13 ) to the limbs ( 3 , 4 ) of the slot divider , which thus define a second antenna slot [FEATURE ID: 8]

between the slot divider and the resonant structure ( 9 , 10 ) . 2 Antenna according to Claim [FEATURE ID: 15]

1 , characterised in that the slot divider is fed by a stripline [FEATURE ID: 8]

( 7 ) , which is routed [TRANSITIVE ID: 4]

in the second plane between the two limbs ( 3 , 4 ) , in order to contact the centre part ( 2 ) . 3 Antenna according to Claim 1 or 2 , characterised in that the resonant structure ( 9 , 10 ) is divided ( 11 ) in the centre [FEATURE ID: 5]

. 4 Antenna according to any one of Claims 1 to 3 , characterised in that a spacing [FEATURE ID: 11]

between the base plate ( 1 ) and the slot divider ( 2 , 3 , 4 ) is greater than a spacing between the slot divider ( 2 , 3 , 4 ) and the resonant structure ( 9 , 10 ) , so that the first antenna slot is larger than the second antenna slot . 5 Antenna according to any one of Claims 1 to 4 , characterised in that a dielectric substrate [FEATURE ID: 3]

is provided between the first [FEATURE ID: 3]

and the second plane . 6 Antenna according to Claim 5 , characterised in that the slot divider ( 2 , 3 , 4 ) is applied as a conductor track layer [FEATURE ID: 3]

to the substrate , that the base plate ( 1 ) is formed by metallization on the back [FEATURE ID: 5]

of the substrate , and that the resonant structure is built up on the conductor track layer . 7 Antenna according to Claim 5 , characterised in that it is constructed on a ceramic block [FEATURE ID: 5]

( 16 ) , wherein the slot divider is formed by conductor tracks [FEATURE ID: 9]

( 24 , 25 , 26 ) on side faces [FEATURE ID: 9]

( 19 , 20 , 21 ) , that the resonant structure is constructed on an upper face [FEATURE ID: 7]

( 17 ) of the ceramic block , and that a slot ( 23 ) for the feed [FEATURE ID: 3]

is provided in the second plane . 8 Antenna according to Claim 7 , characterised in that an inductor [FEATURE ID: 7]

is integrated into the feed . 9 Antenna according to any one of Claims 1 to 8 , characterised in that it can be adapted in terms of impedance [FEATURE ID: 13]

by varying a width [FEATURE ID: 13]

and a length [FEATURE ID: 10]

Targeted Patent:

Patent: US8674887B2
Filed: 2002-12-22
Issued: 2014-03-18
Patent Holder: (Original Assignee) Fractus SA     (Current Assignee) Fractus SA
Inventor(s): Alfonso Sanz, Carles Puente Baliarda

Title: Multi-band monopole antenna for a mobile communications device

Cross Reference / Shared Meaning between the Lines
Charted Against:

Patent: US20020175866A1
Filed: 2001-05-25
Issued: 2002-11-28
Patent Holder: (Original Assignee) Nokia Oyj     (Current Assignee) Nokia Technologies Oy
Inventor(s): Hans Gram

Title: Antenna

[FEATURE ID: 1] mobile communication deviceportable, terminal, device, handset, module, system[FEATURE ID: 1] mobile phone
[TRANSITIVE ID: 2] comprising, beingincorporating, involving, containing, using, defining, providing, of[TRANSITIVE ID: 2] comprising, encompassing, including
[FEATURE ID: 3] ground plane, multi-band antenna, curve, part, straight direction, periodic structure, non-periodic curve, total lengthportion, surface, section, structure, region, segment, base[FEATURE ID: 3] further element, major face, foil pattern, floor
[FEATURE ID: 4] feeding point, common conductor, freefeeder, ground, line, common, feeding, single, lead[FEATURE ID: 4] single feed terminal
[TRANSITIVE ID: 5] coupled, securedjoined, attached, held, fixed, grounded, common, mounted[TRANSITIVE ID: 5] connected
[FEATURE ID: 6] structurearrangement, assembly, apparatus, element[FEATURE ID: 6] antenna
[FEATURE ID: 7] sectionregion, surface, member, component, part[FEATURE ID: 7] portion, conductive pattern
[TRANSITIVE ID: 8] offsetadjacent, aligned, separated, spaced, arranged[TRANSITIVE ID: 8] such
[FEATURE ID: 9] edge, space operating wavelength, angle suchinterface, element, outer, output, outside, exterior, extension[FEATURE ID: 9] operational band, edge, external ground, external signal feed
[FEATURE ID: 10] arms, adjacent segments, adjacent onessegments, members, ends, two, sections, sides, conductors[FEATURE ID: 10] elements, terminals
[FEATURE ID: 11] firstone, associated first, second, said first[FEATURE ID: 11] first
[FEATURE ID: 12] segmentscomponents, elements, strips, lines[FEATURE ID: 12] foil patterns
[FEATURE ID: 13] tenthsecond, fifth, sixth, first, wavelength, value[FEATURE ID: 13] third frequency
[FEATURE ID: 14] straight segment, period, antenna feeding point, position, cornerportion, node, edge, side, frequency, section, slot[FEATURE ID: 14] end
[FEATURE ID: 15] connected segmentslengths, positions, elements, components[FEATURE ID: 15] resonant frequencies
[FEATURE ID: 16] claimpreceding claim, figure, previous claim, item, paragraph, clause, clair[FEATURE ID: 16] claim
[FEATURE ID: 17] secondfirst, corresponding second, other, third[FEATURE ID: 17] second
1 . A mobile communication device [FEATURE ID: 1]

comprising [TRANSITIVE ID: 2]

: communications circuitry ; a circuit board comprising a ground plane [FEATURE ID: 3]

and a feeding point [FEATURE ID: 4]

, the feeding point being [TRANSITIVE ID: 2]

coupled [TRANSITIVE ID: 5]

to the communications circuitry ; a mounting structure [FEATURE ID: 6]

positioned within the mobile communication device , a section [FEATURE ID: 7]

of the mounting structure extending over the circuit board ; and a multi-band antenna [FEATURE ID: 3]

secured [TRANSITIVE ID: 5]

to the mounting structure and laterally offset [TRANSITIVE ID: 8]

from an edge [FEATURE ID: 9]

of the ground plane , the multi-band antenna comprising : a common conductor [FEATURE ID: 4]

coupled to the feeding point ; first and second radiating arms [FEATURE ID: 10]

coupled to and extending from the common conductor ; and a space - filling curve [FEATURE ID: 3]

constituting at least a part [FEATURE ID: 3]

of the first [FEATURE ID: 11]

radiating arm , wherein the space - filling curve comprises at least ten segments [FEATURE ID: 12]

that are shorter than a tenth [FEATURE ID: 13]

of a free [FEATURE ID: 4]

- space operating wavelength [FEATURE ID: 9]

of the multi-band antenna , each of the segments being connected to its neighboring segments at an angle such [FEATURE ID: 9]

that no pair of adjacent segments [FEATURE ID: 10]

defines a longer straight segment [FEATURE ID: 14]

, wherein any periodicity of the space - filling curve along a fixed straight direction [FEATURE ID: 3]

of space involves a periodic structure [FEATURE ID: 3]

having a period [FEATURE ID: 14]

defined by a non-periodic curve [FEATURE ID: 3]

comprising at least ten connected segments [FEATURE ID: 15]

in which no pair of adjacent ones [FEATURE ID: 10]

of the connected segments defines a longer straight segment . 2 . The mobile communication device of claim [FEATURE ID: 16]

1 , wherein the antenna feeding point [FEATURE ID: 14]

is located at a position [FEATURE ID: 14]

on the circuit board corresponding to a corner [FEATURE ID: 14]

of the ground plane . 3 . The mobile communication device of claim 1 , wherein a total length [FEATURE ID: 3]

of the first radiating arm is greater than a total length of the second [FEATURE ID: 17]

1 . An antenna [FEATURE ID: 6]

comprising [TRANSITIVE ID: 2]

a driven element , resonant at a first frequency and a parasitic element , wherein the parasitic element is resonant at a second different frequency and said resonant frequencies [FEATURE ID: 15]

are such [FEATURE ID: 8]

that the antenna has an operational band [FEATURE ID: 9]

of usable frequencies encompassing [TRANSITIVE ID: 2]

said first [FEATURE ID: 11]

and second frequencies . 2 . An antenna according to claim [FEATURE ID: 16]

1 , wherein both of the elements [FEATURE ID: 10]

are connected [TRANSITIVE ID: 5]

to ground at one end [FEATURE ID: 14]

. 3 . An antenna according to claim 1 or 2 , including [TRANSITIVE ID: 2]

a further element [FEATURE ID: 3]

, wherein the further element is resonant at a third frequency [FEATURE ID: 13]

, substantially lower than said first and second frequencies , and has an operational band that does not overlap that of the combination of the first and second elements . 4 . An antenna according to claim 3 , wherein the further element meanders and is connected to ground at one end . 5 . An antenna according to claim 4 , including a substantially planar substrate , wherein the driven element and said further element comprise foil patterns [FEATURE ID: 12]

on a major face [FEATURE ID: 3]

of said substrate and the parasitic element comprises a foil pattern [FEATURE ID: 3]

along an edge [FEATURE ID: 9]

of said substrate . 6 . An antenna according to claim 5 , including a common ground terminal for connecting the elements to an external ground [FEATURE ID: 9]

and a single feed terminal [FEATURE ID: 4]

for connection to an external signal feed [FEATURE ID: 9]

. 7 . An antenna according to claim 6 , wherein the substrate includes a peripherally located stepped portion [FEATURE ID: 7]

and said terminals [FEATURE ID: 10]

are located at the floor [FEATURE ID: 3]

of the stepped portion . 8 . An antenna comprising a substantially planar substrate , a first driven element , resonant at a first frequency , a second [FEATURE ID: 17]

driven element , resonant at a second , lower frequency , a parasitic element associated with the first driven element , a common ground terminal for connecting all of the elements to an external ground and a single feed terminal for connection to an external signal feed , wherein said elements and terminals comprise a conductive pattern [FEATURE ID: 7]

on the substrate . 9 . An antenna according to claim 8 , wherein the second driven element meanders . 10 . An antenna according to claim 8 or 9 , wherein the driven elements comprise foil patterns on a major face of said substrate and the parasitic element comprises a foil pattern along an edge of said substrate . 11 . An antenna according to claim 8 , 9 or 10 , wherein the substrate includes a peripherally located stepped portion and said terminals are located at the floor of the stepped portion . 12 . A mobile phone [FEATURE ID: 1]

Targeted Patent:

Patent: US8674887B2
Filed: 2002-12-22
Issued: 2014-03-18
Patent Holder: (Original Assignee) Fractus SA     (Current Assignee) Fractus SA
Inventor(s): Alfonso Sanz, Carles Puente Baliarda

Title: Multi-band monopole antenna for a mobile communications device

Cross Reference / Shared Meaning between the Lines
Charted Against:

Patent: US6483462B2
Filed: 1999-01-26
Issued: 2002-11-19
Patent Holder: (Original Assignee) Siemens AG     (Current Assignee) Gigaset Communications GmbH
Inventor(s): Martin Weinberger

Title: Antenna for radio-operated communication terminal equipment

[FEATURE ID: 1] mobile communication devicedevice, handset, apparatus, transceiver, terminal, radiotelephone, module[FEATURE ID: 1] communication terminal device, communication terminal devices, housing wall
[TRANSITIVE ID: 2] comprisingfeaturing, with, containing, incorporating, involving, encompassing, defining[TRANSITIVE ID: 2] comprising, having, including
[FEATURE ID: 3] circuit board, mounting, multi-band antennasubstrate, housing, chassis, frame, support, mount, dielectric[FEATURE ID: 3] single antenna feed point
[FEATURE ID: 4] ground plane, positionslot, surface, base, radome, substrate, portion, periphery[FEATURE ID: 4] non-planar cross-sectional shape, separate ground plate, horizontal direction
[FEATURE ID: 5] feeding pointfeeding, source, point, supply point[FEATURE ID: 5] antenna feed point
[TRANSITIVE ID: 6] coupledcommon, linked, related, joined, secured, wired, attached[TRANSITIVE ID: 6] connected
[FEATURE ID: 7] structure, straight direction, linear section adjacentunit, portion, connection, member, device, junction, element[FEATURE ID: 7] further point
[FEATURE ID: 8] section, space operating wavelength, straight segment, period, non-periodic curve, corner, total lengthlength, width, surface, perimeter, part, dimension, portion[FEATURE ID: 8] size, course, shape, transverse direction
[TRANSITIVE ID: 9] securedheld, applied, supported, connected[TRANSITIVE ID: 9] operated
[FEATURE ID: 10] edgeextension, output, orientation, endpoint, area, aperture, axis[FEATURE ID: 10] overall dimension, end point
[FEATURE ID: 11] arms, segments, adjacent segments, connected segmentscorners, arcs, sections, sides, extensions, curves, walls[FEATURE ID: 11] individual parts, radiator elements, different heights
[FEATURE ID: 12] part, periodic structurenode, tip, shape, region, bend, discontinuity, curve[FEATURE ID: 12] comer point, further corner point, variable size
[FEATURE ID: 13] firstcorresponding, single, second, respective[FEATURE ID: 13] predetermined
[FEATURE ID: 14] tenthdistance, size, dimension, value, length[FEATURE ID: 14] position
[FEATURE ID: 15] periodicitymotion, displacement, extension, translation, deformation[FEATURE ID: 15] suitable vertical structuring
[FEATURE ID: 16] claimconclusion, statement, item, paragraph, clause, preceding claim, figure[FEATURE ID: 16] claim
[FEATURE ID: 17] antenna feeding pointedge, point, opening, end, aperture[FEATURE ID: 17] feed point
1 . A mobile communication device [FEATURE ID: 1]

comprising [TRANSITIVE ID: 2]

: communications circuitry ; a circuit board [FEATURE ID: 3]

comprising a ground plane [FEATURE ID: 4]

and a feeding point [FEATURE ID: 5]

, the feeding point being coupled [TRANSITIVE ID: 6]

to the communications circuitry ; a mounting [TRANSITIVE ID: 3]

structure [FEATURE ID: 7]

positioned within the mobile communication device , a section [FEATURE ID: 8]

of the mounting structure extending over the circuit board ; and a multi-band antenna [FEATURE ID: 3]

secured [TRANSITIVE ID: 9]

to the mounting structure and laterally offset from an edge [FEATURE ID: 10]

of the ground plane , the multi-band antenna comprising : a common conductor coupled to the feeding point ; first and second radiating arms [FEATURE ID: 11]

coupled to and extending from the common conductor ; and a space - filling curve constituting at least a part [FEATURE ID: 12]

of the first [FEATURE ID: 13]

radiating arm , wherein the space - filling curve comprises at least ten segments [FEATURE ID: 11]

that are shorter than a tenth [FEATURE ID: 14]

of a free - space operating wavelength [FEATURE ID: 8]

of the multi-band antenna , each of the segments being connected to its neighboring segments at an angle such that no pair of adjacent segments [FEATURE ID: 11]

defines a longer straight segment [FEATURE ID: 8]

, wherein any periodicity [FEATURE ID: 15]

of the space - filling curve along a fixed straight direction [FEATURE ID: 7]

of space involves a periodic structure [FEATURE ID: 12]

having a period [FEATURE ID: 8]

defined by a non-periodic curve [FEATURE ID: 8]

comprising at least ten connected segments [FEATURE ID: 11]

in which no pair of adjacent ones of the connected segments defines a longer straight segment . 2 . The mobile communication device of claim [FEATURE ID: 16]

1 , wherein the antenna feeding point [FEATURE ID: 17]

is located at a position [FEATURE ID: 4]

on the circuit board corresponding to a corner [FEATURE ID: 8]

of the ground plane . 3 . The mobile communication device of claim 1 , wherein a total length [FEATURE ID: 8]

of the first radiating arm is greater than a total length of the second radiating arm . 4 . The mobile communication device of claim 3 , wherein the second radiating arm of the multi-band antenna includes a linear section adjacent [FEATURE ID: 7]

1 . An antenna for radio - operated [TRANSITIVE ID: 9]

communication terminal device [FEATURE ID: 1]

, comprising [TRANSITIVE ID: 2]

: a single antenna feed point [FEATURE ID: 3]

; at least one ground connection ; and a single inverted - F antenna designed for a predetermined [TRANSITIVE ID: 13]

, lower emission frequency and connected [TRANSITIVE ID: 6]

to both the antenna feed point [FEATURE ID: 5]

and the at least one ground connection , wherein a size [FEATURE ID: 8]

of the inverted - F antenna determines an overall dimension [FEATURE ID: 10]

of the antenna , the inverted - F antenna having [TRANSITIVE ID: 2]

a non-planar cross-sectional shape [FEATURE ID: 4]

and including [TRANSITIVE ID: 2]

at least one notching in longitudinal direction with which at least one geometrical path derives which proceeds from a comer point [FEATURE ID: 12]

created by the notchings to a further point [FEATURE ID: 7]

selected from the group consisting of the feed point [FEATURE ID: 17]

, a further corner point [FEATURE ID: 12]

and an end point [FEATURE ID: 10]

of the inverted - F antenna , wherein over a course [FEATURE ID: 8]

of the at least one geometrical path emittable waves form with a higher frequency than the predetermined , lower emission frequency . 2 . An antenna for radio - operated communication terminal devices [FEATURE ID: 1]

as claimed in claim [FEATURE ID: 16]

1 , wherein a separate ground plate [FEATURE ID: 4]

is allocated to the antenna having a variable size [FEATURE ID: 12]

and shape [FEATURE ID: 8]

. 3 . An antenna for radio - operated communication terminal devices as claimed in claim 1 , wherein individual parts [FEATURE ID: 11]

of radiator elements [FEATURE ID: 11]

of the antenna exhibit different heights [FEATURE ID: 11]

and slopes . 4 . An antenna for radio - operated communication terminal devices as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the antenna is upset in at least one of its longitudinal direction and its transverse direction [FEATURE ID: 8]

by suitable vertical structuring [FEATURE ID: 15]

in a horizontal direction [FEATURE ID: 4]

. 5 . An antenna for radio - operated communication terminal devices as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the antenna is integrated in a housing wall [FEATURE ID: 1]

. 6 . An antenna for radio - operated communication terminal devices as claimed in claim 1 , wherein a position [FEATURE ID: 14]

Targeted Patent:

Patent: US8674887B2
Filed: 2002-12-22
Issued: 2014-03-18
Patent Holder: (Original Assignee) Fractus SA     (Current Assignee) Fractus SA
Inventor(s): Alfonso Sanz, Carles Puente Baliarda

Title: Multi-band monopole antenna for a mobile communications device

Cross Reference / Shared Meaning between the Lines
Charted Against:

Patent: US6476769B1
Filed: 2001-09-19
Issued: 2002-11-05
Patent Holder: (Original Assignee) Nokia Oyj     (Current Assignee) Nokia Technologies Oy
Inventor(s): Antero Lehtola

Title: Internal multi-band antenna

[FEATURE ID: 1] mobile communication device, communications circuitry, multi-band antennaradio, transceiver, module, antenna, wireless, device, communication[FEATURE ID: 1] multi-band radio antenna structure, hand, telecommunication device, multi-band radio antenna
[TRANSITIVE ID: 2] comprisingincluding, with, containing, of, has, comprises, includes[TRANSITIVE ID: 2] comprising, having
[FEATURE ID: 3] circuit board, structuresubstrate, plate, baseboard, support, conductor, housing, chassis[FEATURE ID: 3] ground plane
[FEATURE ID: 4] ground plane, straight directionunit, conductor, radiator, body, frame, portion, base[FEATURE ID: 4] sub-antenna structure
[TRANSITIVE ID: 5] coupled, offsetadjacent, provided, corresponding, secured, disposed, parallel, attached[TRANSITIVE ID: 5] connected, equal
[TRANSITIVE ID: 6] positioned, extendingsituated, arranged, mounted, lying, disposed, formed, provided[TRANSITIVE ID: 6] located
[FEATURE ID: 7] section, part, space operating wavelength, straight segment, periodic structure, period, non-periodic curve, antenna feeding point, position, corner, total length, linear section adjacentportion, length, perimeter, side, curve, region, segment[FEATURE ID: 7] first resonance frequency, second end
[TRANSITIVE ID: 8] securedcoupled, relative, adjacent, attached, connected[TRANSITIVE ID: 8] area adjacent
[TRANSITIVE ID: 9] radiatingcoupling, reflecting, feeding, transmitting, conductive, playing, directing[TRANSITIVE ID: 9] radiating, conducting
[FEATURE ID: 10] arms, segments, adjacent segmentssections, lines, arcs, edges, portions, legs, walls[FEATURE ID: 10] sides
[FEATURE ID: 11] tenthfirst, second, sixth, value, fifth, fourth, wavelength[FEATURE ID: 11] third, third end, second resonance frequency, third resonance frequency, fourth resonance frequency, fifth resonance frequency
[FEATURE ID: 12] neighboring segments, adjacent onesnearest, closest, contiguous, adjoining, next, connected[FEATURE ID: 12] adjacent
[FEATURE ID: 13] connected segmentsconnections, elements, components, junctions[FEATURE ID: 13] switching devices
[FEATURE ID: 14] claimitem, claimed, figure, clause, paragraph, embodiment[FEATURE ID: 14] claim
[FEATURE ID: 15] secondfirst, seconds, secondary, corresponding second, third[FEATURE ID: 15] second
1 . A mobile communication device [FEATURE ID: 1]

comprising [TRANSITIVE ID: 2]

: communications circuitry [FEATURE ID: 1]

; a circuit board [FEATURE ID: 3]

comprising a ground plane [FEATURE ID: 4]

and a feeding point , the feeding point being coupled [TRANSITIVE ID: 5]

to the communications circuitry ; a mounting structure [FEATURE ID: 3]

positioned [TRANSITIVE ID: 6]

within the mobile communication device , a section [FEATURE ID: 7]

of the mounting structure extending [TRANSITIVE ID: 6]

over the circuit board ; and a multi-band antenna [FEATURE ID: 1]

secured [TRANSITIVE ID: 8]

to the mounting structure and laterally offset [TRANSITIVE ID: 5]

from an edge of the ground plane , the multi-band antenna comprising : a common conductor coupled to the feeding point ; first and second radiating [TRANSITIVE ID: 9]

arms [FEATURE ID: 10]

coupled to and extending from the common conductor ; and a space - filling curve constituting at least a part [FEATURE ID: 7]

of the first radiating arm , wherein the space - filling curve comprises at least ten segments [FEATURE ID: 10]

that are shorter than a tenth [FEATURE ID: 11]

of a free - space operating wavelength [FEATURE ID: 7]

of the multi-band antenna , each of the segments being connected to its neighboring segments [FEATURE ID: 12]

at an angle such that no pair of adjacent segments [FEATURE ID: 10]

defines a longer straight segment [FEATURE ID: 7]

, wherein any periodicity of the space - filling curve along a fixed straight direction [FEATURE ID: 4]

of space involves a periodic structure [FEATURE ID: 7]

having a period [FEATURE ID: 7]

defined by a non-periodic curve [FEATURE ID: 7]

comprising at least ten connected segments [FEATURE ID: 13]

in which no pair of adjacent ones [FEATURE ID: 12]

of the connected segments defines a longer straight segment . 2 . The mobile communication device of claim [FEATURE ID: 14]

1 , wherein the antenna feeding point [FEATURE ID: 7]

is located at a position [FEATURE ID: 7]

on the circuit board corresponding to a corner [FEATURE ID: 7]

of the ground plane . 3 . The mobile communication device of claim 1 , wherein a total length [FEATURE ID: 7]

of the first radiating arm is greater than a total length of the second [FEATURE ID: 15]

radiating arm . 4 . The mobile communication device of claim 3 , wherein the second radiating arm of the multi-band antenna includes a linear section adjacent [FEATURE ID: 7]

1 . A multi-band radio antenna structure [FEATURE ID: 1]

for use in a hand [FEATURE ID: 1]

- held telecommunication device [FEATURE ID: 1]

comprising [TRANSITIVE ID: 2]

: a ground plane [FEATURE ID: 3]

; a sub-antenna structure [FEATURE ID: 4]

comprising : a first radiating [TRANSITIVE ID: 9]

element formed of a first electrically conducting [TRANSITIVE ID: 9]

area having [TRANSITIVE ID: 2]

a first resonance frequency [FEATURE ID: 7]

, wherein the first electrically conducting area has a first end connected [TRANSITIVE ID: 5]

to the ground plane for grounding the first radiating element , and wherein the first radiating element has a first feed - point for feeding located [TRANSITIVE ID: 6]

adjacent [FEATURE ID: 12]

to the first end ; and a second [FEATURE ID: 15]

radiating element formed of a second electrically conducting area disposed adjacent to the first electrically conducting area , wherein the second electrically conducting area has a second end [FEATURE ID: 7]

electrically connected to the first end of the first electrically conducting area for grounding the second radiating element and for sharing the first feed - point for feeding ; a third [FEATURE ID: 11]

radiating element formed of a third electrically conducting area adjacent [FEATURE ID: 8]

to the sub-antenna structure , wherein the third electrically conducting area has a third end [FEATURE ID: 11]

connected to the ground plane for grounding the third radiating element , and wherein the third radiating element has a second feed - point for feeding located adjacent to the third end ; a first switching device , operable between an open position and a closed position , connecting between the first feed - point and the ground plane ; and a second switching device , operable between an open position and a closed position , connecting between the second feed - point and the ground plane , wherein when the second switching device is operated in the closed position , thereby grounding the second feed - point and the first switching device is operated in the open position for enabling the first feed - point feeding , the second radiating element has a second resonance frequency [FEATURE ID: 11]

substantially lower than the first resonance frequency and the third radiating element has a third resonance frequency [FEATURE ID: 11]

generally higher than the first resonance frequency , and when the first switching device is operated in the closed position , thereby grounding the first feed - point , and the second switching device is operated in the open position for enabling the second feed - point feeding , the third radiating element has a fourth resonance frequency [FEATURE ID: 11]

generally higher than the third resonance frequency . 2 . The multi-band radio antenna [FEATURE ID: 1]

of claim [FEATURE ID: 14]

1 , wherein when the first switching device is operated in the closed position and second switching device is operated in the open position , the first radiating element has a fifth resonance frequency [FEATURE ID: 11]

substantially equal [FEATURE ID: 5]

to the third resonance frequency . 3 . The multi-band radio antenna structure of claim 1 , wherein the first resonance frequency is substantially in a frequency range of 1710 MHz to 1880 MHz . 4 . The multi-band radio antenna structure of claim 1 , wherein the second resonance frequency is substantially in a frequency range of 880 MHz to 960 MHz . 5 . The multi-band radio antenna structure of claim 1 , wherein the third resonance frequency is substantially in a frequency range of 1850 MHz to 1990 MHz . 6 . The multi-band radio antenna structure of claim 1 , wherein the fourth resonance frequency is substantially in a frequency range of 1920 MHz to 2170 MHz . 7 . The multi-band radio antenna structure of claim 1 , wherein the third electrically conducting area is adjacent to the first electrically conducting area . 8 . The multi-band radio antenna structure of claim 1 , wherein the third electrically conducting area is adjacent to the second electrically conducting area . 9 . The multi-band radio antenna structure of claim 1 , wherein the second electrically conducting area is adjacent to at least two sides [FEATURE ID: 10]

of the first electrically conducting area . 10 . The multi-band radio antenna structure of claim 1 , wherein the second electrically conducting area is adjacent to at least three sides of the first electrically conducting area . 11 . The multi-band radio antenna structure of claim 1 , wherein the switching devices [FEATURE ID: 13]

Targeted Patent:

Patent: US8674887B2
Filed: 2002-12-22
Issued: 2014-03-18
Patent Holder: (Original Assignee) Fractus SA     (Current Assignee) Fractus SA
Inventor(s): Alfonso Sanz, Carles Puente Baliarda

Title: Multi-band monopole antenna for a mobile communications device

Cross Reference / Shared Meaning between the Lines
Charted Against:

Patent: US20020149527A1
Filed: 2001-04-12
Issued: 2002-10-17
Patent Holder: (Original Assignee) Research in Motion Ltd     (Current Assignee) BlackBerry Ltd
Inventor(s): Geyi Wen, Yihong Qi, Krystyna Bandurska, Perry Jarmuszewski

Title: Multiple-element antenna

[FEATURE ID: 1] mobile communication devicemobile, handset, terminal, transceiver, smartphone, wireless device, machine[FEATURE ID: 1] mobile communication device, mobile communications device, band mobile communication device
[TRANSITIVE ID: 2] comprisingincluding, comprises, defining, with, containing, incorporating, of[TRANSITIVE ID: 2] comprising, having, includes
[FEATURE ID: 3] communications circuitrycommunication, logic, transceiver circuitry, transmissions circuitry, transceiver, operations circuitry[FEATURE ID: 3] communications circuitry
[FEATURE ID: 4] circuit boardsubstrate, conductor, circuit, sheet, wafer, housing, card[FEATURE ID: 4] single substrate, flexible dielectric substrate
[FEATURE ID: 5] ground plane, common conductor, linear section adjacentground, conductor, radiator, patch, slot, gap, connection[FEATURE ID: 5] bottom section, monopole feeding port, load patch, dipole antenna, top load
[FEATURE ID: 6] feeding point, armfeeding, feeder, element, leg, section, branch, antenna[FEATURE ID: 6] dipole feeding port
[TRANSITIVE ID: 7] positioned, extending, secured, offsetdisposed, provided, located, arranged, formed, mounted, contained[TRANSITIVE ID: 7] configured, positioned, defined, fabricated
[FEATURE ID: 8] section, straight direction, position, corner, total lengthportion, region, length, distance, perimeter, height, part[FEATURE ID: 8] recess
[FEATURE ID: 9] multi-band antenna, curve, straight segment, non-periodic curvesection, portion, conductor, structure, path, element, circuit[FEATURE ID: 9] monopole portion, substrate, line
[FEATURE ID: 10] space operating wavelength, periodfrequency, profile, topology, bandwidth, periodicity, pattern, surface[FEATURE ID: 10] conductor length
[FEATURE ID: 11] adjacent onesthree, two, four, one[FEATURE ID: 11] multiple
[FEATURE ID: 12] claimembodiment, preceding claim, claimed, requirement, clair, statement, figure[FEATURE ID: 12] claim
[FEATURE ID: 13] antenna feeding pointcurve, discontinuity, offset, edge, slot, opening, aperture[FEATURE ID: 13] meandering line, open
[FEATURE ID: 14] secondreference, third, fourth, first[FEATURE ID: 14] second operating frequency
1 . A mobile communication device [FEATURE ID: 1]

comprising [TRANSITIVE ID: 2]

: communications circuitry [FEATURE ID: 3]

; a circuit board [FEATURE ID: 4]

comprising a ground plane [FEATURE ID: 5]

and a feeding point [FEATURE ID: 6]

, the feeding point being coupled to the communications circuitry ; a mounting structure positioned [TRANSITIVE ID: 7]

within the mobile communication device , a section [FEATURE ID: 8]

of the mounting structure extending [TRANSITIVE ID: 7]

over the circuit board ; and a multi-band antenna [FEATURE ID: 9]

secured [TRANSITIVE ID: 7]

to the mounting structure and laterally offset [TRANSITIVE ID: 7]

from an edge of the ground plane , the multi-band antenna comprising : a common conductor [FEATURE ID: 5]

coupled to the feeding point ; first and second radiating arms coupled to and extending from the common conductor ; and a space - filling curve [FEATURE ID: 9]

constituting at least a part of the first radiating arm [FEATURE ID: 6]

, wherein the space - filling curve comprises at least ten segments that are shorter than a tenth of a free - space operating wavelength [FEATURE ID: 10]

of the multi-band antenna , each of the segments being connected to its neighboring segments at an angle such that no pair of adjacent segments defines a longer straight segment [FEATURE ID: 9]

, wherein any periodicity of the space - filling curve along a fixed straight direction [FEATURE ID: 8]

of space involves a periodic structure having a period [FEATURE ID: 10]

defined by a non-periodic curve [FEATURE ID: 9]

comprising at least ten connected segments in which no pair of adjacent ones [FEATURE ID: 11]

of the connected segments defines a longer straight segment . 2 . The mobile communication device of claim [FEATURE ID: 12]

1 , wherein the antenna feeding point [FEATURE ID: 13]

is located at a position [FEATURE ID: 8]

on the circuit board corresponding to a corner [FEATURE ID: 8]

of the ground plane . 3 . The mobile communication device of claim 1 , wherein a total length [FEATURE ID: 8]

of the first radiating arm is greater than a total length of the second [FEATURE ID: 14]

radiating arm . 4 . The mobile communication device of claim 3 , wherein the second radiating arm of the multi-band antenna includes a linear section adjacent [FEATURE ID: 5]

1 . A multiple [FEATURE ID: 11]

- element antenna for a mobile communication device [FEATURE ID: 1]

, comprising [TRANSITIVE ID: 2]

: a monopole portion [FEATURE ID: 9]

having [TRANSITIVE ID: 2]

a top section , a middle section and a bottom section [FEATURE ID: 5]

, wherein the middle section defines a recess [FEATURE ID: 8]

between the top and bottom sections , and wherein the bottom section includes [TRANSITIVE ID: 2]

a monopole feeding port [FEATURE ID: 5]

configured [TRANSITIVE ID: 7]

to couple the monopole portion of the multiple - element antenna to communications circuitry [FEATURE ID: 3]

in the mobile communication device ; and a dipole portion having at least one dipole feeding port [FEATURE ID: 6]

configured to couple the dipole portion of the multiple - element antenna to communications circuitry in the mobile communications device [FEATURE ID: 1]

; wherein the dipole portion of the multiple - element antenna is positioned [TRANSITIVE ID: 7]

within the recess defined [TRANSITIVE ID: 7]

by the monopole portion of the multiple - element antenna in order to electromagnetically couple the monopole portion with the dipole portion . 2 . The multiple - element antenna of claim [FEATURE ID: 12]

1 , wherein the monopole portion and the dipole portion are fabricated [TRANSITIVE ID: 7]

on a single substrate [FEATURE ID: 4]

. 3 . The multiple - element antenna of claim 2 , wherein the substrate [FEATURE ID: 9]

is a flexible dielectric substrate [FEATURE ID: 4]

. 4 . The multiple - element antenna of claim 1 , wherein the mobile communication device is a dual - band mobile communication device [FEATURE ID: 1]

, and wherein the monopole portion is tuned to a first operating frequency and the dipole portion is tuned to a second operating frequency [FEATURE ID: 14]

. 5 . The multiple - element antenna of claim 1 , wherein the top section of the monopole portion includes a meandering line [FEATURE ID: 13]

. 6 . The multiple - element antenna of claim 5 , wherein the conductor length [FEATURE ID: 10]

of the meandering line [FEATURE ID: 9]

is pre-selected to tune the monopole portion to an operating frequency . 7 . The multiple - element antenna of claim 1 , wherein the bottom section of the monopole portion includes a gain patch and the dipole portion includes a load patch [FEATURE ID: 5]

, and wherein the gain patch is positioned in close proximity to the load patch in order to increase the gain of the monopole and dipole portions . 8 . The multiple - element antenna of claim 1 , wherein the dipole portion is an open [FEATURE ID: 13]

folded dipole antenna [FEATURE ID: 5]

. 9 . The multiple - element antenna of claim 1 , wherein the dipole portion is an offset feed , open folded dipole antenna . 10 . The multiple - element antenna of claim 1 , wherein the dipole portion includes a top load [FEATURE ID: 5]

Targeted Patent:

Patent: US8674887B2
Filed: 2002-12-22
Issued: 2014-03-18
Patent Holder: (Original Assignee) Fractus SA     (Current Assignee) Fractus SA
Inventor(s): Alfonso Sanz, Carles Puente Baliarda

Title: Multi-band monopole antenna for a mobile communications device

Cross Reference / Shared Meaning between the Lines
Charted Against:

Patent: US6466476B1
Filed: 2001-01-18
Issued: 2002-10-15
Patent Holder: (Original Assignee) Multi Level Memory Technology     (Current Assignee) Samsung Electronics Co Ltd
Inventor(s): Sau Ching Wong, Kimberley Johnsen

Title: Data coding for multi-bit-per-cell memories having variable numbers of bits per memory cell

[FEATURE ID: 1] mobile communication device, multi-band antenna, antenna feeding pointdevice, module, circuitry, apparatus, system, component, structure[FEATURE ID: 1] multi-bit-per-cell-memory, multi-bit-per-cell memory, second decoder, multi-per-cell memory
[TRANSITIVE ID: 2] comprisingincluding, incorporating, compromising, featuring, involving, of, containing[TRANSITIVE ID: 2] comprising
[TRANSITIVE ID: 3] beingdirectly, circuitry, also, is, further[TRANSITIVE ID: 3] data type identification logic
[TRANSITIVE ID: 4] coupled, securedproximate, provided, external, joined, coupling, attached, adjacent[TRANSITIVE ID: 4] coupled
[FEATURE ID: 5] structure, edge, angle such, non-periodic curveunit, arc, element, arrangement, system, path, antenna[FEATURE ID: 5] array, circuit
[FEATURE ID: 6] section, periodicitypart, position, projection, frame, region, segment, location[FEATURE ID: 6] portion
[FEATURE ID: 7] segments, connected segmentselements, units, nodes, points, parts, steps, lines[FEATURE ID: 7] non-volatile memory cells, portions
[FEATURE ID: 8] tenth, space operating wavelength, period, total lengthlength, size, portion, value, width, total, pattern[FEATURE ID: 8] number, data type, second data stream, different number
[FEATURE ID: 9] pairnumber, series, plurality, combination[FEATURE ID: 9] group
[FEATURE ID: 10] straight directionunit, frame, line, time, second, segment, period[FEATURE ID: 10] memory cell, non-volatile memory cell
[FEATURE ID: 11] claimitem, statement, embodiment, paragraph, clause, preceding claim, figure[FEATURE ID: 11] claim
1 . A mobile communication device [FEATURE ID: 1]

comprising [TRANSITIVE ID: 2]

: communications circuitry ; a circuit board comprising a ground plane and a feeding point , the feeding point being [TRANSITIVE ID: 3]

coupled [TRANSITIVE ID: 4]

to the communications circuitry ; a mounting structure [FEATURE ID: 5]

positioned within the mobile communication device , a section [FEATURE ID: 6]

of the mounting structure extending over the circuit board ; and a multi-band antenna [FEATURE ID: 1]

secured [TRANSITIVE ID: 4]

to the mounting structure and laterally offset from an edge [FEATURE ID: 5]

of the ground plane , the multi-band antenna comprising : a common conductor coupled to the feeding point ; first and second radiating arms coupled to and extending from the common conductor ; and a space - filling curve constituting at least a part of the first radiating arm , wherein the space - filling curve comprises at least ten segments [FEATURE ID: 7]

that are shorter than a tenth [FEATURE ID: 8]

of a free - space operating wavelength [FEATURE ID: 8]

of the multi-band antenna , each of the segments being connected to its neighboring segments at an angle such [FEATURE ID: 5]

that no pair [FEATURE ID: 9]

of adjacent segments defines a longer straight segment , wherein any periodicity [FEATURE ID: 6]

of the space - filling curve along a fixed straight direction [FEATURE ID: 10]

of space involves a periodic structure having a period [FEATURE ID: 8]

defined by a non-periodic curve [FEATURE ID: 5]

comprising at least ten connected segments [FEATURE ID: 7]

in which no pair of adjacent ones of the connected segments defines a longer straight segment . 2 . The mobile communication device of claim [FEATURE ID: 11]

1 , wherein the antenna feeding point [FEATURE ID: 1]

is located at a position on the circuit board corresponding to a corner of the ground plane . 3 . The mobile communication device of claim 1 , wherein a total length [FEATURE ID: 8]

1 . A multi-bit-per-cell-memory [FEATURE ID: 1]

comprising [TRANSITIVE ID: 2]

: an array [FEATURE ID: 5]

of non-volatile memory cells [FEATURE ID: 7]

; a write circuit coupled [TRANSITIVE ID: 4]

to the array ; and a decoder coupled to receive a data stream and control the write circuit to write data from the data stream into the array , wherein during a recording operation , the decoder decodes the data stream to identify data types for portions [FEATURE ID: 7]

of the data stream , and for each of the portions of the data stream , the decoder selects a number [FEATURE ID: 8]

of bits written per memory cell [FEATURE ID: 10]

when writing data from that portion [FEATURE ID: 6]

, the number of bits per memory cell for any portion of the data stream being selected according to the data type [FEATURE ID: 8]

of the portion . 2 . The multi-bit-per-cell memory [FEATURE ID: 1]

of claim [FEATURE ID: 11]

1 , further comprising a read circuit [FEATURE ID: 5]

coupled to the array and the decoder , wherein during a playback operation , the decoder : receives a data stream that the read circuit reads from the array ; decodes the data stream to identify data types for portions of the data stream ; and for each of the portions of the data stream , selects a number of bits to read from each memory cell storing that portion , the number of bits per memory cell for any portion of the data stream being selected according to the data type of the portion . 3 . The multi-bit-per-cell memory of claim 2 , wherein the decoder comprises programmable array logic that is programmed according to a protocol expected for the data stream . 4 . The multi-bit-per-cell memory of claim 3 , wherein the protocol is selected from a group [FEATURE ID: 9]

consisting of MPEG , JPEG , GIF , and AC - 3 . 5 . The multi-bit-per-cell memory of claim 3 , wherein the programmable array logic includes an interface that permits re-programming of the programmable array logic to adapt the multi-bit-per-cell memory to another protocol . 6 . The multi-bit-per-cell memory of claim 1 , further comprising : a read circuit coupled to the array and the decoder ; and a second decoder [FEATURE ID: 1]

coupled to control the read circuit and receive a second data stream [FEATURE ID: 8]

that the read circuit reads from the array , wherein during a playback operation , the second decoder decodes the second data stream to identify data types for portions of the second data stream , and for each of the portions of the second data stream , the second decoder selects a number of bits to read from each memory cell storing that portion , the number of bits per memory cell for any portion of the second data stream being selected according to the data type of the portion . 7 . The multi-bit-per-cell memory of claim 1 , wherein the decoder comprises programmable array logic that is programmed according to a protocol expected for the data stream . 8 . The multi-bit-per-cell memory of claim 7 , wherein the protocol is selected from a group consisting of MPEG , JPEG , GIF , and AC - 3 . 9 . The multi-bit-per-cell memory of claim 1 , wherein the decoder performs decoding in accordance with a protocol selected from a group consisting of MPEG , JPEG , GIF , and AC - 3 . 10 . The multi-bit-per-cell memory of claim 1 , wherein the write circuit is operable in a plurality of modes , each mode corresponding to a different number [FEATURE ID: 8]

of bits that the write circuit writes per non-volatile memory cell [FEATURE ID: 10]

. 11 . The multi-per-cell memory [FEATURE ID: 1]

of claim 1 , wherein the decoder comprises : a shift register connected to receive data from the data stream ; data type identification logic [FEATURE ID: 3]

Targeted Patent:

Patent: US8674887B2
Filed: 2002-12-22
Issued: 2014-03-18
Patent Holder: (Original Assignee) Fractus SA     (Current Assignee) Fractus SA
Inventor(s): Alfonso Sanz, Carles Puente Baliarda

Title: Multi-band monopole antenna for a mobile communications device

Cross Reference / Shared Meaning between the Lines
Charted Against:

Patent: US6466176B1
Filed: 2000-07-11
Issued: 2002-10-15
Patent Holder: (Original Assignee) In4Tel Ltd     (Current Assignee) In4Tel Ltd
Inventor(s): Joseph Maoz, Michael Kadichevitz

Title: Internal antennas for mobile communication devices

[TRANSITIVE ID: 1] comprisingincluding, with, incorporating, containing, featuring, includes, comprises[TRANSITIVE ID: 1] comprising, having
[FEATURE ID: 2] circuit board, structure, common conductor, straight segmentsubstrate, circuit, waveguide, conductor, element, antenna, system[FEATURE ID: 2] multi-band antenna, feed line
[FEATURE ID: 3] ground plane, straight direction, period, position, cornerslot, surface, portion, substrate, base, periphery, notch[FEATURE ID: 3] dielectric substrate, conductive layer, ground plane, load side, reflector, conductor, stub reflector
[FEATURE ID: 4] feeding pointfeeding, source, point, ground, load, feeder, supply[FEATURE ID: 4] feed end, feed side, feed line such
[TRANSITIVE ID: 5] beingalso, operatively, and, further, not, directly, is[TRANSITIVE ID: 5] being
[TRANSITIVE ID: 6] coupledjoined, linked, adjacent, coupling, common, secured, associated[TRANSITIVE ID: 6] coupled, connected
[TRANSITIVE ID: 7] positioned, extending, secured, offsetlocated, arranged, disposed, mounted, provided, situated, supported[TRANSITIVE ID: 7] serving, carried, formed
[FEATURE ID: 8] section, part, periodicitysurface, portion, projection, periphery, region, segment, length[FEATURE ID: 8] opposite face, continuation, end, side
[FEATURE ID: 9] multi-band antenna, curve, arm, periodic structure, non-periodic curveline, structure, portion, circuit, section, element, member[FEATURE ID: 9] further electrical conductor, electrical conductor
[FEATURE ID: 10] edgeendpoint, extension, opening, output[FEATURE ID: 10] load end
[FEATURE ID: 11] arms, segments, adjacent onesends, portions, arcs, members, edges, branches, sides[FEATURE ID: 11] faces, stub reflectors
[FEATURE ID: 12] first, secondlast, third, one, remaining, additional, second antenna, or each[FEATURE ID: 12] latter
[FEATURE ID: 13] space operating wavelength, total lengthfrequency, distance, height, bandwidth, extent, size, perimeter[FEATURE ID: 13] frequency band such
[FEATURE ID: 14] connected segmentsand, positions, corners, points[FEATURE ID: 14] ends
[FEATURE ID: 15] claimspecification, claimed, requirement, feature, clair, statement, figure[FEATURE ID: 15] claim
[FEATURE ID: 16] antenna feeding pointconductor, notch, gap, recess, slit, opening, port[FEATURE ID: 16] slot, slot open
[FEATURE ID: 17] linear section adjacentgap, capacitance, branch, shunt, feed[FEATURE ID: 17] reflector feed
1 . A mobile communication device comprising [TRANSITIVE ID: 1]

: communications circuitry ; a circuit board [FEATURE ID: 2]

comprising a ground plane [FEATURE ID: 3]

and a feeding point [FEATURE ID: 4]

, the feeding point being [TRANSITIVE ID: 5]

coupled [TRANSITIVE ID: 6]

to the communications circuitry ; a mounting structure [FEATURE ID: 2]

positioned [TRANSITIVE ID: 7]

within the mobile communication device , a section [FEATURE ID: 8]

of the mounting structure extending [TRANSITIVE ID: 7]

over the circuit board ; and a multi-band antenna [FEATURE ID: 9]

secured [TRANSITIVE ID: 7]

to the mounting structure and laterally offset [TRANSITIVE ID: 7]

from an edge [FEATURE ID: 10]

of the ground plane , the multi-band antenna comprising : a common conductor [FEATURE ID: 2]

coupled to the feeding point ; first and second radiating arms [FEATURE ID: 11]

coupled to and extending from the common conductor ; and a space - filling curve [FEATURE ID: 9]

constituting at least a part [FEATURE ID: 8]

of the first [FEATURE ID: 12]

radiating arm [FEATURE ID: 9]

, wherein the space - filling curve comprises at least ten segments [FEATURE ID: 11]

that are shorter than a tenth of a free - space operating wavelength [FEATURE ID: 13]

of the multi-band antenna , each of the segments being connected to its neighboring segments at an angle such that no pair of adjacent segments defines a longer straight segment [FEATURE ID: 2]

, wherein any periodicity [FEATURE ID: 8]

of the space - filling curve along a fixed straight direction [FEATURE ID: 3]

of space involves a periodic structure [FEATURE ID: 9]

having a period [FEATURE ID: 3]

defined by a non-periodic curve [FEATURE ID: 9]

comprising at least ten connected segments [FEATURE ID: 14]

in which no pair of adjacent ones [FEATURE ID: 11]

of the connected segments defines a longer straight segment . 2 . The mobile communication device of claim [FEATURE ID: 15]

1 , wherein the antenna feeding point [FEATURE ID: 16]

is located at a position [FEATURE ID: 3]

on the circuit board corresponding to a corner [FEATURE ID: 3]

of the ground plane . 3 . The mobile communication device of claim 1 , wherein a total length [FEATURE ID: 13]

of the first radiating arm is greater than a total length of the second [FEATURE ID: 12]

radiating arm . 4 . The mobile communication device of claim 3 , wherein the second radiating arm of the multi-band antenna includes a linear section adjacent [FEATURE ID: 17]

1 . A multi-band antenna [FEATURE ID: 2]

which is resonant and radiant at a high frequency band and at least one lower frequency band , comprising [TRANSITIVE ID: 1]

: a dielectric substrate [FEATURE ID: 3]

having [TRANSITIVE ID: 1]

opposed faces [FEATURE ID: 11]

; an electrically - conductive layer [FEATURE ID: 3]

serving [TRANSITIVE ID: 7]

as a ground plane [FEATURE ID: 3]

on one face of the dielectric substrate ; an electrically conductive feed line carried [TRANSITIVE ID: 7]

on the opposite face [FEATURE ID: 8]

of the dielectric substrate , said feed line [FEATURE ID: 2]

having at least one feed end [FEATURE ID: 4]

and at least one load end [FEATURE ID: 10]

; a slot [FEATURE ID: 16]

formed [TRANSITIVE ID: 7]

in said ground plane having a feed side [FEATURE ID: 4]

and a load side [FEATURE ID: 3]

with respect to said feed end and load end , said slot being [TRANSITIVE ID: 5]

electromagnetically coupled [TRANSITIVE ID: 6]

to said feed line such [FEATURE ID: 4]

that said slot is resonant and radiant at said high frequency band ; and a further electrical conductor [FEATURE ID: 9]

electrically connected [TRANSITIVE ID: 6]

to said ground plane to serve as a continuation [FEATURE ID: 8]

thereof at the load side of said slot , said further electrical conductor [FEATURE ID: 9]

being dimensioned , located and electromagnetically coupled to said slot at said lower frequency band such [FEATURE ID: 13]

as to cause said slot to be resonant and radiant also at said at least one lower frequency band . 2 . The antenna according to claim [FEATURE ID: 15]

1 , wherein said further electrical conductor serving as a continuation of the ground plane is also in the form of an electrically - conductive layer and also acts as a reflector [FEATURE ID: 3]

. 3 . The antenna according to claim 2 , wherein said latter [FEATURE ID: 12]

electrically - conductive layer is continuous and unslotted . 4 . The antenna according to claim 2 , wherein said latter electrically - conductive layer is formed with a slot closed at both ends [FEATURE ID: 14]

. 5 . The antenna according to claim 2 , wherein said latter electrically - conductive layer is formed with a slot open [FEATURE ID: 16]

at at least one end [FEATURE ID: 8]

. 6 . The antenna according to claim 1 , wherein said further electrical conductor serving as a continuation of the ground plane is a conductor [FEATURE ID: 3]

shaped to define at least one stub reflector [FEATURE ID: 3]

. 7 . The antenna according to claim 6 , wherein said ground plane is interrupted at the side [FEATURE ID: 8]

thereof in alignment with said stub reflector . 8 . The antenna according to claim 1 , wherein said further electrical conductor serving as a continuation of the ground plane is shaped to define two stub reflectors [FEATURE ID: 11]

each electrically connected to said ground plane by a reflector feed [FEATURE ID: 17]

Targeted Patent:

Patent: US8674887B2
Filed: 2002-12-22
Issued: 2014-03-18
Patent Holder: (Original Assignee) Fractus SA     (Current Assignee) Fractus SA
Inventor(s): Alfonso Sanz, Carles Puente Baliarda

Title: Multi-band monopole antenna for a mobile communications device

Cross Reference / Shared Meaning between the Lines
Charted Against:

Patent: US20020140615A1
Filed: 1999-09-20
Issued: 2002-10-03
Patent Holder: (Original Assignee) Fractus SA     (Current Assignee) Fractus SA
Inventor(s): Puente Carles, Romeu Jordi, Borj Carmen, Anguera Jaume, Soler Castany

Title: Multilevel antennae

[TRANSITIVE ID: 1] comprising, fillingcontaining, including, of, featuring, forming, sharing, using[TRANSITIVE ID: 1] having
[FEATURE ID: 2] circuit board, multi-band antenna, antenna feeding pointconductor, substrate, antenna, component, plate, element, section[FEATURE ID: 2] multilevel structure
[FEATURE ID: 3] ground plane, non-periodic curveshape, face, polygon, surface, footprint, base, contour[FEATURE ID: 3] perimeter
[TRANSITIVE ID: 4] beingand, physically, also, electrically, not, is, are[TRANSITIVE ID: 4] being
[TRANSITIVE ID: 5] coupled, securedadjacent, coupling, joined, unconnected, bonded, fixed, fitted[TRANSITIVE ID: 5] coupled
[FEATURE ID: 6] structureapparatus, system, device, element[FEATURE ID: 6] Multilevel antenna
[FEATURE ID: 7] section, space operating wavelength, straight segment, straight direction, periodic structure, position, corner, total lengthperimeter, portion, length, region, edge, part, surface[FEATURE ID: 7] faces, area, single type
[FEATURE ID: 8] arms, adjacent onessegments, lines, branches, axes, triangles, vertices, points[FEATURE ID: 8] sides, ellipses
[FEATURE ID: 9] part, tenthmajority, half, portion, quarter, fraction, region, percent[FEATURE ID: 9] major part, most
[FEATURE ID: 10] leastless than, lease, less, more than, minimum, most, minus[FEATURE ID: 10] least
[FEATURE ID: 11] segmentsedges, points, parts, sides, vertices, triangles, pieces[FEATURE ID: 11] polygons, elements, sided polygons
[FEATURE ID: 12] angle suchangle, arrangement, orientation, order[FEATURE ID: 12] same number
[FEATURE ID: 13] pairintersection, group, coupling, joint, union, number, plurality[FEATURE ID: 13] set, contact
[FEATURE ID: 14] adjacent segmentssegments, these, adjacent, vertices, corners, consecutive, arcs[FEATURE ID: 14] said, dodecagons
[FEATURE ID: 15] periodform, geometry, structure, topology[FEATURE ID: 15] majority
[FEATURE ID: 16] connected segmentssegments, corners, curves, arcs[FEATURE ID: 16] circles
[FEATURE ID: 17] claimitem, claimed, clair, figure, clause[FEATURE ID: 17] claim
1 . A mobile communication device comprising [TRANSITIVE ID: 1]

: communications circuitry ; a circuit board [FEATURE ID: 2]

comprising a ground plane [FEATURE ID: 3]

and a feeding point , the feeding point being [TRANSITIVE ID: 4]

coupled [TRANSITIVE ID: 5]

to the communications circuitry ; a mounting structure [FEATURE ID: 6]

positioned within the mobile communication device , a section [FEATURE ID: 7]

of the mounting structure extending over the circuit board ; and a multi-band antenna [FEATURE ID: 2]

secured [TRANSITIVE ID: 5]

to the mounting structure and laterally offset from an edge of the ground plane , the multi-band antenna comprising : a common conductor coupled to the feeding point ; first and second radiating arms [FEATURE ID: 8]

coupled to and extending from the common conductor ; and a space - filling [TRANSITIVE ID: 1]

curve constituting at least a part [FEATURE ID: 9]

of the first radiating arm , wherein the space - filling curve comprises at least [FEATURE ID: 10]

ten segments [FEATURE ID: 11]

that are shorter than a tenth [FEATURE ID: 9]

of a free - space operating wavelength [FEATURE ID: 7]

of the multi-band antenna , each of the segments being connected to its neighboring segments at an angle such [FEATURE ID: 12]

that no pair [FEATURE ID: 13]

of adjacent segments [FEATURE ID: 14]

defines a longer straight segment [FEATURE ID: 7]

, wherein any periodicity of the space - filling curve along a fixed straight direction [FEATURE ID: 7]

of space involves a periodic structure [FEATURE ID: 7]

having a period [FEATURE ID: 15]

defined by a non-periodic curve [FEATURE ID: 3]

comprising at least ten connected segments [FEATURE ID: 16]

in which no pair of adjacent ones [FEATURE ID: 8]

of the connected segments defines a longer straight segment . 2 . The mobile communication device of claim [FEATURE ID: 17]

1 , wherein the antenna feeding point [FEATURE ID: 2]

is located at a position [FEATURE ID: 7]

on the circuit board corresponding to a corner [FEATURE ID: 7]

of the ground plane . 3 . The mobile communication device of claim 1 , wherein a total length [FEATURE ID: 7]

1 . Multilevel antenna [FEATURE ID: 6]

characterised in that it includes at least [FEATURE ID: 10]

one multilevel structure [FEATURE ID: 2]

which is a set [FEATURE ID: 13]

of polygonal or polyhedral elements of the same type ( same number [FEATURE ID: 12]

of sides [FEATURE ID: 8]

or faces [FEATURE ID: 7]

) although not necessarily of the same size , the multilevel structure and the polygons [FEATURE ID: 11]

or polyhedrons which form it having [TRANSITIVE ID: 1]

different geometry , said [TRANSITIVE ID: 14]

polygons or polyhedrons being [TRANSITIVE ID: 4]

electromagnetically coupled [TRANSITIVE ID: 5]

to each other so that the area [FEATURE ID: 7]

of contact [FEATURE ID: 13]

between elements [FEATURE ID: 11]

does not cover a major part [FEATURE ID: 9]

of the perimeter [FEATURE ID: 3]

or area at least in most [FEATURE ID: 9]

of the polygons or polyhedrons , so that the area of contact between elements is under 50 % of the perimeter or area in at least 75 % of the polygons or polyhedrons , thereby allowing to geometrically distinguish in the multilevel structure the majority [FEATURE ID: 15]

of the polygons or polyhedrons which form it . 2 . Multilevel antenna , as claimed in claim [FEATURE ID: 17]

1 , characterised in that the multilevel structure is formed exclusively be triangles . 3 . Multilevel antenna , as claimed in claim 1 , characterised in that the multilevel structure is formed exclusively by polygons of a single type [FEATURE ID: 7]

, such as four sided polygons [FEATURE ID: 11]

, pentagons , hexagons , heptagons , octagons , decagons , dodecagons [FEATURE ID: 14]

, circles [FEATURE ID: 16]

or ellipses [FEATURE ID: 8]

Targeted Patent:

Patent: US8674887B2
Filed: 2002-12-22
Issued: 2014-03-18
Patent Holder: (Original Assignee) Fractus SA     (Current Assignee) Fractus SA
Inventor(s): Alfonso Sanz, Carles Puente Baliarda

Title: Multi-band monopole antenna for a mobile communications device

Cross Reference / Shared Meaning between the Lines
Charted Against:

Patent: US6459413B1
Filed: 2001-01-10
Issued: 2002-10-01
Patent Holder: (Original Assignee) Industrial Technology Research Institute ITRI     (Current Assignee) Industrial Technology Research Institute ITRI
Inventor(s): Wen-Jen Tseng, Jyh-Wen Sheen

Title: Multi-frequency band antenna

[FEATURE ID: 1] mobile communication device, circuit boardtransceiver, radiotelephone, antenna, circuit, substrate, system, method[FEATURE ID: 1] multi-frequency band antenna
[TRANSITIVE ID: 2] comprisingincluding, comprises, with, containing, of, defining, featuring[TRANSITIVE ID: 2] comprising, having, forming
[FEATURE ID: 3] ground plane, common conductor, part, straight segment, periodic structure, period, non-periodic curve, position, corner, total length, linear section adjacentportion, base, surface, section, path, length, side[FEATURE ID: 3] conductive material, first end, signal feed point, second end, plane, metal conductor, top surface
[FEATURE ID: 4] feeding pointfeeding, fed, feeder, ground[FEATURE ID: 4] feed
[TRANSITIVE ID: 5] coupled, securedattached, coupling, joined, proximate, external, grounded, provided[TRANSITIVE ID: 5] connecting
[TRANSITIVE ID: 6] positioned, extendingdisposed, arranged, formed, provided, utilized, mounted, employed[TRANSITIVE ID: 6] shaped, used
[FEATURE ID: 7] sectionwall, side, face, region, projection, segment[FEATURE ID: 7] surface
[FEATURE ID: 8] multi-band antennadielectric, carrier, support, board, plate, radome, waveguide[FEATURE ID: 8] dielectric material, curved surface
[TRANSITIVE ID: 9] offsetseparated, adjacent, distant, shifted, extended, apart, isolated[TRANSITIVE ID: 9] different, coplanar
[FEATURE ID: 10] edge, angle such, antenna feeding pointopening, aperture, area, arc, extension, axis, interface[FEATURE ID: 10] extended bent wire, angle, interior layer, interior area
[TRANSITIVE ID: 11] radiatingradiation, radiant, feeding, antenna, transmitting, emitting, resonating[TRANSITIVE ID: 11] radiating
[FEATURE ID: 12] arms, segments, connected segmentsportions, parts, members, components, slots, sections, plates[FEATURE ID: 12] elements, metal conductors, interior layers
[FEATURE ID: 13] curvebend, circuit, branch, coil, structure, loop[FEATURE ID: 13] top loaded structure
[FEATURE ID: 14] tenth, space operating wavelength, straight directiondimension, distance, period, width, size, length, direction[FEATURE ID: 14] range
[FEATURE ID: 15] pair, adjacent onesone, two, all, combination, pairs, each, any[FEATURE ID: 15] signals
[FEATURE ID: 16] adjacent segmentstwo, thereof, same, them[FEATURE ID: 16] different interior layers
[FEATURE ID: 17] claimfigure, embodiment, requirement, clair, statement, item, clause[FEATURE ID: 17] claim
[FEATURE ID: 18] secondfirst, seconds, secondary, corresponding second, third[FEATURE ID: 18] second
1 . A mobile communication device [FEATURE ID: 1]

comprising [TRANSITIVE ID: 2]

: communications circuitry ; a circuit board [FEATURE ID: 1]

comprising a ground plane [FEATURE ID: 3]

and a feeding point [FEATURE ID: 4]

, the feeding point being coupled [TRANSITIVE ID: 5]

to the communications circuitry ; a mounting structure positioned [TRANSITIVE ID: 6]

within the mobile communication device , a section [FEATURE ID: 7]

of the mounting structure extending [TRANSITIVE ID: 6]

over the circuit board ; and a multi-band antenna [FEATURE ID: 8]

secured [TRANSITIVE ID: 5]

to the mounting structure and laterally offset [TRANSITIVE ID: 9]

from an edge [FEATURE ID: 10]

of the ground plane , the multi-band antenna comprising : a common conductor [FEATURE ID: 3]

coupled to the feeding point ; first and second radiating [TRANSITIVE ID: 11]

arms [FEATURE ID: 12]

coupled to and extending from the common conductor ; and a space - filling curve [FEATURE ID: 13]

constituting at least a part [FEATURE ID: 3]

of the first radiating arm , wherein the space - filling curve comprises at least ten segments [FEATURE ID: 12]

that are shorter than a tenth [FEATURE ID: 14]

of a free - space operating wavelength [FEATURE ID: 14]

of the multi-band antenna , each of the segments being connected to its neighboring segments at an angle such [FEATURE ID: 10]

that no pair [FEATURE ID: 15]

of adjacent segments [FEATURE ID: 16]

defines a longer straight segment [FEATURE ID: 3]

, wherein any periodicity of the space - filling curve along a fixed straight direction [FEATURE ID: 14]

of space involves a periodic structure [FEATURE ID: 3]

having a period [FEATURE ID: 3]

defined by a non-periodic curve [FEATURE ID: 3]

comprising at least ten connected segments [FEATURE ID: 12]

in which no pair of adjacent ones [FEATURE ID: 15]

of the connected segments defines a longer straight segment . 2 . The mobile communication device of claim [FEATURE ID: 17]

1 , wherein the antenna feeding point [FEATURE ID: 10]

is located at a position [FEATURE ID: 3]

on the circuit board corresponding to a corner [FEATURE ID: 3]

of the ground plane . 3 . The mobile communication device of claim 1 , wherein a total length [FEATURE ID: 3]

of the first radiating arm is greater than a total length of the second [FEATURE ID: 18]

radiating arm . 4 . The mobile communication device of claim 3 , wherein the second radiating arm of the multi-band antenna includes a linear section adjacent [FEATURE ID: 3]

1 . A multi-frequency band antenna [FEATURE ID: 1]

comprising [TRANSITIVE ID: 2]

; a first radiating [TRANSITIVE ID: 11]

clement being shaped [TRANSITIVE ID: 6]

as an extended bent wire [FEATURE ID: 10]

for functioning as an antenna element of a first frequency band , said first radiating element comprising a conductive material [FEATURE ID: 3]

; a second [FEATURE ID: 18]

radiating element for functioning as an antenna element of a second frequency band , said second frequency band being different [FEATURE ID: 9]

from said first frequency band , said second radiating element comprising a conductive material ; and a feed [FEATURE ID: 4]

radiating element having [TRANSITIVE ID: 2]

a first end [FEATURE ID: 3]

being used [TRANSITIVE ID: 6]

as a signal feed point [FEATURE ID: 3]

for signals [FEATURE ID: 15]

of said first and second frequency bands , and a second end [FEATURE ID: 3]

being electrically connecting [TRANSITIVE ID: 5]

said first radiating element to said second radiating element and forming [TRANSITIVE ID: 2]

a top loaded structure [FEATURE ID: 13]

; wherein said feed radiating element is disposed on a plane [FEATURE ID: 3]

neither containing nor in parallel with said first and second radiating elements [FEATURE ID: 12]

, and said feed radiating element forms an angle [FEATURE ID: 10]

in a range [FEATURE ID: 14]

between 70 ° to 180 ° with a surface [FEATURE ID: 7]

containing said first or second radiating element . 2 . The multi-frequency band antenna as claimed in claim [FEATURE ID: 17]

1 , said feed radiating element being a metal conductor [FEATURE ID: 3]

. 3 . The multi-frequency band antenna as claimed in claim 1 , said feed radiating element being formed by a metal conductor and a base of a dielectric material [FEATURE ID: 8]

. 4 . The multi-frequency band antenna as claimed in claim 3 , said metal conductor being placed on a top surface [FEATURE ID: 3]

of said base . 5 . The multi-frequency band antenna as claimed in claim 3 , said metal conductor being placed on an interior layer [FEATURE ID: 10]

of said base . 6 . The multi-frequency band antenna as claimed in claim 1 , said first and second radiating elements being formed by two metal conductors [FEATURE ID: 12]

and a base of a dielectric material . 7 . The multi-frequency band antenna as claimed in claim 6 , said metal conductors being placed on a top surface of said base . 8 . The multi-frequency band antenna as claimed in claim 6 , said metal conductors being placed in an interior area [FEATURE ID: 10]

of said base . 9 . The multi-frequency band antenna as claimed in claim 6 , said base having at least two interior layers [FEATURE ID: 12]

and said metal conductors being placed in different interior layers [FEATURE ID: 16]

. 10 . The multi-frequency band antenna as claimed in claim 1 , said first and said second radiating elements being coplanar [FEATURE ID: 9]

and forming an angle with said feed radiating element . 11 . The multi-frequency band antenna as claimed in claim 1 , said first and said second radiating , elements being placed on a curved surface [FEATURE ID: 8]

Targeted Patent:

Patent: US8674887B2
Filed: 2002-12-22
Issued: 2014-03-18
Patent Holder: (Original Assignee) Fractus SA     (Current Assignee) Fractus SA
Inventor(s): Alfonso Sanz, Carles Puente Baliarda

Title: Multi-band monopole antenna for a mobile communications device

Cross Reference / Shared Meaning between the Lines
Charted Against:

Patent: US20020135523A1
Filed: 2001-03-23
Issued: 2002-09-26
Patent Holder: (Original Assignee) Protura Wireless Inc     (Current Assignee) Protura Wireless Inc
Inventor(s): Osbaldo Romero, Walter Keller, David Howard

Title: Loop antenna radiation and reference loops

[FEATURE ID: 1] mobile communication device, structure, antenna feeding pointdevice, system, component, circuitry, terminal, radio, transmitter[FEATURE ID: 1] loop antenna, communication device
[TRANSITIVE ID: 2] comprisingincludes, with, containing, defining, featuring, and, of[TRANSITIVE ID: 2] comprising, including, having
[FEATURE ID: 3] circuit board, sectionsubstrate, conductor, portion, frame, base, antenna, body[FEATURE ID: 3] radiation component
[FEATURE ID: 4] ground plane, positionslot, ground, patch, radiator, portion, substrate, gap[FEATURE ID: 4] reference loop
[TRANSITIVE ID: 5] coupledsecured, related, grounded, joined, coupling, responsive, linked[TRANSITIVE ID: 5] connected
[TRANSITIVE ID: 6] positioned, extending, secured, offsetarranged, disposed, mounted, located, provided, adjacent, fixed[TRANSITIVE ID: 6] arrayed
[FEATURE ID: 7] multi-band antenna, common conductorwaveguide, wire, substrate, cable, line, component, structure[FEATURE ID: 7] transmission line
[FEATURE ID: 8] edge, angle sucharc, orientation, antenna, order, offset, angle, axis[FEATURE ID: 8] electrical length
[TRANSITIVE ID: 9] radiatingdirecting, coupling, transmitting, communicating, transferring, providing, receiving[TRANSITIVE ID: 9] exchanging, conducting
[FEATURE ID: 10] arms, segments, adjacent onesarcs, members, lines, portions, conductors, ends, sides[FEATURE ID: 10] segments, radiation segments, different segments, opposite sides
[FEATURE ID: 11] tenth, space operating wavelength, non-periodic curvelength, width, period, magnitude, dimension, multiple, perimeter[FEATURE ID: 11] same size, sum
[FEATURE ID: 12] pair, linear section adjacentconnection, gap, portion, combination, loop, sequence, parallel[FEATURE ID: 12] series
[FEATURE ID: 13] adjacent segmentsjunctions, nodes, segments, them, edges, corners, ends[FEATURE ID: 13] connection means, vertices
[FEATURE ID: 14] straight segmentlength, portion, section, linear[FEATURE ID: 14] segment length
[FEATURE ID: 15] straight direction, periodic structureline, direction, region, circle, sequence, path, structure[FEATURE ID: 15] pattern
[FEATURE ID: 16] periodstructure, geometry, length, topology, pitch, pattern[FEATURE ID: 16] shape
[FEATURE ID: 17] connected segmentssegments, connections, positions, regions, points[FEATURE ID: 17] different directions
[FEATURE ID: 18] claimpreceding claim, claimed, statement, figure, clause, paragraph, embodiment[FEATURE ID: 18] claim
[FEATURE ID: 19] total lengthwavelength, distance, frequency, bandwidth[FEATURE ID: 19] radiation frequency
1 . A mobile communication device [FEATURE ID: 1]

comprising [TRANSITIVE ID: 2]

: communications circuitry ; a circuit board [FEATURE ID: 3]

comprising a ground plane [FEATURE ID: 4]

and a feeding point , the feeding point being coupled [TRANSITIVE ID: 5]

to the communications circuitry ; a mounting structure [FEATURE ID: 1]

positioned [TRANSITIVE ID: 6]

within the mobile communication device , a section [FEATURE ID: 3]

of the mounting structure extending [TRANSITIVE ID: 6]

over the circuit board ; and a multi-band antenna [FEATURE ID: 7]

secured [TRANSITIVE ID: 6]

to the mounting structure and laterally offset [TRANSITIVE ID: 6]

from an edge [FEATURE ID: 8]

of the ground plane , the multi-band antenna comprising : a common conductor [FEATURE ID: 7]

coupled to the feeding point ; first and second radiating [TRANSITIVE ID: 9]

arms [FEATURE ID: 10]

coupled to and extending from the common conductor ; and a space - filling curve constituting at least a part of the first radiating arm , wherein the space - filling curve comprises at least ten segments [FEATURE ID: 10]

that are shorter than a tenth [FEATURE ID: 11]

of a free - space operating wavelength [FEATURE ID: 11]

of the multi-band antenna , each of the segments being connected to its neighboring segments at an angle such [FEATURE ID: 8]

that no pair [FEATURE ID: 12]

of adjacent segments [FEATURE ID: 13]

defines a longer straight segment [FEATURE ID: 14]

, wherein any periodicity of the space - filling curve along a fixed straight direction [FEATURE ID: 15]

of space involves a periodic structure [FEATURE ID: 15]

having a period [FEATURE ID: 16]

defined by a non-periodic curve [FEATURE ID: 11]

comprising at least ten connected segments [FEATURE ID: 17]

in which no pair of adjacent ones [FEATURE ID: 10]

of the connected segments defines a longer straight segment . 2 . The mobile communication device of claim [FEATURE ID: 18]

1 , wherein the antenna feeding point [FEATURE ID: 1]

is located at a position [FEATURE ID: 4]

on the circuit board corresponding to a corner of the ground plane . 3 . The mobile communication device of claim 1 , wherein a total length [FEATURE ID: 19]

of the first radiating arm is greater than a total length of the second radiating arm . 4 . The mobile communication device of claim 3 , wherein the second radiating arm of the multi-band antenna includes a linear section adjacent [FEATURE ID: 12]

1 . ( Original ) A loop antenna [FEATURE ID: 1]

, for use with a communication device [FEATURE ID: 1]

, operating for exchanging [TRANSITIVE ID: 9]

energy at a radiation frequency [FEATURE ID: 19]

, comprising [TRANSITIVE ID: 2]

, a radiation component [FEATURE ID: 3]

including [TRANSITIVE ID: 2]

, connection means having [TRANSITIVE ID: 2]

first and second electrical connection points for conduction of electrical current , a radiation loop arrayed [TRANSITIVE ID: 6]

for radiation and connected [TRANSITIVE ID: 5]

to said connection means [FEATURE ID: 13]

for conducting [TRANSITIVE ID: 9]

said electrical current through said radiation loop in connection with said radiation , a reference component including , a reference loop [FEATURE ID: 4]

having approximately the same size [FEATURE ID: 11]

and shape [FEATURE ID: 16]

as said radiation loop and arrayed offset from and in close proximity to said radiation loop . 2 . ( Original ) The loop antenna of claim [FEATURE ID: 18]

1 wherein said radiation loop includes a plurality of electrically conducting segments [FEATURE ID: 10]

each having a segment length [FEATURE ID: 14]

where , said segments are electrically connected in series [FEATURE ID: 12]

between said first and second connection points for exchange of energy at the radiation frequency , said radiation loop having an electrical length [FEATURE ID: 8]

, A l that is proportional to the sum [FEATURE ID: 11]

of segment lengths for each of said radiation segments [FEATURE ID: 10]

, said segments are arrayed in a pattern [FEATURE ID: 15]

so that different segments [FEATURE ID: 10]

connect at vertices [FEATURE ID: 13]

and conduct electrical current in different directions [FEATURE ID: 17]

near said vertices . 3 . ( Original ) The loop antenna of claim 1 wherein said connection means is a transmission line [FEATURE ID: 7]

for non-radiation conduction . 4 . ( Original ) The loop antenna of claim 1 wherein said radiation component and said reference component are mounted on opposite sides [FEATURE ID: 10]

Targeted Patent:

Patent: US8674887B2
Filed: 2002-12-22
Issued: 2014-03-18
Patent Holder: (Original Assignee) Fractus SA     (Current Assignee) Fractus SA
Inventor(s): Alfonso Sanz, Carles Puente Baliarda

Title: Multi-band monopole antenna for a mobile communications device

Cross Reference / Shared Meaning between the Lines
Charted Against:

Patent: US6456249B1
Filed: 1999-08-16
Issued: 2002-09-24
Patent Holder: (Original Assignee) Tyco Electronics Logistics AG     (Current Assignee) TE Connectivity Solutions GmbH ; RangeStar Wireless Inc
Inventor(s): Greg Johnson, Ben Newman

Title: Single or dual band parasitic antenna assembly

[FEATURE ID: 1] mobile communication devicenetwork, system, device, structure, circuit, component, module[FEATURE ID: 1] wireless communications device, wiring board
[TRANSITIVE ID: 2] comprisingincluding, defining, containing, incorporating, being, providing, presenting[TRANSITIVE ID: 2] comprising, having
[FEATURE ID: 3] circuit boardsubstrate, conductor, housing, surface, reflector, body, plate[FEATURE ID: 3] conductive ground plane element, ground plane element, resonator element
[FEATURE ID: 4] ground plane, feeding point, periodic structure, period, linear section adjacentportion, substrate, conductor, ground, base, structure, slot[FEATURE ID: 4] conductive surface, shunt feed point, ground traces, top planar surface, bent metal conductor
[TRANSITIVE ID: 5] beingdirectly, not, be, electrically, operatively, is, physically[TRANSITIVE ID: 5] being
[TRANSITIVE ID: 6] coupledadjacent, attached, grounded, tied, coupling, responsive, linked[TRANSITIVE ID: 6] coupled
[TRANSITIVE ID: 7] mountingreceiving, positioning, placement, attachment[TRANSITIVE ID: 7] use
[FEATURE ID: 8] structureapparatus, arrangement, device, element[FEATURE ID: 8] antenna assembly
[TRANSITIVE ID: 9] positioned, extending, offsetlocated, arranged, formed, defined, mounted, provided, suspended[TRANSITIVE ID: 9] disposed, functioning
[FEATURE ID: 10] section, space operating wavelength, pair, straight segment, periodicity, straight direction, non-periodic curve, position, corner, total lengthperimeter, length, path, region, segment, height, dimension[FEATURE ID: 10] distance, portion, middle frequency
[FEATURE ID: 11] multi-band antenna, common conductorwaveguide, line, conductor, monopole, busbar, dielectric, wire[FEATURE ID: 11] single conductive wire
[TRANSITIVE ID: 12] securedcoupled, adjacent, connected, attached, relative, contiguous[TRANSITIVE ID: 12] proximate, parallel
[FEATURE ID: 13] edge, angle sucharc, orientation, interface, element, endpoint, extension, opening[FEATURE ID: 13] operational wavelength, edge, electrical length
[FEATURE ID: 14] arms, segments, adjacent segments, adjacent onesedges, members, sides, sections, legs, portions, arcs[FEATURE ID: 14] planar surfaces
[FEATURE ID: 15] partlength, perimeter, shape, surface[FEATURE ID: 15] dimension
[FEATURE ID: 16] tenthhalf, second, sixth, fifth, twelfth, period, twentieth[FEATURE ID: 16] quarter, quarter wavelength, wavelength
[FEATURE ID: 17] claimembodiment, preceding claim, claimed, requirement, feature, aspect, clair[FEATURE ID: 17] claim
[FEATURE ID: 18] antenna feeding pointport, gap, frequency, end, slot[FEATURE ID: 18] free end
1 . A mobile communication device [FEATURE ID: 1]

comprising [TRANSITIVE ID: 2]

: communications circuitry ; a circuit board [FEATURE ID: 3]

comprising a ground plane [FEATURE ID: 4]

and a feeding point [FEATURE ID: 4]

, the feeding point being [TRANSITIVE ID: 5]

coupled [TRANSITIVE ID: 6]

to the communications circuitry ; a mounting [TRANSITIVE ID: 7]

structure [FEATURE ID: 8]

positioned [TRANSITIVE ID: 9]

within the mobile communication device , a section [FEATURE ID: 10]

of the mounting structure extending [TRANSITIVE ID: 9]

over the circuit board ; and a multi-band antenna [FEATURE ID: 11]

secured [TRANSITIVE ID: 12]

to the mounting structure and laterally offset [TRANSITIVE ID: 9]

from an edge [FEATURE ID: 13]

of the ground plane , the multi-band antenna comprising : a common conductor [FEATURE ID: 11]

coupled to the feeding point ; first and second radiating arms [FEATURE ID: 14]

coupled to and extending from the common conductor ; and a space - filling curve constituting at least a part [FEATURE ID: 15]

of the first radiating arm , wherein the space - filling curve comprises at least ten segments [FEATURE ID: 14]

that are shorter than a tenth [FEATURE ID: 16]

of a free - space operating wavelength [FEATURE ID: 10]

of the multi-band antenna , each of the segments being connected to its neighboring segments at an angle such [FEATURE ID: 13]

that no pair [FEATURE ID: 10]

of adjacent segments [FEATURE ID: 14]

defines a longer straight segment [FEATURE ID: 10]

, wherein any periodicity [FEATURE ID: 10]

of the space - filling curve along a fixed straight direction [FEATURE ID: 10]

of space involves a periodic structure [FEATURE ID: 4]

having a period [FEATURE ID: 4]

defined by a non-periodic curve [FEATURE ID: 10]

comprising at least ten connected segments in which no pair of adjacent ones [FEATURE ID: 14]

of the connected segments defines a longer straight segment . 2 . The mobile communication device of claim [FEATURE ID: 17]

1 , wherein the antenna feeding point [FEATURE ID: 18]

is located at a position [FEATURE ID: 10]

on the circuit board corresponding to a corner [FEATURE ID: 10]

of the ground plane . 3 . The mobile communication device of claim 1 , wherein a total length [FEATURE ID: 10]

of the first radiating arm is greater than a total length of the second radiating arm . 4 . The mobile communication device of claim 3 , wherein the second radiating arm of the multi-band antenna includes a linear section adjacent [FEATURE ID: 4]

1 . An antenna assembly [FEATURE ID: 8]

for use [FEATURE ID: 7]

in a wireless communications device [FEATURE ID: 1]

, the antenna assembly comprising [TRANSITIVE ID: 2]

: a conductive ground plane element [FEATURE ID: 3]

; a high frequency resonator element having [TRANSITIVE ID: 2]

a conductive surface [FEATURE ID: 4]

disposed [TRANSITIVE ID: 9]

a predetermined distance [FEATURE ID: 10]

away from the ground plane element [FEATURE ID: 3]

and having a ground end and a free end [FEATURE ID: 18]

, said ground end being [TRANSITIVE ID: 5]

coupled [TRANSITIVE ID: 6]

to the ground plane element , said resonator element [FEATURE ID: 3]

having a shunt feed point [FEATURE ID: 4]

disposed on the conductive surface proximate the ground end ; a low frequency resonator element having a conductive surface disposed a predetermined distance away from the ground plane element and having a ground end and a free end , said ground end being coupled to the ground plane element ; and a conductive element functioning [TRANSITIVE ID: 9]

as high impedance transmission line , said conductive element coupling the low frequency resonator element to the high frequency resonator element , said conductive element having a first end and a second end , said first end being connected proximate [FEATURE ID: 12]

to the shunt feed point and said second end being connected at the free end of the low frequency resonator element . 2 . An antenna according to claim [FEATURE ID: 17]

1 , wherein the ground plane element is defined by a portion [FEATURE ID: 10]

of the ground traces [FEATURE ID: 4]

of a printed wiring board [FEATURE ID: 1]

. 3 . An antenna according to claim 1 , wherein the ground plane element has a dimension [FEATURE ID: 15]

of at least one - quarter [FEATURE ID: 16]

of an operational wavelength [FEATURE ID: 13]

. 4 . An antenna according to claim 1 , wherein the high frequency resonator element includes a plurality of generally planar surfaces [FEATURE ID: 14]

, including a top planar surface [FEATURE ID: 4]

which is generally parallel [FEATURE ID: 12]

to the ground plane element . 5 . An antenna according to claim 1 , wherein the high frequency resonator element and the low frequency resonator element are coupled to the ground plane element proximate an edge [FEATURE ID: 13]

of the ground plane element . 6 . An antenna according to claim 1 , wherein the conductive element functioning as a high impedance transmission line is selected from among the group including : a single conductive wire [FEATURE ID: 11]

, a microstrip transmission line , and a bent metal conductor [FEATURE ID: 4]

. 7 . An antenna according to claim 1 , wherein the conductive element functioning as a high impedance transmission line has an electrical length [FEATURE ID: 13]

of approximately one - quarter wavelength [FEATURE ID: 16]

of a wavelength [FEATURE ID: 16]

proximate a middle frequency [FEATURE ID: 10]